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Posts posted by Nadine

  1. I was pulling your leg a little with the Ravens comment. But I think the NFL changing the division teams playing each other at the end of the season has zero to do with what anything the Colts did or didn't do. It's all water under the bridge so it really don't matter. It is good to see Caulwell doing a good job in Detroit. Polian has become what he hated as a GM. How ironic?

    It did though.  It was a direct response to the colts resting the starters.


    I had tickets to last weeks Texans game and I still hesitate before going to late season games when so many things are decided.  But these days, the risk is lower.


    Good game, good  time..........except for some reason every single play way in the opposite end zone from where we were sitting.

  2. Several posts were removed from this thread.


    A few reminders.  


    1) Don't talk about moderators or moderation and how unfair they are to you.  Easy enough to create a one sided version of what has happened in the past and paint yourself the innocent targeted completely blameless poster.


    We don't talk about you in the forums and the rule is you do  not talk about us either.  If you want to talk to a moderator, use pm


    2.) Stop name calling.  Telling someone they are not smart enough is a personal shot.  


    3.) Us the report button.  If you do not report posts that violate our site rules............you have no business at all complaining that moderators are not omniscient..

  3. Could it just be a matter of bringing in OL minded front office personnel? I for one would love to see Jeff Saturday brought on in a front office role helping with draft decisions, particularly on the OL, as well as general decisions since he is well respected and was a spokesperson for the NFLPA.


    Listening to Trent Dilfer on JMB Radio, he said the Colts simply aren't doing a good job of identifying quality players on the OL, and are struggling developing some of them.

    Jeff Saturday had a job and an office here.

    He left when ESPN called and it looks like he's doing well there

  4. Did you see the linked article that said the titans could go for as much as 2 billion?


    Some believe the Titans could fetch upwards of $2 billion, and with the NFL pursuing teams in Los Angeles and London, seeing a smaller-market franchise come close to that range would only be a boost to the overall valuations of those top markets as well.



    I don't know enough about the business and it's future to speculate on the wisdom of paying that much.  Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't most of the money come from television? And isn't television in flux?  I mean...........how much longer will it have huge money to fork over?


    Good luck to him though

  5. If anyone wants to know who I am, they can check my profile for my full real name, my website which leads to the company I run, and anything else you want to know.   Message boards are great and I have run them since the days of dial up BBS communities.  Our Org turns 30 years old and we've had a message board longer than a website.  Unlike the Colts, we don't have the technology support and budget to use the Auto Login features using sites like Facebook, but you guys should have that technology available.  What is the downside? 


    But all that is secondary to the point I made and was rebuked over, now by you as well.  What exactly is wrong with the idea that people should be about to post their opinions here without fear of being told they are unqualified to make those comments or attacked, humiliated and ostracized by people who disagree or simply enjoy trolling folks? And why are you now coming after me for raising that question instead of at least agreeing that people should be able to post without fear of attacks? I don't get it.  It seems okay to the admins for people to attack others, but not okay to point out how wrong the trolls are for doing it?



    Which part of what I said was an attack?

    I'm sorry you are not comfortable or trusting of our boards. As a forum moderator, I am sure you know it's a good idea spending some time getting to know the board and the people before passing judgement.


    All boards are not the same and our members like ours the way that it is.  The people here are nice.......some gruff, some argumentative and some cross the line. We do our best to maintain civility and are a popular place with a lot of people who prefer our more civil environment.


    You don't see it that way, I understand.  But others do.

  6. Well, I have learned not to assume who can or can't do something especially since this is an anonymous board (I wish it was required to use real names and be authenticated, as best you can these days, rather than complete randomness and with people getting nasty because they know they don't have to put their name behind their words, their attacks or in some cases their lies.  .


    To those not interested in the side discussion, please ignore this response, or skip the part between the arrows -----> <------ 


    --->Ironic because I wish people would use their real names? I'd think many people would be happy to see that switch.  I run a large online board in the music industry and we've switched to real names and it has significantly helped the quality of posting and the civility as well.  Sure, some people will still game the system (i.e. lie about who they are) and get in, be nasty and get banned and then come around as someone else until they finally get tired or their babysitter catches on, but the regular users love it, they get to know real people and make real friends and in our case, actual business contacts to help them in their pursuit.  We allow anonymous users but no one takes anything they say very seriously for the most part and they are on a short leash if they cause trouble.  


    If your problem is that I think people should feel free to post an opinion without the long lectures about how unqualified they are, well that's not my problem, it's my opinion and hopefully it's the way things are supposed to be here.  If not, I am sure I will hear from Superman about it shortly. <-------

    And yet.........you are here and you are anonymous.  So there must be something here that you don't want to change.


    Yes there are problems that come with anonymity but it is also what makes forums special.  They are an old technology but they're not going away for a reason.


    There are more than enough real name requiring websites and they are certainly not free of rude behavior.


    The vast majority of people here are real.  

  7. It's unique, because the Colts and Patriots have won their divisions more than any other teams in the league since realignment and the new formula, so we're always getting placed against each other. Both teams finished in second place in 2008, so they would have played each other in 2009 anyways, but that was the year the two divisions were set to play. We were last in 2011, but the divisional matchup came back up in 2012, so we played the Pats anyway. We didn't play last year because we were second place in 2012 and the Pats were first, but we did meet them in the playoffs. It's just a lot of coincidence, not done on purpose. But I'm sure the NFL and the media love it.

    And now, with the Broncos having a stranglehold on their division since Manning got there, they play the Pats every year also. And now, us. We played the Broncos in 2013 because we played the AFC West.

    Long story short, it's coincidence by virtue of the fact that the Colts and Pats, and now the Broncos, generally win their respective divisions.

    Personally, I like it.

    Playing the Patriots is always good.

    I just don't like the drama that comes with the Broncos games.  So that's the lens I look through rather than formulas.

  8. Exactly. We knew this a long time ago, with the exception of the Denver game. And we have to wait for the AFC North to be decided, and then we'll know that last opponent. There's no favored matchups. Everything from opponent to home/away is determined by formula.

    OK so it just feels like it's on purpose then

  9. Enough with the Colts move to Indy talk please.


    I had no idea of the plight of Redskins fans until a fan I met send me a link with the story of what's gone down there the past several years.  I feel quite bad for their fans.  They just want to watch football and really are loyal


    They were so excited to get rg..........I'm sad to see it turn out this way.

  10. Then times have changed?

    Remember 'Gidget' the girl midget?...a term of endearment (I thought) given to a California teenager by her father...

    Her adventures (she wasn't a 'little person' simply a short girl) spawned a popular TV series and several movies...

    But just an example of how times have changed, right?

    Like the NAACP...using proudly (I assume) the phrase 'colored people'?

    Well, I don't want to get political or racial. I know some people can be over sensitive and other people can get over outraged.


    Mr Magoo is offensive to some people because they feel it makes fun of partially sighted people.  But, I think that we can all be made fun of. We should all have a sense of humor.


    Mr Magoo was funny....and it wasn't just that he was partially sighted.  He cruised though things and even though he couldn't see..........somehow he always came out ok.


    Words evolve and change meaning.  People use words to ridicule other people.  That's just true and I think the world is a better place if we stop ridiculing one another and also learn to have a sense of humor.


    Times have changed and keep changing.  That's not always a bad thing. We can all relax a bit and not worry so much about it.  The old days were not all good.


    They weren't all bad either.  

  11. Ill bite...why is the term 'midget' offensive..?

    What is the preferred term?


    Any label that names people based on one aspect of them.......over time becomes demeaning and offensive.  Case in point the word midget is intended to insult here.


    We don't label people this way because it's demeaning.


    For example, there is a word for people who have psoriasis........ it's psoriatic.


    Would you want to be referred to with that word that referred to one aspect of you..........whether it's cancer or your income or your weight or whatever?


    Anyway, speaking as a short person, I have a sense of humor about it because it can be funny.  For example Randy Newman's song "short people"  But that song was really intended to mock people who don't like short people.


    Things can be funny..........but they can also be intended as a shot.

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