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Keith L. Scott

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Posts posted by Keith L. Scott

  1. Living near Baltimore, MD. I get to hear all the negatives about good ole Robert Irsay. He truly is a hated individual and if you mention his name near a Ravens fan (a die hard Ravens fan) you will get an ear full.

    Jim Irsay is doing what he thinks is best for the team and the organization. We don't have to like it and most likely we all have had issue with decisions that were made before the Manning release. Yes, it does seem unfair to us true blue Colts fans that we don't have an explanation as why he didn't work things out with Peyton but did we really ever get an explanation from him about Jim Harbaugh, Marshall Faulk, Edgerrin James, Marvin Harrison and the many other players over the years?

    We feel like a bunch of brides that were left at the alter and we feel we need an explanation. Most likely we will never get one.

  2. I was on the phone with an insurance representative today and he said he was in Indianapolis. We ended up talking about Colts football. It was kind of nice talking about it with someone.

    But that is off topic.

    He said that he heard Jeff Saturday met with the Broncos... did anyone else hear this?

  3. According to ESPN. Drew Stanton was told when he signed he WILL be the number two for the Jets and they will not draft or trade for another QB. He would be nice pick up but I think we need a more "veteran" quarterback to sign as a back-up. A. Luck will need a mentor, so that rules out VY!!!

  4. Benson, if the Colts actually want him on the team, will not be offered a contract until closer to training camp opens up. He might not even get an offer from anybody until week or two into training camp. Teams most likely evaluate what they have and then see if they need "veteran" leadership or if what they have just isn't working.

    Hmmm... well then I guess that means we might go get him then. Not too sold on Carter and Brown in the backfield.

  5. I think there will be a learning curve and the first few weeks the defensive front might have some serious communication issues. But to prevent this they might actually play a lot in the preseason to get game ready with it.

    #98 and #93 are one of the greatest DE one two punch in the league, if not the best. I hope that with them moving around the rest of the defensive linemen step up and clog the wholes in the front.

  6. It must have sucked for Brackett to sit on the sidelines and watch this kid from Iowa excel the way he did. Pat was supposed to just move over and fill in until Brackett got healthy but the kid played like a beast and took the job and proved he should be the MLB.

    Did Gary sit on the sidelines and say "D@MN that kid made another tackle!" and "There goes my job!"

  7. Maybe they call up Dallas Clark and offer him a contract... what could it hurt to try and get him back for less money. He was my favorite Colt until he was released than I had to switch to my step son's favorite in Austin Collie.

  8. ]

    Zibby is a boxer and a hard hitter with the gloves on. He really never stepped up wearing the purple and black but the one good thing is that he can return punts. Who needs a kick returner anymore... it seems like 99% of all kickoffs are touchbacks.

  9. Are there any Ray Rice type backs coming-out of the draft? Short compact and the ability to run like their life depends on it.

    I like Michael Bush and he has showed some serious bouts of talent running the ball. He never got the number 1 shot with DMC ahead of him. He could be a great addition to the team but I think he is going to be a Bengal. Of course after the draft if Cedric Benson is still out there he may get an invite.

  10. RG3 in my honest opinion will be more of a Vince Young than he will be a Cam Newton.

    Griffin is a gifted athlete but I don't feel he will put in the time to study defensive schemes and will mainly rely on his athletic ability to get him out of trouble. I predict a lot of INTs and a short leash by Shanahan. He may out gain most QB's in rushing yards but I would rather have a pocket passer that can move if needed than a look once then run type of QB. Never been a Michael Vick fan and I think that Griffin could turn into that.

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