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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. In the Cubs post game, they are ripping that call. Oh well, it is what it is. That wasn't even close to a strike!
  2. It's over, that was a rotten call that went against us in the 9th. That UMP had at least 5 or 6 pitches he gave to the Pirates. He must be from Pittsburgh.
  3. That UMP is plain awful! That was a freakin ball.
  4. Even when you play bad teams, you make error's, it will cost you. We should have had 2 outs and nobody on and it turned into this crap show.
  5. That is all she wrote. Never even heard of that dude and he hits it 500 feet. I am speechless
  6. One thing that made this team good for 2 months was they were fundamentally sound. Didn't make error's and had timely hitting getting runs in. Over the last 2 weeks, I have seen some real sloppy baseball.
  7. Yep, watch them score now. It has been like that all night.
  8. Another error and a big one. There should be 2 outs and nobody on. I have watched this whole game and it has been frustrating on all levels.
  9. Those earlier error's killed us. We have gave up 3 unearned runs. 5-4 to the 9th.
  10. Still down 5-4, nice rally but it will be all for not if we can't tie this up.
  11. Yeah I have been watching the Cubs game, they came up with another dud. 49ers up 11, not surprising.
  12. They get guys on and have no Namers bat them on in. We get bases loaded with guys like Swanson and Bellinger up and can't do anything. Down 5-1. I am going to stop letting this bother me, my stomach is killing me, it isn't worth it. What a putrid performance. Booooooo.
  13. Had 2 guys on and no outs, then 3 simple fly outs in a row. We can't score to save our lives.
  14. Happ drops a fly ball. 3-0 Pirates. This is over. All I can do is laugh at this point, losing to a stinky team like the Pirates at home. This Cubs team isn't near the team it was in July and August. Something has to be wrong somewhere.
  15. We had bases loaded and Swanson strikes out. Swanson's error also cost us 2 runs. Pirates up 2-0 in the 4th. This is getting comical.
  16. Got out of it, lets get some runs. 0-0 to the bottom of the 2nd.
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