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Posts posted by VaAllDay757

  1. 2 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    You forget that Chad Johnson had some pretty awesome seasons in cincy,  as did Carson Palmer.    If we had a coach go 13 years without a single playoff win,  this place would go nuts.

    Palmer is not that good he had one maybe 2 good seasons with the bengals other than that he was not that good they lost quite a few games because of him

  2. Yeah it's obvious they not using him right and when they do it shows how effective he can be they need stop with this dumb idea and just make plays to get any wr open so the offense can score immediately 

  3. 42 minutes ago, runthepost said:

    They have a better O-line and D-line and if they get a play maker on D and a Wr then they will be 2nd best team behind the texans

    Their o-line is not all that great when it comes to protecting their qb did you see what happened to him today????

  4. 1 hour ago, NorthernBlue said:

    Interested to see what they do with the o line now that Reitz and Good are back. They had a good game last week but it's been stated that the o line has played very well the last few weeks anyways. I'd honestly like to keep it the way it was last week and see what else the young guys can do. And also wanna see more Harrison at guard 

    They're probably go back the o-line with anthony, harrison, kelly, good, and haeg I think good is better at right tackle though 

  5. 1 hour ago, zibby43 said:

    Gruden loves his current gig.  It's low stress, high exposure, and he's swimming in cash. 


    Even if Gruden was interested in making a comeback, I don't understand the appeal of Gruden, at all.  He won a Super Bowl on the back of Tony Dungy's defense.  He did modernize/retool the Tampa Bay offense, to an extent, but the defense was far and away the team's strength.


    Dungy (with the help of Monte Kiffin) constructed, or should I say, perfected, the Tampa 2 defense prior to Gruden's arrival.  In 2002, the defense that Dungy and Kiffin left behind led the league in the following categories: 1) total defense; 2) points allowed; and 3) interceptions. 


    That had not been done since the '85 Bears.

    Do ya'll know what he did with the raiders???? Nobody brings that up 

  6. 7 hours ago, jbaron04 said:

    I don't know why guys love gruden he is washed up bin out the game for 10 years, irsay would be crazy to hire a guy who is a proven loser. And I truly like the staff we just need more play makers 

    Yeah you really don't know what you talking about

  7. 5 hours ago, Jason_S said:


    Disagree. Teams have been trying to run to the opposite side of where he's lined up since he got here.

    Naw they run it whereever they see the hole at and they have ran it right past walden....like the steelers, texans, even the rams did it

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