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Everything posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. Do you think they have $2 billion cash? they might have made them owners just for the ability to have a smooth transition when he dies… until the tax bill comes in which may require significant funding and/or selling some/all of the organization to pay. its like family farms and small family corporations on a larger scale. They keep disappearing because once grandpa dies, it’s just a lot easier to sell to the private equity firms or large corporations that are lurking in the shadows, than to deal with the nightmare that is death taxes. you can plan all you want; but it’s hard to plan for a business that keeps growing in value 15-20% annually. It isn’t going to stop.
  2. nope. Carmel police specifically listed the call as overdose… media would not rush to that conclusion with such little information. They literally reported what the Carmel police report said. With quotes from the officers on scene, one saying “At this time, it is unknown what Mr. Irsay had ingested prior to our arrival.” the officer that administered narcan said he responded “slightly” to it. Which means nothing, only what he is interpreting as a slight response. seems like a bogus report of an overdose to me, and more like an actual health emergency.
  3. its not nonsense. If his girls weren’t transferred a significant ownership stake and he handled (or is in the process of handling) that portion of estate tax, then they are going to be faced with a massive tax bill. Massive. Colts are valued by Forbes at over $4 billion. He was offered a billion for his museum alone, reportedly.
  4. well that was back when news wasn’t meant for clicks and engagement. The majority of crap that gets the most engagement on the web would be buried in an old newspaper, if it even made it (like you referred to).
  5. I can’t even put any blame on a news agency for reporting the news, and the news was from the Carmel police department. They reported something that could legitimately be incorrect, and it was undoubtedly damaging to both Mr. Irsay and the Indianapolis Colts reputation.
  6. that’s true. Good attorneys backed by deep pockets can put pressure on anyone…
  7. “out of line.” lol. Hardly. So they can assume he overdosed without any mention of medication, and the caller specifically stating they thought he was having congestive heart failure… you know from years of drug abuse. I’m not the one that reported a medical emergency being “suspected drug overdose” leading to every news organization in America putting that on their headlines. all I said was that I hope drugs weren’t involved, and if so… and it would be able to substantiated as he no doubt had a blood draw through whoever ended up caring for him. unfortunately after researching some, police are pretty well protected on reporting and defamation claims. No surprise there.
  8. Speak for yourself Chloe. How did they know he had a history of addiction? For the same reason they should have known that filing their report that way would be a media's dream for clicks/engagement? If they speculated it was a drug overdose because of who he was and for no other reason, then their report is a bigger issue than I am making it... especially when the 911 call mentioned a different health cause (maybe he has congestive heart failure and has been recently under a doctor's supervision for it, did you think that might be a real possibility?)
  9. Yeah. I really hope that there were no drugs involved, and that he sues the ever-living % out of the Carmel police for a false report suspecting drug overdose. If this made national news for a health issue that wasn't reported correctly, there needs to be accountability.
  10. I was mostly joking. I’d rather think that money could be better spent distributing it across the roster for improvement.
  11. Who would do just fine? Insurance companies? lol… I’m sure you’re right… it’s just $1.6 trillion annually. I guess they could sell property insurance in Florida to make up the difference… oh wait.
  12. I don’t know why a coach would feel compelled to be on twitter… Nothing good comes from posting on stuff like that. “ I don’t even know what to tell my safeties.” That’s a problem to admit publicly. How about “don’t lower your shoulder into the helmet of a diving player, like the one that about knocked our best receiver out of the season.” Is that hard to say? Apparently so for Mike, now he’s unemployed. And I would go as far to say no longer employable in the national football league. He broke several unwritten rules there.
  13. Nevermind found it. pretty sure this forum said he wouldn’t be here in 2024 after this… it’s ironic, because that’s indeed what his safeties did this year
  14. Can someone refresh what Mike Mitchell said towards the end of season. Wasn’t there some controversy there?
  15. This is no surprise after the report of Davis talking about not wanting to pair a rookie head coach with a rookie GM. Telesco was the only one that had GM experience.
  16. I agree. My point was that we haven’t even seen a truly focused Steichen yet.
  17. The thought that keeps coming to my mind is this: How much more could we have gotten out of Shane Steichen the coach if he wasn’t juggling between coaching a team fighting for the playoffs and coaching up the 4th pick overall that is sidelined with injury? I’ve seen throughout the year people say AR is soaking up information. Always with an iPad. Always next to coach asking questions. That is a difficult situation for a rookie head coach. Coach for this year, but also prepping for the coming years by getting an injured qb up to speed. Meeting individually with him often. Maybe that is just Shane, but I can’t imagine when AR is healthy, he is spending much time with other quarterbacks…
  18. I get what you are saying, but is Adam schefter, who largely uses social media to report his news, just pretending? Or is it more likely he has information? this came from an nfl insider… and now it’s reported that Brian Johnson is not likely returning to Philly as OC. So while it may be speculation that they will attempt to get Jim Bob, it could also be highly likely there have been discussions, which is where the reports are stemming from. It’s not like it came from a forum board or some nobody on twitter.
  19. It said he was unresponsive and had a weak pulse when they arrived, so I would assume both in pulse rate and any sort of response could be interpreted that way. It’s a pretty vague report…
  20. I agree. I think personnel, especially at safety has been limiting for Gus. I don't think it's ironic Ballard talked about needing to improve the safety play. I think they like Blackmon, and will look to retain him, but I see Ballard potentially being aggressive at the safety position in Free agency. I know they like Scott coming back from injury, but he's still raw. They want a veteran back there as a major upgrade.
  21. It's speculative based on the report that Carmel police gave. It was listed by the authorities (not the media) that it was suspected overdose. He responded "slightly" to narcan, and was turning blue upon their arrival. No mention of drugs used, just speculated by authorities. Of course the Colts are going to state it was respiratory illness. If there is no definitive proof (aside from what most certainly will not be released to the media by any doctors that cared for him following the event), then they can control the narrative. The media ran with the "suspected overdose" line big time, and created their own narrative that the Colts were just doing damage control. 🤷‍♂️
  22. Insurance makes the world go round. If insurance fails, then the dominos fall. The U.S monetary system (and a great chunk of the global system) is entirely built around a type of trust in the dollar, which is backed by the US government, which is insured, hence the insurance makes the world go round. Healthcare insurance, in my opinion, will never be "solved" in this country. The entire system is now at their mercy, and if the government tries to socialize medicine, it would fail entirely before anything new would be built. We cannot even perceive how devastating that would be. But I digress, because I don't disagree. When a licensed practitioner cannot authorize a certain exam because there are steps that insurance requires leading up to that exam, it's a real problem. To make matters worse, the backlog (especially after Covid shutdowns) of even getting into a physician, especially in specialty, causes even more issues with the said necessary steps, just to schedule an exam deemed necessary by a practitioner. In short, it's a mess.
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