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Thus It Begins



ok, so i am the new gm of the colts.....bet this pays better than the old job does!!

first, some boilerplate--

i dont have access to real game film, or true insider info. i will use (for now) cbs sportline as my database for my evaluation of potential players, because 1) i already read a lot there, and 2) the colts play on cbs.

i have followed a lot of the conversations in the forum for a few years. certain posters have a lot of credibility in my view, and i wiil shamelessly steal from them every chance i get.

i see the world thru fan-colored glasses. my experience with 'management' over the years has been that these guys are heartless. new management typically means that i have to fire the first guy on the old crew that looks at me wrong-- just to show my power-- never mind the guy had a legit point. this is NOT what i want to do-- replace the old-boy network with a new-boy one. current players and anyone in the org keep their positions unless i can improve on them. we run a merit shop here boys.

i liked polian. i will steal from him every chance i get. 'past is prologue' indeed!

we still are gonna play very similar defenses, the cap means i cant have it all, and manning or luck, i am committed to spending more on 'O' so its a 4/3 D.

we will be talking to the local media (except bob kravitz-- just because).


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You are funny. I think you are right about having to look at the dynamics. Unfortunately, every work group has them. And being the new guy in charge.......first challenge is to establish yourself as a leader

be sure to tag your entry! Right now it is not entered to win the autographed photo

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maureen, sorry, but i am old and not too computer savvy...and have never blogged before (unless it came out when i sneezed)...

did i manage to tag it right? i

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tfrugal, thankyou whole heartedly for your sound logic and refreshing comments. I've felt like i've been banging my head against the wall and no one was listening. You've saved me much time at the keyboard for echoing my sentiments so profoundly and exact. You make this Colt's fan of 46 years feel renewed and primed for the next season! Again, a most thankful tip of the hat. Congrats on winning the blog contest, well deserved!

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