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Posts posted by supremecoltsfan300

  1. Jets should cover. I think the Jets might even have a shot in this game. All depends on Geno though. Really not enough tape yet to say if he's even an average qb. I don't think the Pats will score 28+, probably more like 24. that give the jets a chance....but their o can be pretty pathetic. the one thing the patriots for the last decade have always done is have a D that generates an absurd amount of turnovers. If the jets turn it over 2 or more times it will be a blowout. If they don't, they have a chance.

  2. I am going to the Manning bowl this weekend just wondering if any of you have ever worn your colors in that stadium and how the Giants fans are?


    Any comments are welcome.


    I'm going there as well for the first time on Sunday. My neighbor (an eagles fan) and uncle (a Philadelphia cop) have both told me that Giant fans are worse than eagles fans.....well, I was at the eagles v. colts game in 2010 and the eagles fans could not have been any worse to us colt fans that were there......so it should be interesting :thmup:

  3. Questions:


    1.  What are the current quarterback-rating metrics that you know about and who designed them?  Do you know what goes into their calculation and what are your own personal thoughts on the metric as an accurate reflection of a quarterback’s performance? (Ex. QBR, which is from ESPN)


    2.  What do we think are the important individual statistics that should be included in the calculation of a quarterback rating?  Starting with some basic ones:


    A)  Should Rushing yards be included?


    B)  Rushing TDs?


    C)  Sacks?


    D)  Should circumstance have an influence here? (Ex. Is it the 4th quarter? What is the score of the game? Is there a huge lead? Etc.)


    3.  How do we weigh those statistics? (


    A)  Should a pass count the same if it is a 2 yard screen that goes for a 50 yard TD or if it is a pass that travels 50 yards in the air for a TD?


    B)  Should fumbles be considered as costly as an interception?


    C)  Should all fumbles be held against a quarterback or only the ones lost? (Many football statisticians say that recovering the football really is a 50/50 proposition.)


    4.  Any other questions you want to pose/answer or comments that you have.

  4. Purpose:


    I'm making this thread for the purpose of possibly discovering or creating a statistic for quarterbacks that accurately describes their performance in a game.


    I'd like to eventually look at doing the same for all the other positions, but for now, I think it's best to solely focus on the QB, as it is the most important and impactful position in football.




    I've always been interested in stats. They can tell the story of how a game played out, in my opinion. But often times, they don't reveal the whole picture of what went down. 


    Peyton's game against the Ravens.....it was awesome, yet he received a QBR of just 83.6 from ESPN. His performance that night deserves either a perfect or near-perfect rating from the quarterback-rating metric being used. Obviously, this highlighted some of the problems with ESPN's QBR metric. I do, however, agree with much of what ESPN uses in their formula for QBR, like including: Sacks, rushing yards, rushing touchdowns, and whether a pass was dropped or not, to name just a few. The biggest flaw in their formula is that we don't know the formula. My objective is to hopefully modify or create a new Quarterback Rating with your valuable help and insight.


    How to Go About This?:


    I want this thread to be a reflection of all our ideas. The best way to organize all of them is to answer various questions. I will pose these questions in a following post.


    I don't want this thread to be high-jacked by discussions not pertinent to the topic (ex. like a Brady v. Manning debate). If the mods can help keep this thread clean (by editing or eliminating posts that are obviously completely un-related to the topic) that would be very much appreciated :)


    I want people only to post if they have something to contribute. Even if you aren't statistically inclined and don't have any statistical background, that is fine. Posting your own observations or supporting/challenging another poster's point is just as helpful, as long as it's done respectfully.

  5. If I were the NFC East I would be worried about the Eagles.  Every year a team goes from worst to first in the NFL I think the Eagles COULD be that team this year.  I don't think the Cowboys or Giants are that special and it will be interesting to see how long it takes RG3 to get back into the flow of things after his injury and missing all the off-season activities, add to that the Eagles O is going to take a little while for other teams to figure out (not unlike the Dolphins wildcat the year they won the AFC East) and they might very well be a surprise team this year.


    Vick won't make it a whole season though...heck he might not even stay in for this whole game.

  6. Interesting stat....shows you why they needed to make a coaching change:


    From Elias: The Eagles have not handed the ball to a RB on the 1st play of the season since 1994, when they handed off to Herschel Walker... FROM ELIAS: That's easily the longest current streak in the NFL... Next-closest are the Titans, Raiders and Jets, all of which haven't handed to a RB on the 1st play of the season since 2009 (Texans also haven't, but their streak is at 3 years entering tonight's game).

  7. The Chiefs are the Chiefs. Every year they are the best team, and poof, nothing.


    The Chargers always find a way to implode against the Broncos, see last years game. Freeney might cause a problem, but I hate to admit it, Manning only has to call a run play and Dwight is useless.


    As I said Patriots are the biggest threat, and it is in Foxborough again I believe.


    The NFCE is a strange division, but none look stronger than the Broncos.


    AS for the Colts, who do you think wants to win more? Peyton or Luck? Andrew doesn't like to lose, but come on you're crazy if you think Peyton doesn't want that game more.


    I think the Cowboys can give the broncos a real game because of a shoot-out. Bryant, Witten, and Austin is arguably the best trio in the nfl (Atlanta has the other one). The Cowboys O-line is not great, but broncos pass rush isnt a real threat either, and Romo is great at extending plays. And the Cowboys do have some great playmakers on D. I think it will be one of the more entertaining games.


    Redskins and Giants have the capable offense but I can't see the broncos losing in Denver this year, and I can't see Peyton losing at all to little brother.


    Agree with the above points you made. Patriots are definitely still the best threat to any sort of 16-0.

  8. Interesting...I learned something today. Heart attacks = bloodflow blockage & Cardiac arrests= a malfunction of the heart muscle to pump or distribute the blood accordingly throughout a person's body. Thanks Supremecoltsfan300. I appreciate that.  :thmup:


    Now, even if hormones were released under a stressful circumstance, unless the security guard was seen violently pushing or punching the victim; I don't see owner Robert Kraft being compelled to pay a large settlement here. I see this case getting dismissed in court actually. My condolences to the man's spouse & remaining children left behind though. 


    I don't see a large settlement here as well. But I do think there will be some settlement because when there's lawyers and judges involved..... well anything can happen. But I can see it being dismissed for the same reasoning.


    And for the record, I do hate the concept of suing over the death of a person. If the person died as the result of a crime, the criminal justice system should bring the culprit to justice (there are those few cases where the culprit gets off on a technicality, and so a civil suit is appropriate in those matters). If the person died as the result of an accident (and by accident I mean something where the person could not reasonably have known their actions could result in physical or severe emotional/mental harm of another person), then that should be the end of it. Money can't bring the person back and it's not even close to a substitute. When people sue over stuff like that, idk, there's just something morally wrong with it imo.

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