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Posts posted by JustAColtsFan

  1. Considering that we held ap in check for the most part, if we can do the same with MJD (a tall task I know) then we should be fine. Gabbert doesn't scare me and looking at his options to throw to that doesn't scare me much either; Blackmon, Lewis, Stoval and Shorts. . . .all we gotta do is keep him and check and Luck and co. should be able to take this one. Wayne has played 20 games against jax with 117 receptions over 1600 yds and six touchdowns. I have a feeling this will help luck. We need to try (key word) and establish the run early and often so Avery can get deep on this team. Him or Hilton need to get behind the safety's a few times to scare em

    I would also like to see McAfee and Co. win the field position battle with them also. They don't have too much there either :)

  2. I agree with Lamey he should go in too. I love that man he's honestly just one of us watching the game and the thing I love the most about him you can know the score just by the tone of his voice.

    With that said I think Polian should go in next. Peyton is still playing and I hope Lamey is still going for a while longer it just wouldn't be the Colts without him! "He Fumbled the freaking football as he was going down..TOUCHDOWN THEY SAY THE COLTS GOT IT!" Best. Call. Ever. because it was exactly what all of us were thinking well cleaned up for radio :).

    I'd like to throw out another name that should go in that will probably be over looked and that is Glenn.

    Absolutely should be Bob Lamey and Tarik Glenn!! Lamey is the ultimate Homer but he loves the Colts so what more could you want. And you posted exactly what I was thinking - THE AFC TITLE GAME - WOW!!! What a roller coaster ride that was. I still remember laying on the living room floor with my Colts blanket over my head in misery until I heard Lamey Yell TOUCHDOWN THEY SAY THE COLTS GOT IT - sweeter words were never screamed LOL.

  3. I totally agree!! I mean Irsay is a BILLIONAIRE he's got more money then every fan that attends the games this year combined and plenty more. I also think it's stupid on his part anyway. Because every time the games are shown it's advertising for his team. To say it has to be sold out completely to be shown is down right stupid.

    Ersay bought all the ticket so don't get your panties in a wadd :) It's a SELL OUT!

  4. I did find a seat I like on the random open seat generator ( new tickets ) in section 642( all the way up but near midfield) those are actually excellent seats but they were over $80! W O W. I practically had the same seat for the Bengals preseason game, it was $17, lol.

    GRRR as a season ticket holder I had to pay $129 for my section 409 seat :( Paying full price for pre-season games is the only thing I hate about having season tickets.

  5. This is just what I figured. There will be no blackouts. The news this morning stated that there were 500 tickets left to be sold by 1:00PM today to avoid a blackout. They also said that the Colts had the option to purchase them at 35 cents on the dollar and then do with them what they wanted. Ersay will not risk angering fans, any tickets left will be delt with accordingly on a game by game basis. You know they didn't suddenly sell 500 tickets by 1:00pm;)

  6. I watched the replay of the Redskins Rams game last night. RGIII looked good at times not so much at others - in short like a rookie. He will be a great GB also if he doesn't get injured which is a BIG IF! What amazed me most in this game was the Rams running game. Their backs except for Jackson (who left the game early) are pedestrian at best yet ran all over the Skins. The difference is the OL kept opening huge lanes not to mention they did well with the stretch play which we never seem able to run effectively. In short Brown and Co. would have good success if our OL could open lanes like the Rams OL did. OH SIGH!!!;)

  7. This is a great scenario. Get the effect of outdoors without the harmful shadows....

    Have seen this several times and really liked it.

    Don't know how people at north end like having a draft on the back of their necks for 4 hours, have to ask them about that....

    Exactly, since it seems to be the North end zone people complaining most about the sun. If the roof were closed and window open they would then complain they were cold :)

  8. They just want to play with their 180 million dollar toy...roof go open...roof go closed...roof go open...roof go closed...

    To me..if its a dome..have no open roof..you don't get shadows like that in a true open air stadium...

    All outdoor or open roof stadiums have shaddows of one type or another. From flag pols, light stands, score boards the satadium itself. There is no difference. I would have preferred no roof at all as in GILETT STADIUM open. Football was meant to be played outdoors. As for the poster that stated we missed a touchdown due to shadows - did you personaly question the player as to the reason he missed the catch - I didn't think so. And yes - the roof was open for some of Peyton's games also. I have been to every game since Lucas Oil opened and the only games it is closed is when the temperature is over 80 under 55 or if there is a chance of rain. There was the one game last year when they closed it half way through the game because a front was moving in faster than anticipated and it could start raining before the end of the game (which it did).

  9. Great thread.... I may be a TV/Radio media guy, but I ***LOVE*** newspapers. I like holding them while I read them, as opposed to reading them on-line. Of course, I'm 55 and it may be a generational thing...

    Believe me, I understand newspapers who feel the need to charge for on-line service, because you can give you product away for free and survive, you simply can't. I jus question a newspaper that jumps from Free to $12 a month. $12 a month? I'd be more OK with $12 a year. Then, you 'boil the lobster'.... you slowly raise the price of the subscription... $12 a year to say, $14 a year, then $16 a year and so on.... raise it enough that you don't drive away business by ticking off your customers.

    It's a slow process to be sure... but I think that beats shocking the system and asking for $144 a year.

    By the way, I'm guessing the IndyStar is like my LA Times, if you get a paper delivered to your house, then the on-line read is free. I'd be stunned if they're trying to charge a customer twice -- one for the home delivery and once for on-line.

    That would be beyond stupid. :slaphead: :facepalm::bored:

    Count them Stupid! My husband and I get what is call the "weekend edition" Thursday - Sunday paper. We recieved a letter about a month ago from the Indianapolis star "Thanking us for our patronage" and since we were subscribers we could continue to recieve online content and they would only raise our monthly subscription $2. They of course did this with out our consent so you can bet I imediately called and told them that if they did not return out subscription to the regular price they could take the whole thing and stick it &^&*I%* They did and I am still able to access the online content via password. I guess they thought most people would pay not mind to a two dollar increase. I have to admit I almost did not read the letter with all the junk we get any more it almost went in the shredder lol.

  10. Season ticket holder towards the North East corner about the 10 yard line. The sun never quite gets to our seats on 1PM games. The Thursday night game the sun was on the seats when we got there and the plastic was HOT lol but the sun set quickly and we had no problem after that. I like the roof open, especialy when they have fly overs as they did this past game (although the helicopter was just out side of the North Window so not a true fly over). I enjoy the breeze that always seems to blow through. Last season they had the roof open and not the window for one game and it was quite stuffy.

  11. I am a season ticket holder since 2005. I have only missed two games in that time both due to the flu :( I did notice even during the sold out years that there always appear to be empty seats. Some I believe are season tickets belonging to brokers that just did not sell. Also, there are two couples that sit behind me that are from Ft Wayne - they are only at about 70% of the games - more money than me I guess:) Also, for some reason there seems to be quite a segment that routinely do not get to their seats until about half way through the first qtr. Guess the beer/escelator lines must be long :)

  12. It was a Josh Wilson article and he is a much more objective writer than Brad Wells. He pretty much hit it on the head with everything he said. Luck and Vinatieri pretty much bailed Arians out today. Steeler fans were happy to see Arians go for a reason. To stick with a ridiculously predictable run game, when you couldn't even run it when the defense was showing a more neutral look, it just makes you shake your head. When you have a guy as highly touted, and highly able as Andrew Luck behind center, you let him do his job. Don't force the run when you're lucky to get back to the LOS.

    They were calling a lot of runs to protect Luck for that reason. The OL could not protect him long enough to make a lot of passes. Everytime he scrambles out of the pocket and tries to run the ball he risks season ending injury. That would sure let the air out of our season! When he got the late hit out of bounds my heart almost stopped - so we got 15 yards whoopy. If he had been tackled into a table of Gatoraide and his arm broken that would have made last year look like a cake walk.

  13. As I watched that game it was quite apparent that the coaching staff are far more limited by the OL than our rookie QB. During most of the game they had to be somewhat conservative as to be more agressive put Luck's neck on the line (sorry for the poor choice :) ). When we ran the hurry up offense during the two minute drill (W/Luck it was a buck and change LOL) and he was obviously calling the plays he was stellar - wheeling and rolling and throwing darts. Hopefuly as our OL jells as a unit we will see that Luck more often ;)

  14. I do not feel that the long ball to Avery was under thrown. Avery is just so freaky fast that he out ran it. The timeing between he and Luck will come with practice. That same ball to Reggie or Austin would have landed in outstreched palms for a TD :)

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