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Posts posted by EastStreet

  1. 1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:

    I don’t think it’s because of a physical. The colts would not of announced it if it was. I would hope a team would have that physical before announcing the deal.


    Agents probably are the ones that initially release that info. But they don’t hold the cards.


    The paperwork probably hasn’t been filed yet. Justin Houston’s name is listed but no amount yet just like Geathers.


    players can sign prior to physical on a typical contract. the below link is an nfl standard contract. there can certainly be additional terms, but when they sign, they are agreeing to get at minimum a physical prior to pre season work outs. and if the agreement includes a signing bonus, they must get a physical prior to receiving the signing bonus IIRC (should be covered in the attached). If a player has a history of injury (like Geathers), a physical might be required within a certain time frame from signing the contract. Also required if the league is providing and insurance policy. but the contract can be signed prior to physical. it's why i said geathers may be checking boxes post signature, and doesn't want to toss out the nitty gritty before he gets a thumbs up from doctors. doing so might be a disadvantage should he fail, and then try to go to another team. 



    • Like 1
  2. 33 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    An agent ISN'T a "league source"....    and if you're trying to quote me,  at least quote me right.


    I never called an agent a "league source"....   those are two completely different things.


    Contracts have to be viewed by the leaque office to make sure they're in full compliance with all rules about bonuses and incentives...    some contracts are in violation and have to be modified.


    People who work in the league office would qualify as a "league source"...


    what you said this



    The likely reason the details have not been made public is the agent is not happy with the deal.    He can’t brag about this deal.   He doesn’t want other agents trashing him with other possible clients.


    The team does not reveal numbers.   The news comes from the player.   The details WILL eventually come out..  Maybe in a week or two?  



    then you say this


    And I don’t pretend to know the policies of other teams.   But typically it’s from agents...  sometimes I see posts  from NFL Information guys citing “league sources.”   I don’t think that’s the team (though it could be). But the contract has to be cleared with the NFL to make sure there are no rules violations on bonuses and escalator clauses and such

    You conflict yourself. You say the news comes from the players, not teams. then you admit you don't know. Then it could be agents or league sources. Then it could be the team........ 



  3. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


    And you accuse ME of having a dramatic moment?


    Silly?   Borderline tin hat?       You must not follow football much.     If you have,  you'd know that it's often a war between agents for clients.  And everything goes.      And I didn't say ego.   You did.   And, even thought I've asked repeatedly in a number of posts,   if my reason doesn't work for you,  then at least float an idea of your own?   Have yet to see one from you or anyone else....


    You're better than this....

    i gave you my idea the first time. i suggested it's prerequisite related. either physical or something else. 


    name one confirmed time when an agent held contract details ransom because they got low balled and were unhappy. jerry maguire doesn't count. and if they did, that would be a perfect example of "ego"


    And enough with the personal crap. you're little quips are tiresome. you're not some football whiz or colts expert. you're opinion based, nothing more. saying something is silly or tin foil is not dramatic.... dramatic is saying stuff like:  "you've overplayed your hand", or "you're better than this". or "I appreciate you're new", or suggesting someone doesn't follow football much.


    i'm late 40s, and have followed the colts since they arrived in Indy. before i moved out of state, i had season tix for many many years. a lot of my family still walk to the games as they live only a mile or so from the stadium. i used to hang with Baldinger, Hinton, Bicket, Gusa, and several others in the late 80s / early 90s, and spent many night tossing down drinks at the Red Garter with them. i've also met manning several times, and my cousin worked for him personally for several years before he left for Denver. another family member worked for Irsay and the Simons. Another family member owned the contract for catering and rentals at the Hoosier Dome.... So, you might say I'm neither new, nor someone who hasn't followed the Colts or Football long. and obviously, based on many of our exchanges, i know stats a heck of a lot better than you.

  4. 20 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    I could see that. Ballard seems to be a straight shooter. No matter if we get one in the draft or not I think he needs to be brought back. His reliability can’t be underestimated. If we start dropping balls during the season he might not be there to get.  

    he's solid, a good guy, and wants to be a Colt. i hope it works out. there's only so much room in the Inn though. i'd rather have him than a few of the other WRs on the roster.

    • Like 2
  5. On 3/22/2019 at 11:11 AM, Chloe6124 said:

    It does make you wonder if the reason Inman isn’t signed yet is because Ballard is thinking about taking one with one of those second round picks. Not that I think he should but maybe he is waiting to see what he gets in the draft.


    i do think Inman provides some stability and we need to bring him back.

    i think they are likely being very honest with him, but also throwing a low ball offer at him. that's just my opinion. he should have never said he wants to retire here lol.


    it would not surprise me if ballard made him a low offer, and said something like:

    "if you want locked in now, here's an offer. we're going to look in the draft. if we find someone, there may or may not be an offer. if we don't, your offer could go up a little."

  6. 30 minutes ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


    Huh? Who's he going to lose his snaps to? There isn't a better strong side DE on the roster, and Ray nor Lynch would change that if they were brought in either. I HIGHLY doubt Sheard loses snaps, let alone being cut. 

    name your wager (that his snap count % decreases) lol.


    I think there are a ton of things in play. How it will all shake out is anyone's guess. All I know is, with new guys coming in, existing guys improving, and our schedule this year, his snap count is likely to decrease. 


    1. He'll be 30 before the season start. 

    2. He has the highest snap count of the front four

    3. We could add another DE in the draft that could impact his #s

    4. If we would add a guy like Lynch or Ray, they would play behind Houston, moving Turay behind Sheard (he's been there before). 

    5. With Houston, and potentially others, we'll have a lot more quality rotation, and likely to see a lot more looks / personnel packages. More tools in the tool box means increased flexibility. 

    6. AQM is 23, and is expected to improve (even with his crazy path to the Colts)

    7. Keep in mind Hunt has lined up at DE, and Autry has lined up all over the place.

    8. If we add an early round DT or UT, depending on who, could mean more moving parts. 

    9. Lewis will end up somewhere. 

    10. We face the 7th toughest schedule in 2019, and play a slew of gun slingers. We will absolutely see Sheard rotated out more for pass rushing packages.

  7. 44 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Ballard is top tier in talent evaluation, but the character issues are the precise reason He/Colts have Brian Decker on board-




    I think he had a say in our incredible rookies to accentuate the scouts/coaches and Ballards work.


    I only know there are rumors... no facts.  If there are facts, the Colts will find and evaluate them. I'm not worried on that front.




    ya gotta love an X LC of SF grooming character lol.


    i read an article on ballard comparing years one and two with the colts, and a little contrast with KC. good read. it wasn't all roses about ballard, but still impressive. been trying to find that damn article again so i can post it. anyway, it talked about him learning from his mistakes (he's not perfect). one thing that does concern me a bit, is that people will begin to expect draft classes like 2018 every year. and that isn't happening. his first year here (2017) wasn't perfect by any means. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Mr.NotSoCreative said:

    No doubt man, and I got the whole levels thing from an interview from Reich lol. I think we were so worried about having Luck handle the ball like a hot potato because of his return to the field. Dude held up just fine and maybe Reich has multiple wrinkles to use with another speed/verticle threat. I suppose thats why im looking at a guy like Campbell in the draft with speed out of the slot as well as outside. 

    give me all the speed. Isabella is really starting to grow on me. I'd prefer tall and fast, but i'll be happy with anyone fast that can blow the top off the D and catch the ball. 

    • Like 1
  9. 53 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    Ballard has been through that before, with a player that was kicked off his college team, not just a bad rep.  Marcus Peters.  Now he has that experience and Brian Decker as final filter.  If he is a fit, and a potential day 1 player, teams (including the Colts) will spend large sums of money, time, and resources investigating (at minimum) potential round 1 selections.  Great drafting teams do their own work, perform due diligence, and ignore the 'noise' out there. Here's Ballard telling the story about Peters-





    Of course, but unless something big that blows up from here, he won't be there at #59.  But this is a guy that if Ballard is interested, will bring in for a private personal workout doing drills that matter to Eberflus and his system, interview, and meet with Brian Decker.  The results there will tip the scales one way or the other from he was on the board.  But I see your point about murmurings.  And if Colts never bring him in at some point, maybe he is off the radar.  We'll see.


    I'm not sure if Kirwan counts character rumors during 'Lying Season' into his decisions right now.  Teams, agents, etc have been known to float rumors as a smoke screen about players.  And I've heard stories about players blowing off interviews to teams they may not want to play for.  IE: If I'm a cornerback, and interviewing with a team known to be stacked with an excellent secondary, even in depth, then the chances of playing there aren't as rosy as other destinations.  The interview might not go as well there, and, things leak...


    I'd say, 'Trust nobody, do your own work.'


    yup i know they will do their homework. all teams do.

    it's not that i think Ballard will shy away from an "incident" or simple flag in general, but i think he might shy away from a personality type. and IMO, that's what Baker has. again, only my opinion, but I don't think it's a simple case of a kid doing something boneheaded and out of character. 


    and i was being funny about 59 ;-_ hence the smile.

  10. 55 minutes ago, Mr.NotSoCreative said:

    Im not sure man, Reich and Co. took a little time to get some things sorted out offensively. With a full season, now offseason, I would think the playbook will expand, especially considering we are returning nearly all of our starters. They are getting close to being able to utilize every "level" of a defense and exploit accordingly. We saw what the offense is capable of, good and bad, I would think we will see more of the good. Injuries/depth is the key at this point. No way you can gameplan just for TY. Too many options with more to come. I really like Reich and Luck putting their brains together and the chances of really good results.

    the only thing the worries me, is that Reich's system is a quick pass horizontal scheme. luck can do the horizontal stuff, but he's a vertical guy. hope they can work out a good mesh, and i also hope they get Luck another vertical WR.

  11. 1 hour ago, DougDew said:

    But you're using Eagles offensive statistics to forecast the Colts, and nowhere have you accounted for the absence of a player like TY on the Eagles, and the likelihood that all other receivers got more targets because of it.  I'm not using what happened on the Eagles to forecast what I think will happen with the Colts.   The data is from two different universe pools, IMO.


    I'm simply using common sense that says any one receiver is likely to have fewer targets the more quality receivers are added to the corps, not withstanding the fact that you always want to get a certain amount of targets to your best players.  I would assume that if Ebron got the same amount of targets as he did last year, it would be because Funchess has not provided Luck with a confident option, but I certainly don't think that is a fact at this point.


    Interesting question:  As Inman emerged later in the season, did WR#2 get more targets as the season wore on, and did any other receiver get fewer targets?  I suspect Inman's production was probably too little too late to move the needle, but it would be an interesting analysis.


    No offense intended, just an observation about our world: As for data analytics in general, I've noticed over the years as we've progressed more into the digital age, there is growing inverse relationship between the use of statistics and the use of common sense to form opinions.  When one goes up, the other tends to go down.


    you were the one that compared Eagles WRs (during Reich's tenure) to Colts WRs in response to my last post. so why wouldn't i use Eagles stats to reply?


    in terms of targets, it depends on the O scheme as much as the personnel. Ertz got the same amount of targets in 16 and 17 when the WR turnover was huge between those years (top 2 WRs were traded out between 16 and 17). 


    to answer your Q. WR2 didn't really increase. didn't do all the math, but WR2 (RG) early season average looked very similar to WR2 (RG+DI) late season.




    in terms of other WRs, not a lot of clear trending one way or the other. it's up and down, and a lot can be explained by injury.


    the biggest lack of common sense is to form strong opinions without understanding the fact/data/stats first. sometimes numbers can be interpreted in different ways and require the common sense factor, sometimes numbers are simply undeniable. regardless, it's always silly, or lazy, to not at minimum understand the numbers. i form opinions all the time prior to understanding the data behind the scene. And most time, understanding the data later impacts my opinion. It may either strengthen, or change it. why anyone would not want all the information available when debating is a big ???

  12. Kelly is one of the few guys that I would extend early. Ballard and Reich are on record saying he is the #1 center in the league. That's a bit of sunshine pumping, but he is top 5. 


    he's making 2.6/yr and will likely command 10-11/yr.


    if they are going to take the 5th (pun intended), they have to notify him May 3rd. Rookies that are preforming well, absolutely hate 5th year contracts, especially those taken in the first, outside the top 10. 


    i'd give him a 4 year contract that effectively pay him his 2.6 (value scheduled for 2019) + 3 years at 10 to 11 . But, spread the 32.6ish out over 4 years for an 8.1 average. That way everyone is happy and it's more kind to future caps than what an 11 or 12 per year contract would be during or after his 5th.


    Here's the blurb on 5th year protocol. 



    Every player selected in the first round of the NFL Draft will automatically have a Fifth-Year Option added in his contract. This option cannot be separately attached to the player contract.


    The option allows a team to retain a player’s rights for five years rather than the standard four, which is the bonus of selecting a player in the first round. In order to extend the contract, the team must inform the player during the period between the last regular season game of his third contract year and May 3 of the next League Year (Art. 7, Sec. 7, (a), 31).


    The Fifth-Year Option is non-negotiable, and the non-compensation terms from a player’s rookie contract will be transferred to the fifth year.


    Many terms allowed in other contracts are prohibited from being added into the Fifth-Year Option. These terms include Option Bonuses, Option Exercise Fees, option Non-Exercise fees, Option Buyouts, or any other compensation that stems from the team exercising or declining the Fifth-year option (Sec. 7 (d), 31).


    When a team exercises the option, it becomes guaranteed for injury only. If the player is on the team’s roster at the start of the League Year in his option season, his salary becomes fully guaranteed for skill, cap and injury.


    The payments are not considered Rookie Salary and do not count toward league or club rookie pools or allocations. The player’s option-year salary is also not subject to the 25% Rule.


    The salary of the option year is also the only payment a player is eligible to receive for football services outside of minimum offseason workout per diems and compensation for non-football related team activities.


    The salary for the Fifth-Year Option is also different for two types of players: those selected in the top-ten picks and all other first-round selections.


    The option for top-ten picks is set at an amount equal to the salary of the Transition Tender (set in Article 10, Section 4 of the CBA) for the player’s fourth contract year. This salary is calculated, to put it simply, by finding the average of the top ten highest Prior Year Salaries for players at the same position. Positions are defined by where a player spent the most plays during the previous season (Sec. 7, (a), 31), unless you ask Jimmy Graham.


    For players selected between 11th and 32nd in the draft, the same calculation is used to compute their salaries. The difference lies in what is averaged; rather than the top ten, the 3rd-25th highest Prior Year Salaries for the player’s position will be used.


    If a team decides to use its option, the player can face substantial fines for refusing to report to camp on time and/or at all. Players can be fined up to $30,000 per day of training camp missed and a fine equal to one week’s regular season (1/17 of P5 Salary) check for any preseason games missed.


    The Fifth-Year Option is intended provide teams with more security when it invests a valuable first-round pick on a player.



  13. on Baker. he's dropping.

    there's more out there to read if you care to google. 

    as i shared before, baker kinda had a "rep" at UGA which is a hard place to have a rep lol..

    anyway, not sure he's a guy ballard would want at all, let alone at 26 with our first. 

    now if he fell to 59, i'll take him and his rep  :-)




    Bleacher Report's Matt Miller reports that Georgia CB Deandre Baker is falling down draft boards because of "bad interviews".

    This is more confirmation of Yahoo Sports' Charles Robinson report from earlier this week. Before the draft process started, Baker (5'11/193) was widely considered as a Round 1 prospect, but this is a perfect example of interviews mattering. On the field, Baker was dominant in coverage, allowing less than 5.0 yards per target. Clearly a boom-or-bust prospect, Baker's draft pick range is starting to widen.





    Yahoo Sports' Charles Robinson writes that there's a perception that Georgia CB Deandre Baker "seems to be slipping a bit in the process."

    Robinson passes along that Baker's showing at the combine in terms of his speed testing and subsequent drill work left something to be desired. There were also some rumors from Indianapolis that the 5-foot-11, 193-pound corner did not appear to have taken his combine prep -- or his interviews -- maybe as seriously as he should have. Baker shouldn't be ruled out for a Day 1 selection, but his footing for the draft is probably somewhat more wobbly now than it was two months ago.



  14. 24 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    All I am saying is.... you have to consider him...... IF...IF the top DL players are gone


    I hope Clelin Ferril makes it to the 26th pick (I dont think he will)

    I believe Tillary will be there at 26,


    IF THEY are both gone..... What DL player is WORTH a 26th pick?


    If Bush is still on the board, (And the above 2 are both gone) I would have a VERY tough time picking between Bush and Chauncy Gardner


    They both can change games.......  Gardner and Bush, can both cover the TE, Both have a nose for the ball, and both can get and cause turnovers.


    They both can blitz....... and are fast enough to cause a pressure, or a sack


    I dont see a "game changer" DL player at 26 if the above guys are gone

    The DL "game changers" will be taken in top 18-20 Picks



    To me...... game changers on defense would seem to be of interest

    Ferril won't be there. Simmons is dropping hard and will be available, maybe our 2 or 3rd pick. He's a game wrecker... , and while a top ten talent, he'll be out for a year recovery.  Tillery is rising so that will be a close call at 26. Lawrence will be there although I'm not a fan. Dre'mont Jones is rising and will likely go 25-35. I do like him. I don't think he peaked well in 2018, but is still raw. I think his ceiling is high.


    CJG should definitely not be our 1st IMO. He's rated currently somewhere between 40-55th best player. He is rising though, but still wouldn't call him a game changer. Plenty of flaws to his game. At most, maybe our second pick, and maybe still available for our 3rd. Check out Thornhill. If you liek CJG, you might like Thornhill's film better. I think he has a higher ceiling. Both are rising. CJG gets the press because he went a DB school. IMO, the fact Thornhill did not, makes him more impressive (along with his film).



  15. 20 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    Because the #2 WR for the Eagles was the same quality as the #2WR for the Colts.  And Ballard, not Reich, is hoping that Funchess will be better than both.  That's pretty clear, he wants an upgrade over Grant, and it won't be taking targets away from TY.

    First thing, Grant actually played worse with the Colts than he did the year prior in GB.

    Second, Dorial B Green (Eagles #2 in 2016) was a head case (multiple arrests/legal issues), but was much more talented than Grant. Nelson Agholor took over #2 in 2016 for DBG and was a full time #2 in 2017. Agholor is more talented than Grant. Also keep in mind that in those years, Sproles was used heavily (in the passing game) in 2016, as well as the #2 TE (Burton). And in 2017, they added Alshon Jeffery and Torrey Smith. Jeffery without a doubt was better. Smith was old, but still better than Grant. 


    I'm giving you my opinion (and my prediction, supported by data), and you're talking like your opinion is fact. Neither one of us know how Funchess will be used. Neither one of us know how his use might change as the year goes along. Neither know who it might impact Ebron. We also have zero clue if Ballard and Reich plan to go WR in the draft, and if so where. And let's not forget, They drafted Cain last year to be the long term #2.


    To quote Ballard.... from the indystar...


    “Do I think he has (No. 2) ability?” Ballard said. “Absolutely, I do.”


    On Ballard hoping that Funchess is better than both. "Hope" is not a strategy. I'm sure Ballard has an actual strategy, and pretty sure that strategy was at minimum socialized heavily with Reich, if not led by Reich. GMs typically don't dictate offensive strategy. It's normally the coach that provides the need to the GM, and the GM and the coach work to identify the player.


    The GM is ultimately responsible for the hiring and contractual elements, and overall team management. Some GMs are more heavy handed than other, some are less. With Ballard being only a GM for 2 years, doubt he's one of the heavy handed ones. I'm sure he works in concert with Reich, not as the absolute ruler. And then also have QBs that may or may not have a lot of input to the process. Irsay made sure Manning had a significant voice in O matters. I doubt Luck has the same type of cred as Peyton, but I'd bet he holds some weight. 

  16. 37 minutes ago, braveheartcolt said:

    Pretty sure it is important to have 'solid' players on the roster. Most teams are very lucky to have more than a few elite players. He is definitely worth keeping.

    agreed. hard worker, seems like a good locker room guy.

    and you never know how his performance might improve with houston on the other side, and a new drafted DT upgrade. he may look much improved.

  17. 13 minutes ago, stitches said:

    I will have him ranked higher than 59 for sure. For me he will be in early-mid R2 value range. If he drops to 59, IMO that's a steal. 


    Andy is moving up the different big boards used in simulators, and also up the traditional mocks too.  some boards more than other, but definitely trending nicely across all. he lit up UGA beautifully. i'd bet a mint that he doesn't make it to 89. i'd be overjoyed with him at 59. 


    i try to do a mock or two a day with morning coffee lol. in the last two weeks, i've seen a ton of movement in WR and some other interesting positions. 


    Other WR movement

    Both Browns  has dropped multiple times. 

    Harry (ASU) has started to drop. 

    Harmon has dropped a bunch.

    JJ A-Whiteside, Boykin, and Hurd have all moved up.


    Some other noticeable movement (non-WR) this week

    Simmons (DL) finally started to drop (injury). Some board have him dropping even to early R3

    Tillery (DL) moving up in several.

    Polite (Edge) down, some way down

    Ss Thornhill and CGJ are moving starting to move up. Hooker moving up, but not as much.

    S Abram dropping a bit

    CB Deandre Baker starting to drop due to combine chatter about him. Julian love a little drop too.

    And in general, a lot of OTs are going much earlier than a few weeks ago, and RBs are as predicted dropping. 


    going to be very interesting.

    • Like 2
  18. Just now, Narcosys said:

    I disagree with none of that

    as is your right.. 


    baker is dropping though. rotoworld and a few other sites reported the flags. and... i can tell you he absolutely has a rep at UGA. and it's very hard to get a rep at UGA.... lol.


    wanna maker a wager about greedy being available at 26?

  19. 17 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

    Of the players I named, I added their ratings above. If they are all available, I would pick one of the two DBs (Williams or Baker) over Simmons..





    i'd bet a good amount of cash that Williams is not there. 


    baker is dropping fast due to combine flags per several stories i've seen. had some very bad interviews with multiple teams. didn't have the best rep at UGA (I'm in ATL and hear all the Dwag crap constantly). not sure he would be a Ballard guy.


    even without the baker flags, i'd still take Tillery. the difference is ratings is very small. and he is absolutely the kind of kid you want in the locker room. i could easily see him coaching some day if not running for office lol. he was student body president at ND. and i love his position flexibility and rare height and radius for a DL.

    • Thanks 1
  20. 5 hours ago, MPStack said:

    If Devin Bush is there at 26, I think he'd be a solid selection. A tad short, but he's pretty decent in coverage. Bush will fill the Mike position for the Colts.


    Please, no more UM players lol. I'd love Bush, but not in the place of a 1st round DT or early second round WR... 


    Take Coney in the 4th or 5th. He'd be an upgrade.

  21. 58 minutes ago, Colts1324 said:

    Colts D-Line for 2019: 



    Houston/FA/Turay/Lewis/Muhammad/ Sheard


    DT: Autry/Hunt/Ward/draft pick


    I fully expect us to draft a DT in the upcoming draft. That leaves us with 10 defensive lineman next year given we sign another edge rusher in FA. IF we draft a DE as well in the draft that leaves us with 11 players on the D-Line. 


    You also have to take into account that Sheard likely wants to start, and he very well could have limited snaps next offseason. If he stays, that's great. More depth. We'll see. 

    i'd wouldn't be shocked either way on Sheard. He is solid, but not near elite. He did lead the DLs in snap count, tackles, and QB hits (tied) in 2018. Some of that is misleading though. Turay had as many QB hits, and in less than half the snaps. It will be interesting to see the numbers Houston put up. If he does stay, I'd be shocked if his snap count didn't decrease by at least 25%. More if we pick a guy like Ray or Lynch.

    • Like 1
  22. 23 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Ertz in 17 had the same number of targets as Ebron in 18?!?    Really?


    Link?   Source?    I’d like to see that. 

    yes, really.

    reich has tried to stay as consistent as possible to his scheme (which worries me a bit)


    here ya go. by the way, very easy to find.

    under rushing/receiving > receiving > sort on targets


    Ebron 110 in 18



    Ertz 110 in 17


    Ertz 106 in 16


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