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Grading Grigson ( free agents +)



2012: The only player of note was Redding, who has been a big part of this era, with his experience and leadership, there were quite a few mid level players signed and none really stood out....Zbikowski-Avery-McKinney-McGlynn-Satele-Staton

2013: Again, there were quite a few players signed, including 1 big name player-Landry, who was just released. There were some productive or quality players....Hasselback-Toler-Butler-Cherilus-Francois-Havili-Bradshaw and Walden and some that didn't.....Franklin-Sidbury. Thomas was supposed to help solidify the O-line and has yet to play

2014: there weren't as many players signed this past off season, but 2 of them made the Pro Bowl (Adams and Jackson) ....Nicks and Jones didn't get alote of reps, but could still be factors, in the future

Summary: There are always going to "hit's" and " misses" in the draft and with free agency, but to be consistantly successfull, there has to be way more hit's, than misses. The first year didn't produce much, years #2 and #3 were very good.

In the draft, it is very important to hit on most of your high picks and hope you find a few nuggets in the later rounds.

It's ironic that in year #1, the draft was great and the free agents weren't and then year #2, it was reversed....... in year #3, both were solid. Grigson has shown he will look, anywhere and everywhere to find talent, guys like Adongo and Swoope and has done great bringing in Ex-CFL'ers like Freeman and Carter and well as a few others, he made a great deal, picking up Davis. With Luck and some of the other young talent due to get considerable increases in the near future, the misses will be magnified, the draft is going to be critical and the free agents signings, probably not as frequent. the bottom line is always going to be wins and losses and championships. Just like during the

Peyton era, if you have a franchise QB, you are going to win many games, in the regular season, to advance in the postseason and be a legit threat to go to and win a Super Bowl, you have to to be balanced and solid overall team, how successfull this era will be, in that regard, relies on how well Grigson can handle those decisions, up to now, it has been a mixed bag, the next few years will be extremely critical to how successfull this team will be and how Grigson will be judged.

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Hes had more misses but i think hes been doing ok although he tends to over pay for average players. not every signing is gonna be a good one and People say that Grigs hasnt fixed the OLine, hes tried signed C Satele (who was suppose to be good) Shipley, Costa( everyone seems to forget him he retiered) Gs McGlyn, Thomas, Louis, T Cherlius, and has drafted C Holmes G Thorton, Mewhort and T Urlick. Thats 11 moves directed at the Oline and unfortunately right now only Mewhort seems to be working sill undecided about cherlius. The saftey position has busted also Landry, Zbikowski, Boyett, and the other saftey that got arrested i forget his name

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Don't forget about 13' butter fingers DHB (Heywood-Bey). Grigson has been around second tier GM so far. Bradshaw(when not injured), Redding, and Davis have been great. He made solid attempts towards protecting luck. But there has to be a line on signing proven busts hoping to turn them around, he gets too carried away. I just hope T-Rich isn't the death of Grigson's career.  

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I like the picks so far. I am still * about the loss to New England. It was as if the fire was gone and they just gave up! Build the team to CRUSH NE and we'll win the Superbowl.

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I believe that Ryan Grigson is truly trying to help the team and make the best decisions possible, but it seems like every year the Colts could do far better in the offseason with the money and opportunities available. 


The biggest problems the Colts have had for years have been with their offensive line and how well the defensive personnel fit their defensive philosophy.


They pretty much said "here you go - you are the new C for the visible future" to Jonnatton Harrison, even though he was overmatched at times last year. Gosder Cherilus on the right side hasn't been a huge success, but I like the way we got Herremans. Too bad Trent Richardson didn't have a blocker like that, but Frank Gore will. The Colts could use an upgrade right beside him, too, at RT.


When Pagano and Griggs started the new regime, they began with the notion that they would revamp the 4-3 Tampa 2 defense into a 3-4 pass rush/pressure scheme and they spent the next few years looking for the personnel to fit that philosophy, and they are in fact still doing that. Do we really have the defensive personnel to pull off what they are trying to do in the 3-4? For a defensive that has overachieved on a few occasions, that is very possible. But for the most part, we are still finding ourselves struggling against the run and getting killed by Tom Brady every January.  Would it be completely out of the question to take a good look at the personnel and perhaps consider a base 4-3 based on the strengths and weaknesses of the players, especially when Bjorn W has been mediocre and we don't know just when we'll get Robert Mathis back? At this point, stopping the run should be the highest priority and 4 down lineman (instead of 3) would help with that, regardless of injuries.  Of course, the team has a huge hole at Safety, below adequate ILB coverage and needs a consistent CB opposite Vontae Davis. We really should have been addressing the secondary for the past few years now, instead of missing on lineman, WRs and Trent Richardson.


I really believe that if Grigson would have used free agency more to address the O-line and D-line (obtaining proven players), and then used the Draft more to address RB, WR, S and CB, then the Team would be in better shape now then it currently stands.  Grigson has proven to be experimental enough (various CFL players, collegiate basketball), but is the Team really being experimental where it should be (talent consideration)?  Or perhaps the Team should rethink the defense altogether (a defensive scheme that fits current personnel so they don't have to overachieve just to meet the current vision in place)?  Take Pep Hamilton for an example: he always seems to find new ways to come up with plays and utilize the strengths of his players.


Grigson and Pagano have their shortcomings which are slowly being realized by the Colts as a whole, and we're finding out those things that are truly holding the Colts back.

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Grading Grigson's FAs picks as of today 3-28-15 : A+

It takes time to build a "consistent" threat going to Super Bowls. It takes time to build a "consistent" threat to enter Championship games. It takes time to build a "consistent" threat to enter Divisional Playoff games. It takes time to build a "consistent" threat to win AFC South Champions. It even takes time to build a "consistent" threat to enter Wildcard Games.

The Indianapolis Colts have done all of these in [3] years! That is amazing. Considering all the tools now in Ryan Grigson's arsenal "before" the draft of this year ... simply A+ material in my book.

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