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Posts posted by Freeupfreeney

  1. No.1 Nose Tackle Star Loutelie vs No. 1 Center Khalid Holmes.

    Been waiting for this all week, With the first half over, Khalid Holmes made a 2 bad snaps that led to fumbles that led to TD and gave Utah an early 14-0 lead, which was caused mostly by Stars sheer presence.

    Star Completely dominated the 1st Quarter.

    Khalid, if you didn't know was injured twice this year and his coming off an ankle injury and did a terrible job blocking and snapping with Star in front of his face.

    In the 2nd Quarter, Holmes improved tremendously, and USC and game planed against star by not running anything near his hole.

    In the first quarter, Star would line up over center and beat the Running back to the Edge for a Loss of yards.

    That guy is a complete beast.

    Star is definitely in my top 5 players in the draft.

    TJ Mcdonald is terrific in run support, definately worth a late first 2nd round pick...but to this day, I have few looks at him vs the pass, which I guess is a good thing.

    Nickell Robey is doing a decent job covering his man all year, including this game, almost never giving up big plays....He is a mid 3rd rounder to me so far

    2 more quarters left!

  2. I told you guys a 2 weeks ago about Geno.

    Vaccaro from Texas Looks pretty bad today from the highlights i'm watching...bad tackling and coverage...that's a double wammy. Anybody watch the game to confirm.

    Xavier Rhodes got another pick, and Desmond Trufuant did on Friday. Didn't watch the Washington Stanford game but I heard Trufant did pretty good.

    But Xavier Rhodes and Lamarcus journer are the absolute truth. Rhodes is my highest rated corner.

    Next week Florida st plays NC state so I get to watch both Rhodes and David Amerson, and we can put the conversation to rest right there who is the better of the two.

    I missed a lot of games this weekend, been busy with my son.

  3. Çolt Fan 4 Life....

    I'll make a Gentleman's Bet with you..... no stakes... just your view and my view...

    You think he'll be a consensus #1. I'm guessing you're saying consensus #1 overall, like Luck, or, are you saying, a consensus first round draft pick, somewhere in the top 32?

    Either way.... here's my prediction...

    He's not a first round pick at all. My guess is he'll be no higher than a 2nd round pick and likely lower. The reason? He reads a spread option or a read option offense. He's not required to read offenses the way most college QB's who pass a lot are.

    He hands the ball off... or holds it and makes a quick throw. He's running a college offense, not a pro offense. That alone really hurts his chances for the NFL. And seeing how bad Tim Tebow has struggled to make the conversion only hurts his chances even more.

    So, my guess is 2nd round is his ceiling, but he's likely to go lower.... and potentially, much lower....

    We'll revisit this in 3 more years! :thmup:

    Yeah, he's right...Terrance whitehead wen't undrafted...Jonathan Stewart went in the first and after that...Lamicheal james got a chance...maybe Kenyon Barer will get a chance...but offense hurts everybody come draft day.

    Deanthony thomas is a TD machine...but come next year, he may go the way of a devin hester because nobody knows what position he really plays.

    Timmy Chang has like more Yards than anybody, but that what happens when you play for Hawiaii and you run the ball zero times a game.

    He does seem like a good player tough, and if he shows good arm strength and maturity, he could be a top pick anyway.

  4. Tim Jennings, no doubt, suffered from the extemely soft Cover-2 the Colts ran, as opposed to the more aggressive version the Bears use. However, in the 3 years here he just never seemed to adjust and was constantly picked on.

    Jason David was GARBAGE, lain and simple. He's one of the few that I have EVER seen get beat deep playing off the ball like he did. Undersized and wasn't fast at all. There was no surprise who Peyton targeted David when they played the Saints in 07', David's first year with them, and David got burnt for 3 long TD's by Harrison and Wayne.

    Yeah, David got burned, wasn't physical, but this board toasted him on plays that were obviously Bob Sanders fault or another healthy FS and no one every spoke up for David.

    I'm speaking up for the Corners, because they are doing a great job, 148 Yards passing, you can't beat that with a stick.

  5. And Jason David and others.

    Every game, every season...it was Tim Jennings is Awful This...Jason David is so Terrible this.

    Considering we are playing man...and Jags went the whole game under 200 yards passing, I can't for the life of me understand people saying how bad Power is and Davis is because of a Play they gave up here...and a play the gave up there. They are corner backs, and this is the NFL and this is 2012 post Manning rule era, Recievers are going to catch balls

    It's like saying You're a bad goal keeper because you allowed a goal...I don't care how good a goalkeeper you are, you are going to get scored on. Same goes for the NFL, I don't care if your name is Reveis or King.

    Tim Jennings was defended by myself and maybe about 3 others on this board...when it was obvious any long play was the fault of Sanders or Giordano...and occasionally Bethea. Those short 8 yard slants...Jennings could do nothing about because we played Soft cover 2 all the time...but you guys destroyed him on this board.

    Jason David also did a "Serviceable" job, he wasn't great, but he got blamed for every reception.

    Vonte and Powers are doing an awesome job, The team gave up only 148 yards Passing, and 30% third down conversions.

    Back when Jennings was playing...we were getting dinked and dunked for 8 and 9 yards with our "Bend don't break" defence...Look at him now...totally legit CB.

    You guys need to watch other games and tell me where are these corners that don't allow catches and never get called for Holding or PI. Or better yet...the other team. Oh I thought Rashean Mathis was so good, but his WR caught a pass, so he must not be good. It's rediculous

  6. Did anybody else hear a jag yelling at the top of his lungs for a ref to call a holding penalty...and after the ref threw the flag about 15 seconds after the "Said" penalty?

    Anybody who watches soccer, Especially La Liga in Spain, you see that all the time, entire teams stopping play surrouding the ref to pull a yellow card.

    We don't play that crap in the United States, that ref needs to be reprimanded.

  7. Werner is a beast!! He is a very powerful powerful rusher with great speed, and a motor that is constantly going. In my opinion, he could play 3-4 DE, 4-3 DE, and 3-4 OLB. He reminds me of a smaller, more versatile JJ Watt. He would probably be available at 14. If we have a top 10 pick we could trade down and get a second. We could draft Jonathan Cooper in the second.

    I've been watching about 80% of the game so far, and I see his motor, but it looks like the RT is doing an okay job against him. Did he get any sacks or pressures
  8. Well, I dont know why Kennan Allen is rated so high, he wasn't even lined up against Nickell Robey.

    T.J made a good interception...but in all honestly, the man he should have been covering was wide open at the back of the endzone...but Maynard missed it.

    Barkley looked Pedestrian....so did Woods....But that's a coaching thing....They rarely run routes that are longer than 15 yards....lots and lots and lots and lots of slants and outs for 5 yards.

    Missed the first 14 points that clemson made, but Rhodes looks pretty agressive, so does lamarcus joyner...who lined up against Wtakins man to man and threw him down....he reminds me of Bob Sanders a little.

    Rhodes gave up a TD, as he was locked up against his man, but the TE came underneath uncovered and he had to drop off, but was too late.

    I cant' comment too much, I missed most of the 1st Quarter.

  9. Whens the Utah game

    7:00pm Pacific Standard Time, 10 EST

    Watching the Colorodo Washington State Game..Marques Wilson just got an easy TD...and there is a Freshman RB name Caldwell that got some serious Wheels and agility....And there is a Freshman from Colorodo named Josh Tupou...who is a NT......Beast mode...they can't block him...and At 325 he looks like he runs under a 4.9 fourty.

  10. Im gonna watch the Arizona vs Oregon game as well even though Freeupfreeny is but Im from Arizona and Im a big University of Arizona fan and Ill be watching the game anyway. Also Ill be looking at Clemson and FSU, both of those teams are very intriguing.

    I think, I'm not sure, I might Watch the Utah Vs Arizona State game instead of Oregon and Arizona...because I want to check out Star some more...I forgot to mention he had a blocked FG but it got overturned because the Crowed rushed onto the field while the ball was still live.

  11. USC's kicker is hurt. Had arthroscopic knee surgery. Out at least 3 weeks. With USC on limited scholarships due to probation, they don't have another scholarship quality kicker. They've got walk-ons. That's why Kiffin is reluctant to let his back-up kicker kick any FG's....

    Hope that clarifies....

    That's bull crap...because he doesn't even kick Extra points...going for 2 for no reason sometimes...like @ syracuse. Lame Kiffen just doesn't trust anybody that isn't a hiesmen hopful.

    Our first loss with him as head coach he said..and I quoute "We need more than Just 2 people playing football out there" In reference to Woods and Barkely...Kiffen is the worst coach in the country. and I said, Toilolu Looks like he's 8 feet. If Neewby can get accurate high balls to him...It's literally Indefensible.

  12. Thanx for the Imput Philg...but you think 290 is too light for DE in a 3-4 at 290 pounds?

    I'm watching USC vs Cal...USC game as Usual, and Arizona and Oregon...I cant decide between Clemson and FSU or ND and Michigan...because I finally want to get a good look at Teo....but I also want to see Watkins vs Xavier Rhodes...who I hope are matched up all day.

    If rhodes win...it may be because Watkins is fresh back on the field after 1 game...or maybe Rhodes is the Truth.

  13. actually the highest completion percentage that was given up in the Dungy era was 68.4 with the lowest completion percentage given up 61.5.

    But how many 100+ QB ratings...are you defending the colts D now? You are obviously a troll, and will be ignored by me.

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