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Posts posted by VaAllDay757

  1. 58 minutes ago, tikyle said:


    Reggie played 7 games and had 503 yds, 38 receptions and 2 TDs.  That's 71 yd/gm.  That ranked 17th for the season.  If you extrapolate his stats to 16 games his totals (would have been) 5 TD, 87 rec and 1150 yds.  That would have put him right around TY numbers for that year (5 TD, 82 rec, 1083 yds) which was about 20th.  I believe you're thinking of another Reggie Wayne season or you are downplaying how good receivers were in 2013.

    I meant his 2012 season where he had around 1300 yards or so that season he was playing lights out that season

  2. He said they laid down which they did unfortunately....I'm glad someone is finally doing this I'm tired of this softness around this team they don't really play with an attitude or have someone keep them fired up at all times this what this team always needed but never executed on it

  3. 3 minutes ago, tikyle said:


    I don't know about that.  Mike Adams has played better than Dwight Lowery ever played for us.  TY is a top 5 WR right now.  Reggie wasn't that in 2012 or 2013.  Luck is supposed to be a better/wiser player now.  The offensive line sure is more stable than it was then.  So is our defensive line.


    I just can't say we were better then.  The record was better but just think in 2012 or 2013 the Jags and Titans were jokes and the Texans were below average.  Now the Jags are below average (they still beat us) and the Texans and Titans are average football teams.  It's a world of difference.  We can't just write in 6 wins before the season starts.  Oh and the Texans are average w/o their best player.  Imagine if #99 ever returns to form.  That team instantly becomes the Chiefs of these last few years.

    Reggie was a top 5 wr in 2013 until he tore his acl I think he was #4 in receiving yards

  4. 2 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

    The part about the WRs not getting open falls partly on the OC, in my opinion.  He should call plays that get the WRs open.  Call slants, screens, rub routes, etc.  Bunch your receivers so the DBs can't jam them.  There are ways to put your players in better positions than what our OC is currently doing.

    Yeah that's been a problem for a while they rarely call slants which is very effective against the defense they draw these long routes up and still expect them to get open without luck getting hit

  5. 1 hour ago, DougDew said:

    I think the problem is that the QB will leave his TE one on one with Clowney, and not change the protection or to a play that rolls to the right.

    The way the formation was setup allen had to block clowney in that situation unless luck wanted to waste a timeout and change the whole play but that's not luck fault that was chud fault for even calling that play

  6. It's more so the coaches....they don't know how to use the players strength to their best abilities.....run gore more outside.....use more bootleg plays with luck......do little trick plays with dorsett since he's very fast....defense we found something with butler at safety keep that in mind....do more press coverage with vonte and do more crossing blitzes since it's been effective when necessary but they're too dumb to realize that

  7. 34 minutes ago, will426 said:

    It's not that they forget the league knows he can run the damn coaches just don't allow him to take advantage of his athleticism..thier dline didn't care about containing luck they were just crashing every play  which is how luck got that play off..but how do you only run it ONE TIME 

    No what I mean is the opposing teams are not used to seeing luck run the ball much like wilson does with seattle if luck ran the option more it would really help alot more on short yard situations and true it does seem chuck and them are holding luck back from using his legs more than he does

  8. 1 minute ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

    I don't know how everyone is shocked that we are losing division games now they are improving slowly and we are declining at a rapid pace

    That's the thing they're not really improving....houston still have a trash qb and their secondary sucks and titans secondary is trash also the only thing that has improved is their running game and the jaguars...well they only won 2 games don't need to explain that

  9. 35 minutes ago, relkins said:

    Why does everybody get these swelled heads when we play well against really bad teams and then seem surprised when losing against good teams?

    Houston is not a good team that's the thing neither are the jags but we lost to them

  10. 2 minutes ago, Somewhere ovr the Waynebow said:

    It's hard to really understand what's happening here. As bad as the talent of this team has been,  the coaching staff has been much much worse. 


    I just don't understand why this coaching staff can't see what is so incredibly obvious.  The offensive game plan has not worked all year and the staff stubbornly refused to adapt even in the slightest.  This offense is incredibly predictable.  It's why we get blitzed constantly.  It's why a depleted Houston offense can cover our recievers. It's not intelligent.  It's why we throw screens on 4th and one.  It's why we constantly in shotgun on third and short. 


    The defense is the product of the lack of talent but we see bad coaching decisions.  Not play McGill. Sticking Erik Walden back in coverage.  Matching a hurt Vontae one on one with Antonio Brown. 


    Talent on this team is subpar.  But with a decent staff this is a team that would be winning the division.


    Let's also be clear: Irsay isn't firing anyone.  Based on his comments,  he's acknowledged their vision has been incorrect. And they are in a rebuild.  He's committed to Pagano and Grigson.  Mark my words: no one is getting fired. 

    This has basically been the issue for 3 years straight and nothing has changed

  11. 5 hours ago, Somewhere ovr the Waynebow said:

    But would you put in? I'd rather play Morrison then Mcnary.  Truth there is no good options.  I'm surprised they didn't sign Nate Irving or workout a vet like James laurenitus (maybe they did and press doesn't know.)

    Man at this point I would try deon king and see what he has to offer

  12. 1 hour ago, Peyton1816 said:


    You may have said that last year, but I certainly didn't.


    On Monday, Colts win it. No problem.

    Yeah....ok it's the same jets team from last year nothing has changed with them....like I said same thing was expected last year and we saw how it went

  13. 3 hours ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

    I wouldn't be so sure.  Tenn is at home, Denver does not look like the team from a year ago and if you look at Denver's losses the perfect recipe to be successful against them is a decent running attack with 2 running backs and a QB that can hurt them running as well which Tenn has.  Tenn also has a a pretty decent pass rush.  There not going to be scared of Trevor Siemian or Paxton Lynch.  I hope your right though, I'd love to see the Titans lose to Denver and KC but at least beat Houston, that'd be best case scenario. 

    That sounds good but remember who their coach is....I bet you he will try to air it out he will think denver will play the running game for the most part and titan defense is not all that their secondary is super trash

  14. 5 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

    If the Colts beat the Jets then beat Houston they'd be 7-6.  If Houston loses to both Green Bay and Indy they'd be 6-7.  The Colts would still have 2 losses in the division and the Texans would only have 1.  The Colts have to play Jax at home and the Texans have to play Jax at home and @ Tenn.  Minnesota and Oakland aren't going to be easy games for the Colts either.  Honestly, if Tenn can beat Den at home, which I think they can, they have two good running backs and a QB that can run with a decent defense, then Tenn is more of a risk to the Colts than Houston.  The good thing is the Colts own the tie breaker with Tenn.

    Tennessee won't beat the broncos their defense is still top notch and titans pass isn't all that we need houston to keep losing we have the tiebreaker against the titans

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