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Posts posted by JustAColtsFan

  1. Take last year for example, How many people would have payed to see the mess that was last season? well with that season happening and with the loss of Manning, fans are at worst expecting this team to not be that good including most of us fans on this forum and dont want to pay who knows how many bucks to (I dont have ticket prices in front of me) to watch them lose, which they will do this first season more often then not when fans can save there money and spend it on something that 1.Costs less and 2.and lets be honest will be more fun then watching them lose especially for those of us that will get NFL Rewind for 70 bucks and be able to watch the whole season and then some, Like it or not Irsay needs to lower prices, it wont hurt for one season especially when most feel the season will result in more losses then not

    Since you do not know the ticket prices I assume you are not a season ticket holder. I do not have any complaint with your opinion then. However, the season ticket holders that think like you are the reason that Indiananpolis will never be a great NFL city in the vein of Greenbay or Pittsburg where you have to be willed tickets to even get a sniff of one. They realize that football is cyclical and there will be down seasons. When I purchased my season tickets the Colts were TERRIBLE but I new that with the addition of Peyton things were on the upswing. So I got to see a decade of great football. Now I am going to look at the next season or two as insurance. Yes the football will not be the best but I will get to see other great franchises play my team and I am sure the Colts will shock me a few times in the rebuilding process and steal a few exciting games. And in one or two seasons when they are winning 10-12 games a year and in the playoffs, all the "fans" that let their tickets go will be grumbling when they have to put up $100 per ticket just to be on the waiting list. Besides thanks to them I was able to upgrade my seats and am looking forward to the NEXT DECADE OF EXCELLENCE!!!! GO COLTS!!!

  2. Twelfth Largest city, but ninth NFL city. Missed Phoenix last time I counted.

    1 New York New York 8,244,910 302.6 27,016.3

    2 Los Angeles California 3,819,702 468.7 8,091.8

    3 Chicago Illinois 2,707,120 227.6 11,843.6

    4 Houston Texas 2,145,146 634 3,311.4

    5 Philadelphia Pennsylvania 1,536,471 134.1 11,379.6

    6 Phoenix Arizona 1,469,471 516.7 2,797.8

    7 San Antonio Texas 1,359,758 460.9 2,880.0

    8 San Diego California 1,326,179 325.2 4,020.3

    9 Dallas Texas 1,223,229 340.5 3,517.8

    10 San Jose California 967,487 176.5 5,359.4

    11 Jacksonville[g] Florida 827,908 747.0 1,100.1

    12 Indianapolis[f] Indiana 827,609 361.4 2,270.2

    Indy needs to step up their marketing though. Twenty-fifth is terrible.

    Something else that effects this is the fact that we are competing with Cincy and Chicago for basicly the same market area. Not much competition but they have been in this market longer than the Colts LOL.

  3. Why do we do this to ourselves? We are NOTORIOUS for doing dumb stuff like this in the public arena. In my opinion, this is really a non-issue that just became an issue.

    I completely understand the Colts' position on this and agree with their decision. However, not everyone does; so why publicly put this out there right now? I hope this goes away, soon!

    They put out publicly because they are required to by NFL rules. Unfortunately, they did not spin it very well. They are just tweeking the noses of the non-football watching taxpayers that were just looking for another reason to get on their soapboxes about the food and beverage tax ect. I retanined my tickets so not woried one way or another. Those fairweather fans that were happy to support the team for 12 years of excellence but dumped thier tickets at the first sign of adversity can just stare at a blank TV screen! I have several friends that have been on the waiting list for several years that were happy to snap up some of those tickets. GO COLTS!

  4. I have my Superbowl coffe mug full of pens and my Colts travel mug that I drink my coffee out of every day. And sadly, I have the 2010 WildCard poster vs the Jets - I know it is like I am torturing myself. I do need to take it down as half of the players in it ar no longer here :(

  5. I only have the Colts Plate on the back right now. But when the season starts she becomes the utlimate tailgater - complete with car flags and magnates on the doors. Back end stocked with sun tent, large tote with all the appropriate supplies and coolers :coltshorse:

  6. Monday Night Miracle will always be my favorite memory. I got to be one of the few who seen it.

    Super Bowl XLI is a close second.

    Yes, that is when I learned that no matter how far behind, never turn off a Colts game until the last second ticks off the clock :(

    The AFC Championship Game - I think I will pull out the DVD and watch it tonight with a tear of nostalgia on my cheek.

    My Third was before Peyton - The Monday Night Holloween Game - Goul LIne To Goul Line!! What a beat down LOL.

  7. I'll give the colts a few days to resign Peyton Manning, but they are on a tight leash. If Jim Irsay doesn't bring Peyton back and the other colts veterans, then he has proven that he is not a good owner, that he is not loyal, that he is respectful, and that he doesn't know how to run a business. The colts are not run in the mold, "It's just business" or they used to not be run that way.

    Jim, don't >>> it up. I find people who think that choosing Andrew Luck or a quarterback at the #1 pick as the only way to be extremely ignorant. To me and to many other people, it's clear as day to keep one of the best players of all time, Peyton Manning, and to trade the #1 pick to load the team with talent. With Peyton Manning, you have a good team that is a few pieces away from having a good defense and offense apart from the quarterback. All it takes is drafting those few pieces or getting them in free agency. It's really not that hard. I wonder how you get a job in the NFL anyways.

    Once again Jim Irsay, don't mess it up. You seem to be a good man with good faith. Why don't you ask your faith what to do instead of relying on your own determination which is what you seem to be doing right now.

    So it was perfectly fine when Irsay threw Harbaugh on the scrap heap right after he came within a dropped pass of taking us to a superbowl so that he could draft Peyton?? But now that Peyton has real issues with his health and we have the opportunity to draft the best young QB to come into the draft since Peyton it is just TERRIBLE of Irsay! What did Peyton show us in '98 that Luck isn't showing us now? It is all a crap shoot anyway. Did you expect Peyton to still be our QB when he is 40 yo or 50 yo. MOVE ON PEOPLE!!!!! I will always love Peyton and root for whatever team he goes to - except of course - if they are playing the COLTS.

  8. Lol some of us have already lived through the years of famine before Peyton even got here. We know how to get through rough stretches.

    I agree, Portage Coltsfan obviously wasn't a fan during the lean years with the likes of Pagel and Hoggeboom!! I learned to live on moldy bread crust for 15 years. That oughta just about get me through the drought he predicted LOL! GO COLTS! :coltshorse:

  9. I was always a Cincinnati Reds and IU Basketball fan. Football never held much interest for me. Then the Colts came in '84. My dad was so excited because we finally had an NFL franchise. He set about teaching his un-football savy daughter all about the game! We spent many happy Sundays watching the games - yes even when we lost which of course was alot LOL. He patiently explained about the different penalties and yards assessed. I was in LOVE with Jim Harbaugh (sorry sweet husband).

    My dad passed away before Peyton could bring the Lombardy trophy home to Indy but I know he was watching. So my answer to this thread topic is NO. I will root for Peyton wherever he goes but when his team meets the COLTS - no holds barred - I will be screaming for the defense to get after him. GO COLTS!!! :coltshorse:

  10. The timing is very bad here considering we just renewed our season tickets at well over $5000 a short time ago. Wonder if he will ofter any refunds to anyone who feels cheated and betrayed by this decision? No?...I wonder why not.....

    Maybe Irsay is confused and thinks that the beautiful stadium just built itself by the grace of rainbows, kittens, and unicorn magic or that without the stadium the NFL would have eventually gotten around to granting Indy a superbowl just out of the kindness of their hearts and that the dome would have been just fine for this event.

    I realize that a lot of people saw this coming but the longer the time passed, I began to have hope/faith. Was this stupid? Hindsight would say yes, but my heart is utterly broken in pieces.

    Some people say it would have been wrong for Irsay to pay $28M on someone who might not be 100%....isn't going with Luck doing close to the same thing? We don't know how good he'll be or won't be as of yet. I hope for Irsay, he is awesome or he will hear it from some of the fans.

    To the people who say that I'm not a 'true' fan.... we have paid thousands and thousands (true statement) over the years on tickets, jerseys/shirts/sweats, etc. I am just as entitled to my opinion as you are to yours. Maybe I am speaking out of pure anger and hurt and maybe I will still continue to support the Colts.....except when I am sporting my brand new Manning jersey of wherever he is going....

    And yet another "1 Post Member" I renewed my tickets back in January fully expecting this very day!!! GO COLTS!!!!

  11. Manning is who i want my boys to be like. Irsay is who I do not want them to be like. One has class and one doesn't. One is built with strong character and one not. For 35 years I've been a Colts fan and today I realize I can no longer be a fan

    Again, another "fan" who professes to have followed the team for 35 years but only now comes on the forum just to let us know that "he can no longer be a fan". I say good ridence to such fans! GO COLTS!!!!

  12. With Irsay...the apple dosen't fall far from the tree. I have been a colts fan since I was 9 or 10, so about 40 years. I can still remember picking up Sports Illustrated and reading about the move out of Baltimore in the middle of the night. I have no problem with the fact that Peyton is on the tail end of his career and you might not want to resign him, but please don't blow smoke about what a family the team is and how important character is and then orchestrate the joke that has been this off season...Irsay seems to have the same problem that trips up a lot of NFL owners...I have owned a team for awhile and now I am the only one fit to judge talent and I will answer to no one. I have followed the Colts a lot of years, some good, some bad...but I am not sure if I will any more. I don't buy all the hype on Luck and we could easly be headed back to the years of rotating coaches and rotating QB's...it seems like many fans think Luck is the 2nd coming of Unitas...but be renimded...the NFL landscape is dotted with dozens of can't miss QB prospects....In Irsay we trust...not me...I think he this off season he just sent us hurtling towards years of mediocre football...time will tell....

    You have followed the Colts for about 40 years yet didn't feel compeled to post until you could rip Irsay. Interesting that you could not post when he picked Peyton number one as a highly touted quarterback out of college. Did you not feel then that we were headed into years of "rotating quarterbacks and coaches". What did you see in Peyton then that made him less of a risk than Luck? HMMMMMM!!!!!

  13. I am truelly baffled how anyone can think that in year 4 or 5 Peyton would be a better option over a younger better QB in Luck? Green Bay showed how to handle it, and if the Colts are smart they follow their pattern. You draft Luck, he takes the 2012, 2013 and maybe 2014, but the Peyton era is coming to a close and people need to wake up to that.

    Ah, finaly someone that sees the writing on the wall!! Peyton very well may not come back, and if (when) he does, he will NEVER be 100% again. The Peyton we all loved and watched bring this franchise to glory is no more. I think you all do not realize how serious this neck injury is. You just cannot re-generate a nerve bundle over night and when they do re-generate they are never as "good as new". We need to start planning for LIFE POST MANNING. And what better time than when what appears to be a lost season gives you a high first round pick. I am not just talking about Luck, there are three or four good quality QB's coming into the draft. I really do hope that Peyton comes back next season, that will give him time to "groom" his heir.

  14. Did anyone else feel like crying as they watched Foster begging his team mates to keep fighting right after almost having his foot ripped from his leg. He and players like him is why I will keep rooting for them to win - but like you, I will not feel so terrble when we don't. I will not sell my season ticket like many of the other BAND WAGGONERS are doing. I will continue to go and root them on no matter what comes!!

    GO COLTS!!!

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