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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 5 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I think there are about 30 franchises who would KILL to get to the conference championship three straight years and lose.  

    I think you make way too much out of way too little.  


    Of course there is. I wouldn't be mad either. But I'm not making too much out of "too little." Little is not having a window of a few years to keep a very top heavy roster in tact because your starting qb counts for a million towards the cap. They have 5 players that will have an over 20 mil cap hit for the next several years. Trent Williams is projected to be over 30. If you don't view this as a window for a championship, i dont know what to tell you. To continue to not even get there, let alone not win one, would be a MASSIVE disappointment for the 49ers. They are in championship mode... not losing in the conference championship year after year. This is a big year for them.

  2. 1 minute ago, ColtStrong2013 said:

    With the roster that they have built, yes there will be question marks if they lose in the conference championship three straight years...


    ...especially if Purdy gets hurt or falls on his face. That will be the big one. 

    Right now, I think they are hands down favorites in the NFC. But there's a lot of football to be played.

  3. 1 minute ago, #12. said:

    In 2018, we had made the playoffs in 17 of 24 years?  Something like that.  


    I don't remember his name, but there's a Lions fan on YouTube who makes Colts videos.  Why?  Because he feels sorry for us.  According to him, we're a down and out franchise that never gets any media attention, so he wants to shine a light on some of our players.


    It was playoffs in 17 of 24 years, and now "Lions" fans are making pity videos for us.


    Lions are a home win away from playing for a superbowl birth. They deserve it, but imagine being sorry for anyone but yourself as a Lions fan. Lol.

    1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

    “If they don’t make the Super Bowl they’ll have major question marks.”


    I think there are all sorts of things that could happen and few would say they have major question marks.  

    Is it a shame to lose in the NFC Championship game?    Is it a shame to lose on a fluke finish?   A late field goal? 
    Stuff happens every season.   I rarely subscribe to the theory if a team doesn’t reach the Super Bowl their season was a failure or they now have major question marks. 


    With the roster that they have built, yes there will be question marks if they lose in the conference championship three straight years...

  4. 2 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Andrew luck retired. Some of you forget we weee in the playoffs when he came back and were considered a SB contender before he retired ten days before the season.

    The Ballard hate is humorous to me. He inherited a pretty lousy roster and a battered franchise qb. We've been about as competitive as anyone would have expected to be in that circumstance. Sure, other teams might have continued their dysfunctional way of managing by firing and hiring new managers and coaches during the last 8 years, but it wouldn't have resulted in much. We are coming off the closest season to a divisional title that we've had since Andrew Luck was under center and are going into the most promising offseason we have had since 2019 when he retired abruptly.

    I think the continuity and patience that Irsay family has shown since Luck's retirement is exactly why we continue to be in the same discussions by a majority of the league as the question that was posed in the original post. Why is the indianapolis colts so competitive even after Manning/Luck have been long gone. If this franchise takes a jump next year, those comments and the franchise record over the past 24 years will be shown more and more.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


    You could say the same for the Indianapolis Colts. We've had 5 below .500 seasons since 1999... 49ers had 14, i believe. 



    And by the way, Since Ballard was hired as GM, we share the same below .500 seasons (3) as the 49ers... They have won their division 3 times, and were 3rd and 4th twice each in their divisions in that timeframe. We obviously have zero division titles in that timeframe, but have never finished 4th under Ballard, and have been 2nd in the division 4 times. 

    I don't think they are good example. Just recency bias, even though they haven't accomplished much other than 1 seeds. If they don't make it to the superbowl again this year, they'll have major question marks. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, indyagent17 said:

    I’ve been putting a lot of thought to this just thinking about it how come Pittsburgh has never had a losing season. Why was the New England so good for so many years? Why is San Francisco always competing for championship? It’s because they have great owners that their general managers on the team. Great coaching from the entire staff and steller scouting. Rarely missing on draft picks

    San Fran really doesn’t belong in this discussion. They have been so hit and miss over the last two decades, you can’t reasonably say they are “always competing for a championship.” 

    from 2014-2018 season they were 25-55. they were 6-10 in 2020. They’ve lost two superbowls in modern era. I’m not saying they aren’t a solid franchise, but let’s be real. 

    • Like 3
  7. 1 minute ago, BProland85 said:

    Freeland only needs to be a very good swing tackle. 



    man, if Smith can stay healthy, Anthony Richardson (if he can stay healthy too) is going to play with one of the best tackle combos in the league. 

    • Like 3
  8. 2 hours ago, AustexColt said:

    I am tired of trading back for more picks. Get that great WR like a Jamarr Chase. Alex Pierce is a nice player but not a savvy player like TY Hilton. If the Texans can develop players Dell and Collins in one year, why can't we?  Reggie Wayne and Steichen need to work harder

    i saw cj stroud only throwing to dell and Collins this year… 

  9. 6 hours ago, teganslaw said:

    The media has lost even more credibility recently. I saw several headlines (didn't read the articles) about how Taylor Swift braved frigid temperatures to attend the KC game. I'm sure she was freezing in her heated suite, and the walk from her limo to the stadium must have been rough. 🙄


    Do they actually think people buy this nonsense? Maybe some actually think she's so brave. It's because of these articles that I couldn't care less about Swift. 


    Vent over. Just had to post on the stupidity of the media. 

    they aren’t stupid… they know exactly what they are doing, which is pandering to what is a very large new viewership in the nfl in the swiftie culture. 

  10. 56 minutes ago, BProland85 said:

    Bowers can do it all at TE. He can block good enough to be effective. With proper coaching he could be as good a blocker as Kittle potentially. 

    this is how I feel about him. 

    he’s going to get bigger in the nfl. As Ballard has said many times, guys just get bigger as they get older and especially in nfl weight programs. Any knock on his blocking is because of his size, not because of his effort. He is as elite as they come as a pass catcher. I certainly wouldn’t pass him up for something that he will no doubt get better at regarding blocking… He would move sticks and make big plays in this offense. The biggest problem he poses is a mismatch against virtually everyone that would be tasked with defending him. Some of the most efficient offenses in the past decade had/has a major advantage at tight end. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    That’s why I said there would be more picks. Maybe a player. I was just highlighted swapping of picks and next years first. This would be the time to do it with QB and LT locked up. It’s not happening because I doubt cardinals would trade the pick. NE is a wildcard too depending on what they do at QB.

    there is always that possibility- that another team values him and is in position to put a better offer on the table. 

    I think he’s too expensive. Especially given the depth of the receiving class in this draft. If we didn’t trade up to get CJ Stroud over Anthony Richardson, then we are certainly not going to trade up even further to get MJH over another explosive receiver. 

    just hope they both pan out correctly 

  12. Just now, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Let me start by saying we aren’t getting Harrison. This is just a hypothetical. Colts have their QB and LT. So would you swap 1sts and give up a 25 first for Harrison? There would be other picks involved but the future first is thr most important. Probably something I would do since we have the QB and LT.

    I don’t think it would get the trade done. Going to take more. 

    if you look at a draft chart, you have to consider a future pick as a lower value than current year.


    I don’t think anyone here sees Ballard making any kind of move like that ever. If anything, they are going to justify not doing it by saying they can get an explosive receiver where they are. It’s just not going to happen. 

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, Happy2BeHere said:

    Unless you are picking with the number 1 overall pick I don’t believe a word from anyone when they say “this is who we wanted all along above everyone else” hehe


    if they were convicted on any player outside of Richardson, they would have traded up to make sure they got them. 

    but they didn’t. They stayed put and picked Richardson and said they had been following him since August… 

  14. Just now, adubb84 said:

    Not I. They’ll never stop drooling over Stroud. Then? AR has to play in his shadow until he proves he can be on the same level. I Don't want that lol. 

    AR can play in Stroud’s shadow (albeit very well) and the colts can still beat the Texans in the division. They don’t have to be mutually exclusive. 

    • Like 2
  15. On 1/12/2024 at 3:32 PM, #12. said:

    The Atlanta game was a worse failure than the Raiders game from 2021

    respectfully disagree. 

    we had a much more expensive qb under center and a roster full of pro-bowlers, playing at home in a play-in game similar to the Houston game. We were up in that game. We had everything in front of us and let it go. Not even a comparison in my mind. 

    1 hour ago, horseshoecrabs said:

    Don't let," if only we did this", get to you. We had a pretty decent year considering. Besides we were not going anywhere even if we made the playoffs this year.   

    we could beat this Browns team… 

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, JediXMan said:

    2005 AFC divisional round Colt- Steelers. If Nick Harper cuts to the sideline after the Bettis fumble. Colts win and most likely beats Broncos and Seahawks to win the Super Bowl.


    If Nick Harper's homegirl didn't stab him in the leg...


    There is a great article about Dick Lebeau dialing in on Manning's "fake tempo offense." They got spanked the first game that year, and preparing for the playoff game, he had them wait until under 10 seconds to show anything. He'd figured out the tempo offense that year. Manning would show it was up-tempo, wait until the defense showed their hand, and then adjust. It worked in the first half, and Manning & co. made adjustments and started making their comeback. 

    That play was an incredible play, but you could be right on the "what-if?" If Harper hits the sideline and takes the house, it would be one of the all-time greatest defensive plays in the history of the game, given the circumstances. 

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