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  1. This team is a joke. 

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    2. adamthyst


      I want better coaching and smarter front office decisions. Grigson's last few drafts were okay but that doesn't change the fact he hasn't built a good team around Luck. They all need to work together to actually accomplish championships.


      I want consistency in the play as well. I'm tired of them changing things around and playing relaxed even if we have a big lead. Monachino's prevent defense is so awful it sickens me. 


      Why care about gender in this age? If they're a good coach, hire them. 

    3. southwest1


      I think the reason we play relaxed is because our secondary meaning DBs in the secondary minus Davis feels like a revolving injury door a lot. I just wish INDY could find a strength & conditioning coach that actually kept players loose, flexible, & ready to roll week in week out. 


      I wish a journalist in the NFL would write an in depth expose on which teams keep their players healthy the longest during the season & breakdown what criteria makes a solid staff on the rehab & endurance front across the league. 


      It's not all Monachino's fault though. Our pass rush isn't great outside of Mathis, Walden, Jackson, & Langford. It's not like we have Buffalo's defense in our arsenal. 


      Regarding your last 2 sentences, the NFL is slow to adapt to change. Look at how long it took to adopt independent concussion experts & protocols. Or even hire female NFL referees. Yes, I know team owners can hire who ever they want to coach & coordinate a roster. However, sexism still exists in 2016 & getting a full time opportunity to instruct players in a specific unit isn't as commonplace as one would currently hope it is. It's changing for the better thankfully, but the pacing is slow in NFL ownership circles in terms of permanent coordinator positions or running the whole program as a woman. 


      All I'm saying is this: Just because society has evolved, it doesn't always translate to meaningful hires in high profile jobs or salaries traditionally held by men for women in the 21st Century. That's reality. I don't agree with it, but longterm change always moves at glacier speed. 

    4. adamthyst


      We need to find other decent corners to help Vontae Davis out. Also, the strength & conditioning is killing these players too so we need a new one of those too.


      We don't have any talent in the pass rush, so we NEED to be LB heavy in this upcoming draft, which has so much talent coming out of it on the defensive side of the ball. But still, Monachino still hasn't lived up to par of what he should have been doing. We're the 30th/31st ranked defense in the NFL, we're not stopping anyone with it.


      Thank God, what they also need to fix is the "No Fun League" aspect, because players are getting fined for even staring at the opposing team this season. It's ridiculous and sucking the fun out of this game.


      Things could be better or worse for this team, but at least we aren't the Browns.

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