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Posts posted by VaAllDay757

  1. 2 hours ago, Indeee said:

    Look... all of this talk as an uncomfortable situation is hogwash...


    Irsay needs and probably will sit these 2 knuckleheads down, especially Pagano and say " look I agreed to both extensions but not being able to beat a HORRIBLE AFC south to make the playoffs with the top QB in the division is unacceptable... NO EXCUSES and youre damn right I'm gonna replace you if I can because clearly you are in over your head, so consider yourself as dead guys walking regardless of whether you are here next year or not. Either get it together or get out!!"


    Thats it and that's all wrapped in a bow...

    This pretty much sums it up....now chuck know where he stands maybe it will put some sense into his head and actually do a good job coaching

  2. 2 hours ago, Jason_S said:


    correction, he never earned a chance to do anything.



    What other players are available to be signed right now?  Would you rather Grigson just sit around and do nothing right now?  You probably would, just so you could then complain about him not doing anything right now to try to improve the team.  Classic case of damned if he does...damned if he doesn't. 

    Why are you riding my jock? I made a comment about the post dude might get cut anyway nothing much is gonna happen until the season is over obviously 

  3. 3 minutes ago, James Ducheteau said:

    We only get to the AFC CG because Luck and Hilton put up and incredible 2nd half against a KC team with out their stud RB or QB. Good coaching had nothing to do with it. Routinely being out coached and having to rely on heroic efforts form your star players to even get back into games has hurt this team's development greatly. 

    Naw we beat KC the year before they went to the AFC Championship game

  4. 8 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Who cares about this?


    Even if the sign was never posted it's clear that most everyone on this website would like one, if not both of them fired now.    


    We know that.     The sign is just stating the obvious.


    And, again,  we get back to this...........       Who?        Cares?


    The fans want them fired.      The owner is not ready to do that at this time.     So, there we are.


    And if someone posts another sign a week from now,  I'm going to say it again......


    Who cares?


    Can we move on please?


    I'm tell you what I told the other ones you don't like it then leave...anything colts related can be posted up here

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