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Keith L. Scott

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Posts posted by Keith L. Scott

  1. I don't think homefield advantage can be calculated into a numerical formula.

    I agree!

    For years the Cheilfs had a stat that they never lost a game at home in the month of December... well that has crumbled and that crowd has never lost their enthusiasm. The team just kinda stinks right now and if they get a better team than they wil get that stat back.

    Plus how is Jacksonville even on the list? I have heard of people getting lower section seats on game day because they can't sell out any games... no fans in the seats and that is a better home field advantage than the crazies at MetLife stadium to watch the Giants play?

  2. Bell is 100% beast and any team would be happy to sign him. The Jets are doing things to make that team better, but I think the biggest problem they will have is anybody on their team behind Nick Mangold. I am not sold on "The Sanchize" or even Tim Tebow for that matter. Good luck JETS. It seems to me that Rex is trying to build a 2000 Ravens team that was all defense and minimal offense.

  3. To bring in Clark for a workout could mean a couple different things. Clark could be brought in for veteran leadership, something that "the soldier" never seemed to do in his NFL tenure. They also could be using him (Clark) as a scare tactic to let Winslow know that they have other options and if you do not want to be a leader than we will bring one in.

    I am a huge Dallas Clark fan and always have been. I hope he finds a job somewhere in the NFL. I was wondering why he was released from the word Go. Was he too injury prone for upper management to take another chance on him? Was his contract really that high to make room for the salary cap? Did he voice an opinion about Peyton's possible leaving of the team and they decided to get rid of him for saying something?

    Clark to Tampa would really help Freeman become a better QB. His hands are so much better than KW3 but will he be able to learn a new system and be effective from the start of the new season?

  4. Big article on TMZ now if you click the link form 1st post is "Barack Obama just become the first sitting President in American history to have a menu item named after him at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles -- talk about a historic week!! "

    trying to lighten the mood...

    Saw the surfers had a paddle out in honor of Seau... that was neat. I know nothing of the surfing culture. So this was a new thing for me to see. also Drew Brees showed up and participated.

  5. I love the challenge idea.....

    The QB challenge was always fun to watch and they should do something if the ProBowl is not to be anymore. I understand it is a full contact game sport and the players don't really take it serious. There is nothing on the line and no real reason other than the MVP trophy and gifts to try to play hard. Players don't want to get hurt and what if, just what if... that we still had Peyton and the ProBowl is the reason he would've suffered the neck injury. All over a game that means nothing.

    Bring on the skills challenges. Celebrity "Rock 'N Jock" style of flag football game or something like that. As a fan I am upset that football is over and I would like a fun transition into the nothingness that is the off season.

  6. Whoever the starting TE (Tamme or Dreesen) is in Denver is worth a late round pick as a #2 TE on your team. I don't think either warrant a #1 spot on your team at the draft unless something changes between now and your draft.

    They have both proven that they can ill in as pick up the load when a player gets injured but neither had had the opportunity to play out an entire season as a #1.

  7. I just want to see the Colts either split the division with 3 wins and 3 losses and get a minimum of 4 wins this upcoming season. I will think the season will be a huge success over the last with either of those thing happening. Since the Colts lost many veterans for leadership roles and as well a talent. The rookies wil get their lumps this season but a 4 win season will make me happy. Anything more than that will be a huge surprise and I might just wet myself.

  8. You never take receivers in the first round, never. I would take him in the 2nd or 3rd round. 1st is out of the question. BTW, their O-line is terrible so that's not the best fit for Peyton, which means he may not pan out as expected.

    I have 12th pick overall in a PPR league this season. In a snake draft if I could nab Calvin and Fitz at #12 & #13 I would definitely do that and gamble on a RB when it comes back.

  9. yes, started last year with IDP... picked up JPP from waivers who had a HUGE season and won it all in the end. It´s fun :thmup:

    What league do you use? Yahoo? NFL.com? MSN?

    I have been with Yahoo since the beginning and I like the additions they have added in the last few years. They even added that you can trade for a draft pick. That is thinking outside of the box for FF.

    We have keepers every year and the rule is 4 keepers 2 offense and 2 defense none at the same position. I have Willis at LB since his rookie year but I am not sure who to keep after that.

  10. I'd rethink that trade. Lynch's value throws that deal all out of whack. RBs in uncontested backfields are at a premium. I'd move Steven Jackson over Lynch right now.

    nobody on here is talking fantasy football... you remarked on a thread from last August.

    I wish people were talking FF... I am so antsy about it I just sent two trade offers tonight.

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