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Status Updates posted by JPPT1974

  1. Bring on the NFL Season!

    1. Coltsince4


      Almost there!! Feels like it's been years to me...............

    2. southwest1


      "Four Score & 7 years ago" last season ended...It does seem like ages or an eternity seem Baltimore won their SB doesn't it? Let's roll shall we...Time's a wastin'....

  2. I am like a kid in the hall!

    1. Carlos Danger

      Carlos Danger

      ...like the sketch comedy group from the early 90s?

    2. southwest1


      What are you doing in the hall JPPT? "Smoking in the boys room?" Motley Crue joke. Yes, SW1 got your Kids in the hall comedy reference. Very clever there JPPT! :)

    3. JPPT1974


      Yep love the Kids in the Hall. Beginning to notice them just recently. BTW, they are from Canada!

  3. Camp Is Finally Here!

  4. Training Camp Here!

    1. southwest1


      Yes, there is a God & that deity loves smash mouth, old school football too. :D

    2. JPPT1974


      Sure that there was!

  5. Training Camp is Coming!

    1. southwest1


      It's time like this I think of Kool & the Gang's song line: "Celebrate good times come on! It's a celebration!" :D

  6. Hope you all had a great July 4th!

    1. southwest1


      Thank you for asking JPPT. I hope you had a nice independence day too. I didn't anything spectacular, but it was okay.

    2. Nadine


      wonderful weekend with lots of great weather. we were pretty chill......except for yesterday we cleaned out the garage

  7. All My Life is A Circle!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. southwest1


      Actually, my life is more like an octagon, a circle implies smooth edges that move & slide easily. Nothing in my life is ever smooth or easy. There is always a pothole or other obstruction on the road of life. Ha! Ha!

    3. Jay Kirk

      Jay Kirk

      Great point Brother lol

    4. JPPT1974


      FTR it is a Harry Chapin song!

  8. July 4th is Coming!

  9. Have a safe July 4th!

  10. Hope the rain here goes away!

    1. southwest1


      No rain in WI today just 76 degrees & beautiful. I don't mind rain that much & I am always glad to see it, provided that no major flooding occurs, because droughts & extreme humidity are quite common in July & August.

  11. At the Beach!

    1. MAC


      In my house listening to a torrential downpour! :)

    2. JPPT1974


      Andrea hit in Myrtle Beach here!

    3. southwest1


      Sand, sun, & serenity. Enjoy it JPPT1974! :)

  12. June to be here!

  13. Memorial Day is Coming!

  14. Mother's Day Coming Up!

  15. May Flowers to Come!

    1. southwest1


      At least May showers are better that a foot of Minnesota snow right? Crazy just crazy JPPT1974. :)

    2. JPPT1974


      Bet it is my friend to have snow!

  16. Finally got the second Suspect in Boston marathon, tragedy is over!

    1. southwest1


      Like momma always said "crime just doesn't pay in the longrun."

    2. chad72


      9/11 bombings - Pats win the SB. Now, it is Boston bombings on Patriots day, do you think the league will give a "tuck rule" call or two for the Pats in the playoffs to win it all? :)

    3. southwest1


      HA! HA! No, but the Pats should get to choose which individual sings the Natl. Anthem at every home NFL game this season for NE Chad. :D It seems appropriate to me anyway.

  17. It is rainy here in East TN!

    1. southwest1


      Yes, it has been cold, windy, & rainy here in Wisconsin the past few days too. Perfect weather if you are a duck IMO...Quack, Quack, Quack...Aflack? LOL :)

  18. April is Coming!

    1. southwest1


      Spring is officially here in my mind when all the snow melts & we have 1 solid week of 70 degree temperatures.

  19. Hope that you all wore green today!

  20. Wear green or be pinched tomorrow LOL!

  21. March is coming!

    1. southwest1


      Yes, March is right around the bend/corner isn't it? February seemed to fly by, but all the snow we got made it feel like a long month.

  22. February is Here!

  23. Happy Valentines!

    1. southwest1


      Thank you JPPT! Same 2U & your family as well. :D

    2. Nadine


      I came across this and I think.....this is real love:

    3. southwest1


      "She's my princess; I'm her William." That is really a beautiful sentiment. :) It's nice to know that love doesn't evaporate just because of a mental illness & that there are men in this world who believe in caring for their spouse "in sickness & in health." Thank you for sharing that Nadine :D

  24. Super Bowl Weekend is Here!

    1. southwest1


      Bring on the New Orleans Harbaugh SuperBro!

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