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Posts posted by Freeupfreeney

  1. Oh and BTW, without video or pictures like superman made...it's hard to vocalize or express exactly what I think this teams problem with Luck is.


    Part of it, is I think it's our delusion of grandeur, from the High Praise he got as a Rookie and Sophmore Quarterback.


    Luck is Good, but he can be better. when the o-line steps up and the coaches get it together...BUT.


    My only Evidence is Supermans Last Post where he took pictures. If you go back and look at it, other than the bad play calls by the coach...Luck made some pretty bad decisions, but Superman only acknowledge them slightly.


    Luck misses open receiver a lot. He never looks their way often. He forces a lot of throws...but LOL he get's it in there. But he rarely, in pressure situations, can convert an important third down pass. Why....because he locks eyes on his first target too long.


    He did it at Stanford, He did it as a Rookie, he still does it. Does that make him a bad QB, NO. Obviously. But that is a major flaw in his game. Otherwise...he'd definitely would be 1 of the BEST QB hands down Right?

  2. Dude, it really isn't my fault you guys can't understand what I'm saying.


    I'm saying he is sub-consciously, always thinking about getting destroyed in the backfield playing QB.


    I can tell he is thinking about it, because of his nervous twitching and feet scattering he has developed over the last 2 years.


    The way he moves his feet and body, is like his uncouncious mind telling him, hurry up and don't get hit, hurry up and don't get hit.


    I think the Abuse he took the last few years has made him unable to be as good as I think he can be. Because I can see that he body motions are way different from his first 3 years in the league.


    Peyton Manning had happy feet too when our O-Line was struggling a bit. And it affected his game TREMENDOUSLY.


    Especially against teams like the Patriots and Steelers and Chargers who had great pass rush. Hence, his historically bad stats against those teams.


    I'll take my apology now.

  3. I can't find any statistics. But I remember the year he suffered "Friggin INTERNAL BLEEDING", he was getting hit an ungodly number.


    Now, the reason I ask if hes traumatized, its because this dude has Manning's happy feet times 3.


    Have you seen him this year. The dude is terrified.


    Now I'm not saying that Luck is Scared, but when you have broken ribs and a torn organ, I'd be on my toes too.


    I think this is and by far, what has kept Luck from being great.


    He simply just hasn't played many games where the game plan went like it was supposed to. He looks like he has a hard time getting comfortable back there.






    Before we drafted him...I DID SAY, not to say I told you so.....That this dude is terrible at going through progressions.


    So I can't really blame the O-line for him missing open receivers and staring down TY like he tryna see what he doing for dinner later. But he plays pretty go despite this flaw in his game.


    But that flaw is magnified greatly by the last 2 years. Great going coaches BTW.


    Do you think Luck will be more comfortable next year.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I do find that gif satisfying, but don't let that stop you from continuing your very passionate rant.


    In all seriousness, I just don't understand what your point is. Set aside anything that I might disagree with or think is inaccurate in your posts, what are you arguing? What do you want the Colts to do?

    Basically I'm saying this.


    1. Coaches, if your not going to be aggressive and getting a premier corner or olineman or de then see step 2.


    2. Coach down your weaknesses (oline, run defense, run offense, dropped passes, frequent injuries in the secondary) and exploit your very few positives (setting the edge on the d line for example) or step 3.


    3. Completely overhaul your offensive gameplan to completely avoid the weaknesses you now currently still have.


    All this is to avoid step 4.


    4. Do the same crap that doesn't work, year after year after year after year.

  5. On ‎12‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 2:57 PM, coltsva said:

    In the salary cap era (1994-now), the winning quarterbacks have been:

    Young, Aikmen, Favre, Elway(2), Warner, Dilfer, Brady(4), Johnson, Roethlisberger(2), Peyton Manning(2), Eli Manning(2), Brees, Rogers, Flacco, Wilson. Although you can win without a great quarterback, your chances of doing so are very, very low. 


    Except for Steve Young (13.1%), none of these quarterbacks took up more than 12% of the teams salary cap. Luck was under that number this year, and will be under it next year. 


    Man, i'mma tell you this. This post, and the one before it. That's why I love this team. The fans are extremely football smart here.


    The coaches and Irsay should pop his head in here when he's not popping pills and he can see what we are all basically saying makes since.


    Stop being a wossy in F.A. and get the guy you know is good, and is a good character guy and will make an immediate impact. Walk into the Louis Vuitton store looking for Louis Vuitton, not into a Marshals looking for Louis Vuitton.

  6. Just now, jvan1973 said:

    Put the keyboard away buddy

    Why don't you tell the 50 other dudes in the forum at the time, who were saying those exact words "We need a Big Fat 3 tech DT or NT"


    And we got em, we won a superbowl. Not just because of him now, but our Run Defense was definitely Markedly improved because of him.


    But you want me to put my keyboard down.


    Our coaches gameplan around our weaknesses. Long developing routes with a bad o-line. They never changed it, but the o-line did improve, hence an improvement of our passing game. If our o-line does well, our gameplan will workout pretty good next year. Our WR aren't too scary to play West Coast offense now an then are they, I know they are on the Skinny side.


    But my point is, unless they expect the Colts O to go back in time to like 2007 where you can lob up 3 TD a game consistently, hitting post routes and streaks for 40 yard TD, they need to change up their approach to next season.




    We may need to start teaching dorset and Hilton to get ready for some quick hitches. If we can implement that, and develop Lucks short game with a little west coast offense mixed in, it would completely confuse the defense, and they may actually abandon blitzing, like they did in 07, when defense feared our offense.


    Our personell on offense is there, we are a 1 Guard away from having a steller O-line depending on the rookies development through the off season.


    We just have to mix it up with the passes. We will be okay with our gameplan on offense if the o-line works out well like it has, but if it doesn't we need to work on some west coast.


    Cuz if we don't....



  7. Remember Booger McFarland.

    Cato June

    Mike Peterson

    Jerry Hughes

    Tim Jennings

    Antione Bethea


    Insert a half dozen other LB that led the league in tackling and had near Pro Bowl years, but we released immediately following their stellar seasons.


    Seems like we not only refuse to sign anybody in FA that is a premier player, we let go of Players as soon as they start playing well on defense.


    Remember we Signed Rob Morris And The Duck to huge Contracts.


    We let go of a 6-6 safety that ran a 4.4 yard dash to give his often injured contour part a gigantic contract.


    But, remember we had Dwight Freeney, and Robert Mathis Booger McFarland and Bob Sanders on the same field. We won a superbowl, with relative ease.


    Do you remember how long colts fans begged for a huge 3-4 gap defender like McFarland before we got him, in the end of his career.


    10 years. 10 YEARS. A FRIGGIN DECADE.


    What the hell is wrong with these coaches and gm.


    Why did they think they could just ignore the O-Line AND the D-Line.


    I can see one, but not both.


    You cant fix the D-Line and O-Line through the draft only. especially in a 1 dimensional offense with no running game.


    How many years in the last 20 have we seen the worst QB put up 90+ passer rattings.


    How many out of 20 have we seen mediocre running back run directly up the middle of the field for 8 yards without before being touched.


    Like 18 out of 20, 19.


    I don't live in Indy, but the problems we have are not that we can't but we don't try to take risk, except for a offensive game plan centered around post routes that take 5 seconds to develop, behind a O-Line that can only block for 2.


    Do you realize the line was so bad, Andrew Luck suffered internal organ damage.


    Do any of you realize how many opportunities were squandered because of management.






  8.  Im just saying we need to have more motivation and more fun. And every time in see a press conference, or a locker roomn speech, it looks more like a day in the office. 


    I know injuries and other things have plagued us, but I think confidence and motivation  is our biggest problem next to injuries right now. 


    Colts and trojans are 2 teams that are playing way worse than what there talent suggest. 

  9. That punch turned out to be a rumor Lol. 


    And I think you can compare any team dynamic yo any other team, at any other level in any other sport. How well did your high school football team do. How much of of it had to do with talent, coaching, comrodary. How would your team differ if you struggled with any of those.


    The only real differerence is the money. But I think out coaching and disparities between our gm, our generally a accepted needs and expectation are not in line, which causes things what we and the Trojans are going through.

    Luckily for us, we still got plenty if Tims to fix it. 

  10. I'm a lifelong USC Trojan fan, and our fans are extremely frustrated over the past 6 years with the performance of our team and coaches.


    Now the Trojans have some of the biggest most talented Offensive and Defensive Lineman on the planet. Our recruiting class took a dip, but has still, up until a year ago, been in the top 5 recruiting classes every year.


    So why are the Trojans terrible? Well the Number 1 reason is because the Trojans, just like the Colts, are not having fun playing football. Both teams have a lot of pressure upon them, so much so that any 1 loss depletes all their competiveness throughout the year.


    But the more important reason, which is why we are also in the same boat, is that the coaching staff places to much confidence in 1 or more players and will not instill confidence on the entire team as a whole.


    "Lame Kiffen" would actually call games were most plays were designed to just get the ball to Robert Woods in whatever ridiculous situation and hope he can make a play. Then if they didn't he would call Either player out personally in press conferences.


    And Don't let me get started on the Drunkard that came after him.


    In all, our problem, like the Trojans in ineffectual coaching, both in play calling and personal relationships and habits.


    Both teams approach a 3rd and 7 with the mentality that, we are not playing good, we are not that talented or we are not doing very well. Lets not risk a pick and have 3 WR run 5 yards routes and hope that they can break free. We run the route, we don't get the first down, and we do the same play, over and over and over, for years on end.


    The talent of your personnel and the flow of momentum are not the only things that guide success. Its kind of hard to explain, but it's like driving a Ferrari racing down a straight road, but you don't want to go faster than 50 miles per hour because there is a puddle along the way, but you still want to finish first.


    Essentially both teams come out betting that the other team will make a mistake and allow our talent to exploit their mistakes, instead of willfully, taking successes in a smash mouth, go out there and have fun and beat the man in front of you mentality.


    For 6 miserable years I watched the no. 1 QB in the country out of high school, with 3 of the top 10 WR our of High School, and the top 20 OL out of high school, throw a screen behind the line of scrimmage on 2nd and long, and a 4 yard in on a 3 and 6......WITH THE GAME ON THE LINE.


    I've been watching the Colts for 2 years here in Indianapolis play like the Trojans and I refuse to stay quite. This team is not a bad team, and I hope when everyone gets back, we can stop trying to play timidly and start playing like champions. Stop depending on Luck to be Magic and coach confidence in all players and not just some. It's not too late for us.


    Last year we thought since we had all these WR we were just going to toss the ball around and outscore everyone, little did we know that ever corner in the league would go Deon Sanders mode. I understand that, but the coaching this year so far has been bad, and the moral has been terrible. We have to get excited to be out there.

  11. To be Honest with you. The game tape on every one of these players is fantastic. And Bates highlight tape is great...only thing is TJ green tapes suck and Bates doesn't have the production id expect to translate to sucess as considering his competition. Anthony Morrison tapes looks fantastic too, not sure why there was soo much dislike with it.

  12. I was going to make another thread on this player. I really hated this pick after watching a few of his games.


    I mean, his awareness is really bad.....HOWEVER THERE IS A BRIGHT SIDE.


    If I was a coach, I would never dream of putting this kid at safety. I think the team would be best suited to having him play Corner or Nickle corner. Because he has the speed and the agility, and he CAN play man. If he has to concentrate on 1 player, he is not to shabby a corner. But he does not have a knack for positioning and if he doesn't know the Playbook by Heart come pre-season game 4, I would leave him on special teams.


    I don't know if he just doesn't have the tools mentally (not saying he is dumb) to play safety, and that means just knowing where to be, and anticipating where he should be going, so I'd rather have this guy at corner than risk him letting these talented TE get behind him on zone coverage's.

  13. THis guy is great. But, he needs to be coached heavy on his footwork. He is going to get a lot of holding penalties if he plays tackle. He is not good against specially moves like spins, but he stops bullrushes and and a little trouble with speed rusher becuase he reaches out before he moves his feet.


    If they can get his feetwork together, he could be a damn good RT and an exceptional guard.

  14. Of course there were better players. But I just got finished watching tape, And i'm so glad Taloy Decker was gone. That dude is in no way shape or form a first rounder. Kelly is a much better lineman. I said the same thing about Morris Claiborne.


    Sometimes the people who rank these players are wrong, Decker is slow and sluggish. Kelly needs to play better with a guy in from of his nose, but he is a waay better lineman than Decker to me.


    I like the pick, I love it actually after watching some tape.

  15. Just now, danlhart87 said:

    The bottom line is most of these FAs aren't worth the price they are getting.


    Its quite laughable how many of you are upset about not signing anybody!

    I put it like this dan.


    What is the point of playing this game??? The win the Superbowl right?


    What have the past superbowl winners and participants been doing?


    Getting that Defense Right....even before the O-line. We need to get one player, not just for the sake of it, but because If we don't get better in the secondary, the Pass rush will still be bad and our defense, and therefore team will be garbage for another 2 years.

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