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Posts posted by Dogg63

  1. I think a big part of this hyper-critical discussion of JB (et al) is an artifact of the current social media situation. Everything is getting picked apart. Especially police activity. The NFL replay system is an extension of the idea that every aspect of life needs to be perfectly adjudicated. It's not sustainable - due to human nature, chaos theory, attention span, signal-to-noise ratio, and several other considerations. 


    I'm curious how this will play out...it doesn't seem healthy to me. Or fruitful, for that matter.


    JB is doing fine, in general. He can be nitpicked under a microscope. So can CK. Brady hasn't carried the Pats on his back in the past couple games. Anyone can be nitpicked, depending on the mindset and bias of the 'spewer of reason/hate/bias/perspective/you name it'.


    So what?

  2. Additional data to help flesh this out:


    Saints (Away) -        21st ranked D - Texans scored: 28, Texans lose

    Jaguars (Home) -      7th ranked D - Texans scored: 13, Texans win

    Chargers (Away)  - 18th ranked D - Texans scored: 27, Texans win

    Panthers (Home)  - 20th ranked D - Texans scored: 10, Texans lose

    Falcons - (Home)  - 18th ranked D - Texans scored: 53, Texans win


    Not seeing a lot of correlation here. 


    • Like 2
  3. On 10/9/2019 at 1:09 PM, BertJones said:

    Lol youll eat every word soon...well, not that soon. Now the Redskins  will turn it around with Haskins.

    They'll be  1-6 soon. Then , come back here when it's 6-6  and they are fighting  for playoffs. 

    Interesting take. Some folks disagree, rather strenuously.


    "They're an organization whose decisions only make sense if you assume winning is irrelevant to them."


  4. 2 hours ago, jvan1973 said:

    It is their job.  The union works for the members.  

    Yes, but that goes back to the point made much earlier in this thread: Doyle is also a member that the union should be working for/protecting. Thus, should the union back one bad apple (Burfukt) or the multitude of other union members that he continues to try to maim? 


    (....or the one.)

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