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Posts posted by ColtsBlueFL

  1. 7 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Mayok had a interview and like ballard stressed DT. When you already have a QB as good as Carr It would be dumb to pass on a guy like Kinlaw.


    While they make statements that seem (and may be) true, make no mistake teams will not willingly signal their draft intentions to other teams. Mayok is responsible to get players Jon wants and coaches.  Gruden loves QB's, and also traded Khalil Mack. Trading Carr is only 5 million dead cap.  Depends upon Gruden deciding if Derek can run his playbook well enough.  Maybe Tom Brady goes to the Raiders.  We'll see.



    • Like 1
  2. 43 minutes ago, Stephen said:

    In my opinion  there are five qbs in this draft that are an immediate  upgrade to Brissett.  Burrow, tua, Love, Herbert,  and Fromm  could all start  from day one behind our line and throw more tds and win more games than Brissett. 

    Hurts, Gordon, and Eason are my second tier guys who I feel need more development  than the top five. Eason struggles  alot when pressured.

    Gordon while he has a quick release I have to see more from him deep plus he is small.

    Hurts need to see more in the passing game  


    Tua's health is still the X factor right now.  Here is a scouting report (by a real respected scout) overview of 5 QB's practice days at the Senior Bowl recently.  Sorry for length:


    South team QB's


    QB Justin Herbert, Oregon
    Herbert looked phenomenal on Tuesday displaying all the physical tools and leadership skills necessary for the next level. He was right on the money with many of his throws and his pass placement was off the charts. He made plays in and out of the pocket, displayed a next level arm and great athleticism. His incomplete passes were more about drops by receivers rather than missed throws on his part. And when his receivers dropped a pass Herbert was there to take charge. Terrific day by the Oregon quarterback.


    QB Justin Herbert, Oregon
    It was another effective day for Herbert, though one could make the argument he was slightly better yesterday. He was right on the money with his throws and showed terrific pass placement. I don’t think Herbert had as many dynamic throws today, but he also had fewer errant passes and misses. Again, he displayed a good degree of leadership throughout the entire session.


    QB Justin Herbert, Oregon
    Thursday was another terrific practice for Herbert. While he probably had more misses Thursday than any of the previous two days, he consistently showed the ability to drop the ball in the bucket and place passes where only his target could come away with the reception.


    QB Jalen Hurts, Oklahoma
    Hurts had his struggles today, especially early on. He was often late delivering passes and receivers were waiting for the ball to arrive. Several of his attempts had pass catchers leaving their feet to grab the pass from midair. I got the idea watching Hurts, he is much more comfortable playing in Oklahoma’s wide open system and it’s going to take some adjustment to get accustomed to an NFL type of scheme.


    QB Jalen Hurts, Oklahoma
    If Hurts struggled on Tuesday, he was just outright bad on Wednesday. Excluding one terrific pass he placed in the hands of Stephen Sullivan down the left sideline, Hurts was off the mark all day. He missed wide open receivers throwing against air and put pass catchers in perilous positions when they were covered.


    QB Jalen Hurts, Oklahoma
    Thursday was a slightly better day for Hurts, and it was quite possibly his best practice of the week. He showed better accuracy and throws a catchable ball, but he still forced too many passes and missed a number of open receivers.


    North team QB's

    QB Jordan Love, Utah State
    Love did not have quite the day of Justin Herbert but he wasn’t far behind. He made several magnificent passes throughout the day and drew a lot of praise from the scouts around me. He has a super quick, super-efficient release, a live arm and showed some beautiful pass placement. There were a couple of passes that got away from him and he was not quite as effective on the move compared to Herbert, but it was an “A” day for Love.


    QB Jordan Love, Utah State
    Love had another terrific day on Wednesday. While one could argue he was more inconsistent than Day 1, most of his throws were on the mark and delivered with great speed, and most of the time he made really good decisions


    QB Jordan Love, Utah State
    Thursday was another solid day for Love, although one could argue he was not as effective as he was the prior two practices. He displayed a big-league arm and got the ball through tight windows, but he also made some questionable throws that included one bad interception.


    QB Anthony Gordon, Washington State
    Gordon displayed a lot of next level physical skills and possesses an NFL arm. He also needs a lot of work on his game. While he showed the ability to fire the ball into targets, his pass placement and accuracy was all over the place. When Gordon needed to drop a ball into the tight window, he was unable.


    QB Anthony Gordon, Washington State
    While Gordon has his moments on Wednesday, for the most part he showed a lot of inconsistency. He did a better job placing throws and dropping them into targets’ hands today, but all too often he was off the mark and had receivers leaving their feet or adjusting backwards to grab the ball from the air.


    QB Anthony Gordon, Washington State
    Gordon was better Thursday than he was the prior two practices. He showed better accuracy and decision-making. He was not as hesitant as he was during Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s sessions.

    QB Shea Patterson, Michigan
    Patterson showed much of the same today that we he showed the past two years- a lot of inconsistency. He made a few nice throws but for the most part was late delivering the ball and was all over the place with his throws.


    QB Shea Patterson, Michigan
    It was not a good day for Patterson, as his practice bordered on terrible. He made one terrific pass downfield, which was promptly dropped by Antonio Gandy-Golden, but just about every other throw all day was wide of the mark. Too many times his receivers had almost no chance to catch the ball as Patterson was missing so badly.


    QB Shea Patterson, Michigan
    Thursday was hands down Patterson’s best practice of the week. He was much more accurate and decisive, and while he had a few misses, he was mostly on the mark with his throws all day.

    • Like 1
  3. 11 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

    As long as the panthers and raiders go defense or WR Love or Herbert will be there. It’s just whether you want to take that risk or move up.  I think both those teams are probably going defense. Especially if Brown anc Kinlaw are there. Panthers could be a trade partner if we think Oakland might take a QB. There is always a team pulls a KC though and wants one of them even though they are winning. Vikings and titans come to mind.


    I haven't been very involved with this stuff recently. But the little I have heard is that Herbert made himself an inside the top 10 pick lock after the Sr. Bowl practices and game.


    2 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:

    I can actually see the Raiders using the pick in front of us for Love... if he is still there


    Jon Gruden is 'the' QB guru head coach, with a massive length HC contract.  I'm confident he will get one. Question is... who is it?  And where does he pull the trigger?

  4. 7 hours ago, anunnakidna said:

    They dont pay 37 percent in taxes.Thats some serious misinformation.


    Over a certain level of income they do.


    Here's a pic taken from a 2017 article featuring at the top, the subject of the OP, Phillip Rivers-




    But I thought was just 39.6% then, not 41.95. But the recent tax reform has moved the highest top rate down to 37% on Federal. It's still 13.3% state tax in California though. And they can't be deducted on federal returns.



  5. On 1/20/2020 at 4:38 AM, crazycolt1 said:

    Just because there is no state income tax does not mean it is cheaper to live there.  The property taxes alone more than make up for no state income taxes. 

    Heck, just the sales tax in Tampa is 8.5%



    State of FL sales tax is 6%, but county taxes can inch that up. State and county taxes in Lee County are about 6.5%. Property taxes are quite low, about 1.05% of assessed value (not market value, which is often more) for 'typical' Florida single family homes. And if it's a primary residence, homestead exemptions of $25,000 to $50,000 are applied(taken off) the assessed value. Vehicle license tags are $50-$125 per year, depending upon vehicle size or GVWR.  The state makes money on locals and especially visitors (tourists) with their spending of disposable income, notably this time of year.

  6. 1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

    The tax burden means zero if you're not playing for a Florida team.    You have to pay taxes to the state in which you play the games.   


    Pretty much, except players for a team in a state income tax collection, must also pay their home state income tax earned while playing in states that do not have state income tax.  Players for no income tax states pay no taxes on 1/2 their (home) games, nor endorsements. They then pay non-resident income tax to states their team plays road games.


    1 hour ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


    The non-residential tax would be it. It's significantly less and also and also can be credited from the resident state. A heckuva lot better than California. 



     I have heard they were typically less, but not for every state (from what I was told).


    There is supposedly a new law that will affect taxed players too, because individuals can no longer deduct more than $10,000 for state and local taxes (SALT) or declare miscellaneous itemized deductions for work-related expenses and investment fees on Federal returns. And these tax law changes, especially the latter, will cost pro athletes more than most people.


    Can you imagine California? 37% Federal and 13% state? that's 1/2 your salary right there!!

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, ojsglove said:

    That is exactly why I continue to say we have the best owner in the NFL.  I think Irsay realizes his decision to stick with Grigson, who failed to bring in players to shore up the oline to protect Andrew, caused most of the injuries that led to this whole QB mess.  I guaranty 99% percent of the other NFL owners would have demanded the money back. 


    Irsay is a great owner, and he would let Luck have his signing bonus money (guarantees) in any event. However, it can't be overlooked about the 'timing' of Luck's retirement (placed on Reserve/Retired list) after training camp and pre season was almost complete, there were stories that any successful recovery of Luck's bonus money could possibly remove the Colts rights to Luck (which is held temporarily/permanently by the NFL while player is on Reserve/Retired list), and that if he decided to be removed from the Reserve/Retired list, his rights could possibly no longer be with Colts but him becoming a Free Agent; if he did so before week 13 (I think that was the date) of the same year. Anyway, there were possibly conflicting rules in AL's unique situation (I believe @csmopar had researched it and posted on it  awhile back). Probably was best for the Colts not to 'test' those nets and get tangled up in them.


    By not going after the bonus money, Colts would certainly retain his rights because his contract would then toll upon removal from the Reserve/Retired list. And now that the season is over, all that is water under the bridge now anyway (except the small amortized dead cap Colts have on their books). The NFL holds his rights (probably for implementation of the Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Retirement Plan after 1 year passes). Upon unretiring, the NFL then passes the rights on back to the Colts.


    As nice as Colts/Irsay was here, so too was Luck, folks.  Andrew went through all of the rehab/TC/preseason period trying to get ready.  He very well could have told the medical staff he still wanted to play but his leg wasn't near ready.  After the medical team informs Ballard, that would likely trigger a trip to Injured Reserve, where Luck also gets his full base salary for the year. (which he did NOT get when he retired).  To me, Irsay and Luck took a path seemingly characteristic of both. Amicable and not messy. I felt Jim handled it great, and wish Andrew well in his next phase of life (husband/father).


    This is what Luck suffered in 6 'playing' seasons-


    » Torn cartilage in 2 ribs
    » partially torn abdomen
    » a lacerated kidney
    » at least 1 concussion
    » a torn labrum in his throwing shoulder
    » lingering calf/ankle issue, with possible Os Trigonum


    He just wanted to play football, not be a rehab specialist.

    • Like 5
  8. 37 minutes ago, 1959Colts said:


    Dead Cap hit for 2020:

    Andrew Luck           QB            6,400,000           




    When Luck retired he would have forfeited his 2019 and 2020 salary. 

    Irsay decided to allow Luck to keep his pay. 

    The Colts continue to fulfill his contract even though he is retired.


    Irsay allowed Luck to keep bonus money already paid.  But the team amortized the cap hit.  There's no pay going to Andrew (none, zero, zilch, nada), just a left over 6.4 million salary cap deficit on the books for the Colts team for 2020 to account for the bonus money Luck got a good while back. That Irsay allowed him to keep...  but there will be no pay going to AL in 2020.


     Don't believe me? Let's ask @Superman

  9. 7 hours ago, 1959Colts said:


    Luck will continue to get huge pay checks from Irsay throughout the 2020 season for doing nothing...


    Bold claims demand bold proof...


    7 hours ago, 1959Colts said:

    So I am not a bit surprised to hear he does not have a desire to play again, at this time.


    He has money already paid/collected and a beautiful wife and daughter.  Both he and have college degrees from Stanford (wife earned an MBA from I.U. too...). He wants health and time with them. Cannot fault his decision... IMHO.


  10. 12 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    i would take 6 years.  thats how long luck played and we used a #1 overall pick on him


    4-6 six years of having a good qb is a better outlook than we have right now, he would be on a rookie contract for most of that too.  i know its a risk, if there were no risk he would never be available to us


    Strictly out of my norm and a wild guess.  Nevertheless-


    Actually, GM's / teams are beginning to think 6-8 year QB along the likes a Lamar Jackson, etc...


    Depends (IMHO) if DC's can get pro defenses in to schemes where they can win vs that type of O with consistency. Butb the better the guy is a drop back passer too... well...

  11. 7 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    It's the draft.  The next GM with a 1.000 batting average in the draft will be the very first.


    Ballard took a team that Grigson had run into the ground, and in the first year made the playoffs, and in the second year was on track before the team got derailed by a mix of injury, regression of key players (Vinateiri) and their inexperience getting exposed.


    We were supposed to be in a 3 year rebuild after 17.  Ballard managed to turn the team around in a year and if Luck hadn't pulled the rug out from under him and Vinateiri hadn't fallen off a cliff we'd have probably done it again.


    This franchise is in a much, much stronger position than 7-9 makes it look like.


     Polian says if you hit .550 (just over 1/2 become solid starters for around 3 years or more) in your career, you'll get a Gold jacket as a GM.


    2 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

    It's pointless to spend on FA talent until you've got your core established.


    The last 2 years were about establishing that core.


    I expect the checkbook to open this offseason.  If not, I'll be disappointed because it will mean that Ballard is a moneyball manager rather than a real top line GM.


    Ballard/ the team evaluates FA players and place a $ on them. Being a FA, they likely have a 'cap' above that level. Once bidding exceeds that cap, Ballard backs off. He is quoted he couldn't live with himself if he overspent to outrageous levels others pay for 'good' FA's.


    23 minutes ago, Dingus McGirt said:

    Could the owner have some input/involvement in Ballard's expenditure of funds?


     Jim Irsay has given CB free reign to spend. It's Ballard and the pro scouting team that sets the 'cap' on FA pay. And they don't ignore it either.

    • Like 1
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  12. On 1/6/2020 at 4:55 PM, pgt_rob said:

    After Ballard's presser, I've just got the hunch that he's going to roll with Brissett and not force himself to pick a QB prospect no matter the case. I'm kinda leaning towards that in a way as well. I could see Ballard eye balling some DT talent at #13 to bolster the D-Line a bit more.


    Hopefully a generational 3 technique...


    On 1/7/2020 at 6:47 AM, aaron11 said:

    im not scared of his injury i hope we can land him here




    But I so much hope not...



    Maybe he can have a great 4 years and decent 6... maybe.

  13. 6 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    doctors think he will be fine.  


    Yes, pretty in the same vein that the Jets org. (and even their fans for once!!) thought Vernon Gholston would be fine after taking him #6 on draft day 2008 as well. You do not know for sure until it ultimately plays out.


    48 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    you could say that about most surgeries, i like the prognosis here they dont usually give 100%s for anything

    First, there is a lengthy and complicated recovery process involved.  He will need a good PT, and dedication to the rehab process.


    Here's something (Orthopaedic Surgeon quote) to ponder-


    “Even with the perfect surgery and all that kind of stuff, there are still some sort of questions about the outcome and that he doesn’t have any of the complications that can come with it,” Dr. Walt Lowe, the chief of orthopaedic surgery at Memorial Hermann in Houston, where Tagovailoa underwent his surgery"


    “We’re all eternal optimists as surgeons that take care of these guys, (but) I always tell my fellows — and this is a little tongue-in-cheek — that it’s better to have great genes than a great surgeon, though it's best if you have both,” Lowe added. “And this is one of those situations that even with a great surgeon and a great surgical result, you don’t know the outcome of it for a while.”


    Dr Chao makes a comparison to a field goal. You need a very good snap (surgery).You then need a good catch and place hold (Physical Therapist), finally a good kick (dedicated player following rehab schedule tightly and fast healing genetic makeup.


    To that, I add, you just do not know if you can chalk up 3 points anywhere in that scenario until all 3 finish and you see the result. In either instance.


    My hope is he does not develop AVN, but he will suffer degenerative arthritis at some point, and much more quickly than the average player.  GM's will be questioning his ability level after rehab. Others will be wary of another re-injury (See Dennis Pitta)


    Fortunately, his hip accident was low speed (not like that of a fast moving vehicle accident), and the Docs reduced the dislocation quickly on site (key to restore blood flow to the femoral head).


    I am, cautiously 'somewhat' optimistic. And I hope it's even better than I feel.



  14. 1 hour ago, DougDew said:

    All moot now.  He declared. 


    Yes, and a smart move.


    1 hour ago, DougDew said:

    The medical reports are good enough for him to be a first rounder.


    How do you and anyone else know right now?  It's too early, for one. Lets look again in March. And after his full physical, MRI scans, etc... at the combine.


    He suffered injury Nov. 16, 2019. This is from an article recently-


    "The quarterback stressed that the three-month and four-month mark will be important benchmarks for his progress."


    But declaring was smart in any scenario. The rest is 'Que sera, sera...'

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

    I think there is a difference in playing with pain, and playing with risk of worsening injury. 

    Most of what I've seen are docs/teams asking players who have injuries that can't get any worse, play through the pain. Most players want to do that anyway. 




    OTOH, there are also players that are in a situation where they want to 'be out there' and an injury could notably exacerbate the current damage a player is recovering from.  When all the scenarios are explained and the outcomes and issues from all scenarios are discussed especially a further injury sustained, that is called 'informed consent'.  And knowing the risks and scenarios and %'s explained, sometimes the player still elects to play. And the GM/coach is made aware. My best guess is JJ Watt was possibly one such scenario this past weekend.


    1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

    Long term pain is something every player knows they will experience post career, and every player should consult with their own docs on every situation. I wouldn't trust team docs at all to have my best interests at heart. That said, I don't think it's as bad as you think.


    I agree with second opinions, and that teams may at times put 'pressure' on their medical teams.

    I feel it is advisable healthcare workers (notably Physicians, PA's, Nurses...) to observe-


    https://owlspace-ccm.rice.edu/access/content/user/ecy1/Nazi Human Experimentation/Pages/Hippocratic Oath-modern.html


    As far as prognosis, it is too early still.  Bring this up at draft time and we'll discuss further.


    Many team docs are hired as a side to their private practice.  Example- one of the most famous orthopods, Dr. James Andrews, has these sports teams affiliations:


    At present, Dr. Andrews serves as Co–Medical Director for Intercollegiate Sports at Auburn University. He is Senior Orthopaedic Consultant for Intercollegiate Athletics at the University of Alabama. He is the orthopaedic consultant for the athletic teams of Troy University, University of West Alabama, Tuskegee University and Grambling University. He is also the Senior Consultant for the Washington Redskins.


    25 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    If he does not have near full range of motion, he may not even get drafted in the first round, but I would expect that he will, or have a clear and definite prognosis that he will very shortly. 


    He will have a continuously evolving prognosis.  I truly believe he will not be able to work out (notably in full) before the draft. Teams will have to use the draft physical exams, imaging tests, and notes and progress reports in his medical records.


    25 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    The thinking was that if the medicals looked negative or unclear during this short window of draft declaration, he would return to school.  That would give him time to heal. (of course, it would risk another injury).  He would make much more money next year when healed and back to normal than if the medicals were less than clear this draft.  That's how far he was expected to drop.


    So, IMO, since he has declared that means that he hasn't gotten a pretty clean bill of health and his draft stock should stay about where it was before the hip injury.


    I disagree. There's no good reason to return to college based upon his injury, IMO. He's on borrowed time.  Declare, get rehab and healthy, and then try to get to that 2nd contract ASAP.


    Sadly, I doubt this guy has a very long career.  And I'm usually not 'that guy', and hope I'm wrong.

  16. On 1/6/2020 at 1:35 PM, EastStreet said:

    not shocked....

    it was the only smart move both health wise, and financially.


    Financially, yes.


    On 1/6/2020 at 1:54 PM, lollygagger8 said:

    His injury history is awfully scary 


    Yes. I expect his 'range of motion' of the hip at the combine will be top priority, and possibly determine whether he is top 10 pick (full or near full rasnge) or drops to 10-25 area (50% or so ROM) on his hip. He also has 2 ankle injuries. His next injury could be costly, career wise so get paid now.


    On 1/6/2020 at 2:05 PM, Valpo2004 said:

    There is good odds that someone will trade up with Washington, the Giants, or the Lions in order to jump the Dolphins.  In fact the Dolphins might have to spend some capital to trade up themselves just to avoid getting jumped.  


    Medicals at combine will be key...



    He is making the right decision for himself.  You can always go back to college to finish your degree.  But that multi million dollar pay-day might not be there next year.  He takes another major injury and he likely falls to the 2nd round.


    Or lower. Agreed.


    On 1/6/2020 at 2:14 PM, EastStreet said:


    At least now, he gets NFL doctors, and NFL dollars should he get hurt. He's basically going to get paid all next season to "rehab" with some of the best docs in the country.


    Once drafted to a team, pretty much. However... there are rules in the CBA about how/when a player can get/use practitioners outside team medical staff and have the team pay for it.  For the studious here, read Article 39 (pages 171-173) here for all rules regarding injuries/treatment etc...





    On 1/6/2020 at 2:53 PM, Four2itus said:

    Listened to David Chow speak on him. Essentially, this injury at best, involves a shortened career because of the lack of blood flow to the injured area. 



    Darn, missed it. Was it on SiriusXM, probably Movin' the Chains?  From what you mention, I'm fairly certain he was addressing the potential for AVN (avascular necrosis) resulting in damge/death of the articular cartilage on the ball of the hip joint. Hopefully (for the kid and his career) that does not materialize.


    What will materialize at some point sooner or later - probably sooner, is degenerative arthritis. This can also shorten his playing career. I'm sure Dr. Chao addressed this potential as well if his interview segment was long enough. I feel bad in that there is a pretty good chance this guy will never be a 10 year or longer franchise QB. :( And I'm a generally positive guy (always hopeful and typically 'cautiously optimistic' at worst, until it works... or finally doesn't) in the techniques and efforts in the continually advancing healthcare field.



    • Like 3
  17. 1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Oh, get a grip!   Is Andrew Luck here NOW?!?


    People want those guys NOW because they think these players are better than who we currently have!   This isn’t rocket science.   Don’t over-think this. 


    Yes, and shows how mercurial our fans are. I, for one, want to develop our QB from the draft.  Find the best guy with the proper attributes to fit Reich's system, and find a way to get him. Not just 'a' QB, but 'the' QB.

    • Like 2
  18. 7 hours ago, chad72 said:

    If the marquee free agent that gets paid "well enough" (say 5 years $110 instead of 5 years $120 mil.) truly wants to play for the Colts, he will take the $110 mil. but I am not confident that free agents will be yearning to come here for anything but to use our numbers as leverage with other teams.


    FA is always about the money.  Do not forget about the states with no income tax... the agents remind the player how much each state would take in taxes of a contract too. It plays a role.

    • Like 3
  19. 1 minute ago, chad72 said:

     Word is Ballard missed out on C J Mosley because of the overpay aspect.


    If he overpays for Ngakoue, say 5 years for $100 mil. with 60 mil. guaranteed with some protective clauses in there for the Colts, I would not complain. 


    If, then - some other team will go above that, and then Ballard backs out.  It's the way it works.

  20. On 1/1/2020 at 2:12 AM, Thunderbolt said:

    Are you kidding me? Cincy isn't going to trade it's #1, they're all set to nab Burrow, a generation QB.  I'll believe it when I see it, but it's slim and none is what Cincy is going to say. Take Fromm and if he goes before Love, then take Love or Eason....


    On 12/29/2019 at 8:08 PM, el duderino said:

    He had a great career so far, but would you pay 18-22 million per year? I dont know.


    On 12/29/2019 at 8:15 PM, SouthernIndianaNDFan said:

    No way he's getting Khalil Mack money. That said, I'd be comfortable signing him in the Dee Ford/Trey Flowers range of 17-18. 


    I bet he does, or comes close-



    He already rejected 19M /yr and 50M guaranteed in first 2 years from Jags-



    On 12/30/2019 at 10:14 AM, chad72 said:


    The Jags are up against the cap, due to them still paying Bortles and Foles, both terrible contracts.


    I can see Ngakoue being tagged but word is they will be releasing Marcell Dareus, he will be 30 though. But if Ngakoue somehow hits the market, we have to go after him, IMO. Zadarius Smith came from the Ravens, they drafted well but could not afford to pay him what the Packers did, same with C J Mosley who signed with the Jets. It can happen and we should save our big spending bullet for that 1 marquee FA, and Ngakoue fits the bill.


     We'll see. But Ballard doesn't 'overpay', and elite talent (actually, any talent) in FA is overpay overkill, even if the guy is just 24.

    • Thanks 1
  21. 13 hours ago, danlhart87 said:

    The game today is won in the trenches and should be the main focus of the off-season!


    Not QB

    Not WR 

    Not CB 


    DL should ABSOLUTELY be the pick at 13 unless AC left then OT would be option. RG needs an upgrade too.


    Every person, including those in the NFL may differ.  I recently heard a long time top tier NFL person (maybe Bill Polian or possibly Pat Kirwan?) say the top 3 positions in his mind was QB, interior pass rush, outside pass rush (4-3 or 3-4, didn't matter).  LT was no longer in the top 3, but I bet it is very high, if not next on the list if asked.

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