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Posts posted by GoDeep

  1. No, actually you spend a few thousand hours and tons of $$$ to develope a draft board and stick with it.

    I think they wanted Janoris Jenkins at CB and missed him by one spot.

    Fleenors Value is as a deep threat as he has already successfully shown us, it takes time to get there, as he is much FASTER than Clark, his day will come.

    Wondering if you read the whole thread.

    I agree his day will come. My point is that the board would have targeted line with more priority if we knew at the time what crap this line was.

  2. So your argument is more that we should have done more in the offseason to address the offensive line, than it is that we should still have Howard Mudd as our line coach?

    I guess I can get behind that. I definitely expected us to spend some picks on the line and the secondary, and we really didn't. I don't know how much impact that kind of investment would be making right now; the Steelers did a lot in the draft for their offensive line, and it's still not very good. At this point, I'm okay with deciding to go with a makeshift line right now, and then trying to improve in free agency. I'm sure that if we get a free agent offensive lineman, we'll have to overpay, but that's the nature of the beast.

    Meantime, we'll get a better idea of what we do and don't have along the line. I'm pretty certain AC is a lock for left tackle moving forward; he's looked like an old vet so far this season, with little exception. We're still troubled at both guard spots, and we're not in good shape at right tackle. We also might not be so good at center, but assuming Satele is reasonably healthy at the end of the season, I'm pretty sure he'll be the starter next season. It would help if we flank him with better players. Hopefully Joe Reitz gets back and plays well, and then we'll get even more info on how our interior line looks.

    Actually, I was discussing our draft - I think Mouthfire's point was that we should have drafted OL instead of Fleener.

    I was saying that possibly they thought they could do more with what they had than they have been able to so far.

    They did do it in the past, good line, minimal investment.

  3. The line play deteriorated under Howard Mudd's watch. And the Eagles have a terrible offensive line under his watch as well. I liked him when he was here, and I think he deserves a lot of credit for our line play in our best years, but from 2008 on, his prowess on the offensive line has been ineffective. Just goes to show that it starts with the players.

    True - but it still stands that these guys had a very good line with minimal investment.

    I just wonder how much the new leadership considered this.

  4. Yeah, but even prospectively, you knew this would be a problem. Justice and McGlynn were linemen that nobody wanted. I couldn't see how they would magically get better once we got them.

    There is a tried and true mantra in football that you "build from the inside out". The Patriots offense thrived for years with a stellar offensive line and mediocre receiving options, so there must be some truth to it.

    The point being, if you have the option of either upgrading your offensive line versus picking a TE (all things being equal), you upgrade your offensive line.

    I agree - I think we WOULD be better with our receivers and lesser TEs (especially since Fleener hasn't flashed yet) and a better OL.

    I think we got into the problem of thinking that OL could be plug and play. Saturday was a lineman nobody wated. So was Lilja. Diem was a 4th rounder - and Jake Scott was a 7th rounder. Glenn was a 1st rounder (but so was Castonzo.)

    This line was good then.

    I do realize that coaching and leadership has changed since then. Cough, cough, Howard Mudd, cough, cough

    Not sure if ownership thinks this (or did) or what.

  5. Not to keep pointing it out, but Cordy Glenn was a potential mid 1st rounder that somehow dropped to the 2nd round. We passed on him for Fleener. He's currently starting for the Bills and looks really impressive, from what I hear.

    I understand.

    I just don't think it is fair to draft retroactively.

  6. Fantasy football is bad for football.

    So sick of this greedy trick so many are falling for. When I turn on the NFL Network and realize that for the next hour they're going to be talking about a childish betting endeavor, aptly named "fantasy", I just feel sick.

    How is it bad? I am more interested in pedestrian games and the league has more of my attention. Win/win.

  7. I hear you, but the alternative would've been to draft offensive linemen and rely on your WRs and RBs as the primary weapons.

    In other words... we'd be exactly where we are right now, except we'd likely have better pass protection and run blocking.

    IF we draft a guy or two that work out immediately.

  8. Reggie has been targeted 2 games

    Avery one game

    Fleener one game

    Allen one game

    Hilton one game

    Maybe some method to the madness.

    Andrew and his receivers are far from in sinc based on all the incompletions. Andrew is NOT Leading with his throws well at all. Practice .... .....

    Year two will be much better, IMO.

    I think Luck just spreads the ball around.

    Good for our offense, bad for fantasy football.

  9. This cat has played in THREE NFL games.

    Are we ready to write him off? I'm not.

    And to say we should have drafted OL - well - we can hindsight all we want. They obviously thought the OL was improving.

    And don't forget, we had Tamme gone, Dallas gone. What were we going to do? Coach up Gijon Robinson? Did we still have him?

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