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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. Two big games out of nine. Injuries still define a player. Against Buff and Pitt. Did you see what Peyton did with Collie and White. Mr and Mrs average WR's. The guy defines mediocre. At best. You ain't fooling anyone on here.

    What are you talking about? Peyton almost killed Collie.

  2. 10 catches for 100 yards      (VS BUFFALO)




    4 catches for 55 yards    game changer??

    2 catches 0 yards           game changer??


    3 catches for 15 yards    game changer??

    4 catches 115 yards  1 TD    (Dobson had more catches, yards, and TDs) (VS PITTSBURGH)


    Just counting games he has played in, he is averaging about 50 yards a game and scores 1 time every 5 games... game changer...uhhh no.


    you are lying to yourself if you think the Pats are happy with what they have gotten out of Amendola.  He was brought in to replace Welker (1300 yards and 6 TDs in 2012) and has absolutely not done that.  Amendola has had 2 good games and they were against Buffalo and Pittsburgh defenses.  


    I shouldnt even reply to you because I know you will find some horrible way of saying Amendola has been great but the real truth is that you, Brady, and everyone else with that whole organization wish they could go back and keep Welker.   

    Actually Edelman took Welkers spot.


    Amendola is coming along just fine. If he can stay healthy and that's a big IF he'll be a solid contributor down the stretch and in the SB run.

  3. Put up 13 for the win and put up 27 for the loss. Guess I'll take the 13

    Ouch...you got me Dusty. I didn't think I'd go out like this cough, cough, cough please tell the wife and kids I love them cough (Eyes open, head drop to the side, dead).

  4. It wasn't humor. You lobbed it as an insult then played the "how dare you" card.......that's definitely keeping it real.

    Are you my wife?  What did I lob and what "how dare you" card did I play? (honey I know you're somewhere in Eastern Europe but lets talk when you get home)

  5. I dunno- Bronco's still got the fire power. I can see fearing the Pats not because they're great this season but because they are gritty which can make them dangerous.

    That fire power isn't going away but it's not as overpowering as it was earlier. Gritty is a good word for the Patriots. Fire power just missed getting them to the top but gritty has worked before. 

  6. What has happened to you? You are always Mr. Stat man and yet when I post the Pats are ranked 9, you come back with they are bad? Is that all you got for a team that has a top 10 offense?

    What HAS happened to him?

  7. I shouldn't have to explain why putting up a 55 point, 600 yard game against one of the worst teams in the NFL kind of skews those stats and is an anomaly in otherwise terrible season for New England's offense.

    Actually the Jags are by far the worst team in the league and I'm pretty sure the Colts O didn't hang 55 on them but they'll get another chance to "skew those stats".

  8. It's not bad.

    So lets make sure I have this right? The Colts O "is not bad" but the Patriots is "not very good" according to you . You do know the Patriots have better O stats right? Please delve deeper into your theory.

  9. Pretty sure you had them getting smoked by the 49ers too and claimed the Colts just weren't that good. Glad to see you have jumped on the bandwagon....

    You're right. I had them beating the Broncos (one of very few) and losing to SF. SF was a game changer for me. I never said the Colts weren't  good. They are a level better than a thought at the beginning on the season. I'm a little concerned that they may have peaked a this point. Lets see if they can take it up a notch. It's that time of year. Was it you that I said talk to me after week 12 to? 

  10. Please keep sharing your predictions on the outcomes of Colts games....there is nothing more entertaining than that.

    I think I was wrong on one? Maybe the Denver game? I've got the Colts going to the AFCCG buddy! If you don't that's your problem.

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