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Posts posted by JustAColtsFan

  1. If I remember right, fans were booing as soon as Painter came out. It would have sucked to have been at the game.

    Yes there was booing. That made me even more upset. As mad as I was at the decision to pull the starters I would never boo the team. It wasn't their fault! They looked totaly demoralized on the side line :( And I will always believe that was the reason we lost the Super Bowl - we totaly lost our focus and momentum!!

  2. Those of you who are season ticket holders would have recieved in your ticket pack a DVD called "Building a Winner". I highly recomend it. It is only a little over half hour long but has a lot of interview material on Pagano. I am looking forward to his Monday night show on 1070 The Fan so that I can here him discuss the games. You can really tell that he is a Fan and Student of football and loves it. There is also great footage of the veterans that are still with the team and he and Grigson talking about their qualities. The footage of the rookies with their former teams is great also - one scene in particular is of Dwayne Allen at Clemson - he is running into the endzone with two defenders hanging from his waist, what a beast!!! There is also footage of our free agency aquesitions with their former teams doing their best work of course LOL.

  3. Could someone notify NFL that we're running out of room on the Colts Bandwagon. What happened to everyone saying "The colts will struggle." "The colts won't win 4 games". " The Texans are winning the division for the next 3 years".

    What happened to all of that? Now all of a sudden, we're getting everyone on our side? This is getting out of hand smh

    I agree, I liked it better when the waggon was less crowded :)

  4. This is a duplicate thread with just a few words move around LOL. As I said in another one, I have watched both Luck and Manning's two pre-season games. Both played against the apposing teams starters and Manning seemed uncomfortable and very rusty while Luck looks like he is ready to take the world by the horns! Manning will shake the rust off and have a good season (and it kills me to see him in that uniform :( ), however, I am very pleased that we have Luck with 10 to 15 years ahead of him.

  5. After watching Manning in his first two pre-season outings I am not convinced he will ever be able to play at an elite level. It is early and he hasn't played in such a long time there is bound to be a great deal of rust. I just hope he never gets any hard hits as he could be back in the same posiiton. I was and still am very please with the decision that was made. I enjoyed our many succesful years with Manning and am now looking forward to the future with Luck!

  6. As a season ticket holder and one of those schmucks that bought additional tickets as Christmas gifts for other family members to go to the game - NO!! This is entertainment that we pay good money for - not only in ticket sales but jersey sales ect. That was far from entertaining!! :(

  7. I sat down to watch this game fully expecting to see the polar opposit of the Ram's game. I felt that our rookies would show thier inexperience and make the usual mistakes. After all it was the STEELERS for Gods Sake. Well our rookies did make their mistakes but handled it far better that any of us could have expected and came back with fire in their eyes. This is going to be and exciting year no matter how many games we win.. I am excited to see where this group of young men and thier older mentors can take us this year. GO COLTS!!!!

  8. I usualy hate pre-season games. The first qtr and half are OK but once the starters are pulled it is usualy like the Keystone Cops LOL. But this Colts team has a lot of quality young guys fighting for roster spots and several of them have impressed me greatly. There are some VERY HARD decisions ahead for Pagano, Grigson and the rest of the coaching staff. We are going to have a very hungry and exciting young team to watch this year. I feel a lot of gray hair coming though :)

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