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Posts posted by VaAllDay757

  1. To all those whining about us not addressing CB depth in the draft. Have you not given ample thought to the fact that upgraded front 7 will have a dramatic effect on Coverage. 


    If we can effectively collapse the pocket with the front 7 coverage will be dramatically easier for the back 4. Simple football here people. By watching the draft and free agency moves it is apparent to me the coaching staff feels the coverage will improve with who we have on hand, in the back 4.


    In Grigson and Pagano I trust!


    Go COLTS!!!

    No that doesnt work all the time.....pittsburgh stay with good front 7 but their corners are average at best and atleast two of them get burned all the time so no that theory doesnt always work especially with us because half the time our secondary stay with injuries so we still need to bring in a corner for depth reasons

  2. Price and gordy are better than vaughn. If he bulks up and gains about 10 lbs, I reckon price will have reserved his place on the roster.

    In which case, since we already have 4 Cbs on the roster, which means the last spot would be between vaughn, gordy or Daxton swanson, which means there is a 66% chance vaughn doesn't make the roster.

    Did price even get any playing time last season? gordy played very little I doubt they're better than vaughn colts resigned him for a reason and it's not to bench him either

  3. We needed an upgrade at C, unless you really think Satele/Shipley will do the job.  I don't, and apparently neither does the Colts staff.  I can see the DT argument, but the last pick of the draft (TE) is essentially a throwaway. 


    Really, though, these picks were about picking up value where the strength of the draft was... and that was offensive line, pass rushers, and defensive line.  You can get better cornerbacks, wide receivers, etc next year, when those positions are better stocked.  Remember, you're going to be reaching for picks if you try to fix everything at once.

    Satele wasnt that bad when he got hurt that's when things took a turn for the worse.......but not only did we get a DT we traded up for him which to me makes it even worse because we should've traded up for someone more worthy this guy might just make the practice squad and not even get some playing time but we'll see how things turn out

  4. ^ This.

    Just cause we draft names you haven't heard of or people you don't like doesn't mean it's a bad draft. How many of us wanted Dwayne Allen after we picked Fleener, or ever heard of TY Hilton? Two studs, many didn't like those picks at the time, but how quick the tune changed over the season. Wait it out, I trust our talent evaluators enough to not disagree with any pick (besides a QB).


    It's not even that we drafted in a few positions we didnt need like DT, TE, C......we drafted a safety and no cornerback and that's where we most thin at as far as depth

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