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Posts posted by Hoose

  1. First of all, I am always grateful for a board member taking the time to plot out these scenarios. They are fun to read, think about, and critique. That said: I would hate these trades.


    Scenario one: You get a CB you don't need and two late 2nds for your first rounder. Ugh.

    Scenario two: Pick #34 is almost like having a first round pick. Plus, you will be fielding calls all night by teams who see who wasn't selected in round one and want to grab a player early in Day 2.  There should be a few juicy offers. I wouldn't trade it unless I had a short drop down in the second round and got a third rounder for the trouble. Otherwise the talent pool is far shallower by the time you pick in the late 2nd. Not doing it. 

  2. Interesting discussion. Superman, if, in this draft scenario being discussed, the difference in player rankings between the TE and the DT were, as you said, 18 for the TE and 37 for the DT, you pick the TE. As I understand it, that would be a substantial difference. But what if its 18 for the TE and 28 for the DT?

    I do believe that there is a point where BPA and Position of Need converge to make a "slight reach" or "deviation" from the pure Board a sensible move. I'm pretty sure that's how most of these calls are made on draft day. 

    Each team obviously has their line in the sand on how far to deviate from the Board, but if the Colts need a DT, and the difference between the TE and DT choices is pretty close, I don't doubt they are going DT, even if the TE is higher on the Board. JMO. 

  3. Lynch could be a sneaky good signing on a one year prove it deal. He has a lot of talent; he's also been his own worst enemy in the past. Clearly Ballard is curious, and must have made a few calls to even bring him in. 

    Lets face it: the Colts are very, very needy in the pass rush department. Getting a diamond in the rough at this point in Free Agency would be outstanding. I'm not holding my breath, but if Ballard thinks the guy has turned things around enough to sign him, Lynch has the potential to solve some large problems for the Colts next year. 

  4. 2 hours ago, shastamasta said:


    Unless Ballard is feeling generous...it should be something similar to the Haha Clinton-Dix deal...considering Dix is a better player...and doesn't miss games every year.



    A couple of thoughts Shasta:

    1. Clinton Dix is not a better player than Geathers. Period. He has been healthier, though. 

    2. I agree that Geathers won't break the bank. Because of his injury history, he's not likely to get more than a 1-2 year deal with some strong incentives baked in. 

    3. I would be shocked if the Colts don't grab a SS some time in Day 2 of the draft. That player will likely be seen as Geathers' replacement in the not too distant future. 

  5. 48 minutes ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


    ESPN talked to Peyton last year about the gig when Gruden left so this isn't anything new. Peyton is probably making more yearly from his business investments/royalties than what ESPN would offer him to do MNF anyway. 

    And he will still make money from his business investments/royalties if he takes the job. Apples and oranges. He would be great and it would boost their ratings. I wouldn't be shocked if they paid him $10m/yr. He'd be worth every penny.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:

    I have cooled on Wren at any level


    Watch his tape against Oregon.


    He was handled one on one.... easily


    He was also jogging around during plays


    Pass for me


    4 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:

    The guy gives you pass rush (mostly pressures), and is disruptive in the run game


    I can invision him lining up next to Autry, and causing havoc with interior pass rush


    He seems like a really good candidate for our type of defense at 26.


    At 6'6" with very long arms, he can knock passes down as well


    He is one guy where his highlight tape and game tape are similar.

    The guy can play


    He can also play both 1 tech, AND 3 tech, which is a unique talent


    He gets MY VOTE



    Haven't seen much of Wren though he got major kudos at the Senior Bowl. 

    But I'm beginning to zero in on Tillery as the guy most likely to still be there at 26---- and who has the talent and potential to be a difference maker. 


    My first choice: Brian Burns, though it looks more and more like he'll be gone. 

    Choice #2: Tillery. I don't see the huge risk others do, and  he's damn good. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Barry Sears said:


    So, maybe this is why we've been quiet in FA this season?  Even if we re-sign half of these guys, there are a lot of holes to fill on the roster next season.

    That list of pending FAs is eye opening. There is no doubt  Ballard is using that reason to hold onto the bulk of the cap $. I wouldn't be shocked at all to see a few of these guys extended early. Kenny Moore; Kelly; Doyle; maybe even Castonzo. Which is why the draft is so critical for the Colts. Even with all that money, they won't be able to sign everyone. No doubt in my mind that they will be looking for Castonzo's replacement in the draft....perhaps as early as Day 2 this year. He'll be expensive, and they will have to hedge their bet. 

    • Like 1
  8. You talk to people in the midwest and they froth over fires and quakes. 

    You talk to people out west and they are terrified of the idea of a tornado. And 30 below zero. 

    The difference, and I DO know this: 

    1. The people in the midwest are the best in the country. 

    2. The taxes and cost of living in CA are absolutely insane. As is the traffic. Awful.

    3. There is nowhere to live in the Bay Area, or for that matter, any of the CA big cities; the cost of housing has left reality.

    4. You can live amazingly well in the midwest, especially Indiana. The cost of housing is among the lowest in the nation. Home ownership per capita may be the highest in the nation. 

    5. It comes down to weather; can you tolerate 4 tough months out of the year to live a better life? There is no doubt the weather in CA is better. But most people rarely make it to the beach. And they spend the better part of their extra time commuting to and from home. 

    6. I choose the midwest. Having lived out west until an adult, I know what I'm talking about. 

    7. That said, San Diego is amazing. Too crowded; too expensive; too little opportunity. But a phenomenal place. You just have to adjust to living in your car and lining up for everything. 


    I choose life out here. And I am very, very ready for Spring. :headspin:

    • Like 5
  9. 4 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Not really. I watched a little of him a while back. He's still on the list.

    Interesting comments on Wilkins, who I agree will not be around for the colts at 26. 


    SouthernIndianaNDfan brought up Tillery, shockingly.  He has a decent chance of being there for the Colts, and he might just be their guy. I read good and bad about him. Great potential; great athlete; had 4 sacks against Stanford; doesn't always give best effort, etc. 

    Any thoughts on him?

  10. Fair and accurate or not, there are a few harsh assessments of Ferguson by so called draft pundits who claim his tape reveals he is stiff with little bend and questionable athletic ability. Hard to understand how a guy that prolific as a sack artist could have questions about being an athlete.  Ferguson's pro day is March 19th, so we should soon find out how he measures up. 

    Interesting player: I don't see him as a first round guy at this point but his college career was outstanding. 

  11. 22 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I can live with Dexter at 34...   but I don’t know why his name gets floated for pick 26?   We need to come away with more pass rush,  and I don’t think we’d get enough from Lawrence.  


    Just my my two cents and, as I like to say, often not worth even that much!  :thmup:

    That's a fair point. But if Burns isn't there, and the price is too high to move up for him, which I suspect it would be, who would you speculate would be available at #26 that could give the Colts a pass rush?

  12. Being raised a 49ers fan, I recall what a major difference Fred Dean made to the 1981 Niners in their amazing run to the Super Bowl. Bill Walsh had drafted some excellent young talent over his first three years, but the team had no pass rush. 

    The 1981 season had already started when the cash strapped Chargers traded Dean to the 49ers. The rest was history. Dean's first snap as a Niner was, if I correctly recall, against the Cowboys. He got a sack. He was electric. And suddenly the team was clicking on D. 


    Those were, of course, different days with different rules for a very different NFL. But it does parallel the Colts' current situation in one critical way: the Colts have some excellent young talent on D, but they need a younger alpha pass rusher to make it all click. Until they get one, they aren't true contenders.


    Somehow, some way, Ballard has to get this team that player. That one guy could make all the difference. They will have to get lucky to find that player in the draft. Could happen, but more likely, they need to sign an expensive FA who will blend into the locker room culture. And is young enough not to sit out half the season on the sidelines because of injuries. The Colts have to find their own Fred Dean. You have to pay $ to get that guy;  Ballard will have to shell out to make this happen. Until then, I predict the Colts will thrill their fans with good, exciting football, but they won't get the trophy. Not until...............

    • Like 1
  13. Ballard is clearly taking the approach that he wants to draft and retain his own players rather than compete in the FA frenzy to improve the team.  His near total non action in FA this year proves it. For that reason, I doubt he gives up a high draft pick to move up in the draft. He needs that 1st and two 2nds to improve the team. 

    That said, I would love to see Burns on this team. 

    • Like 1
  14. I have to agree on the age/injury issue. Houston hasn't been the same guy the past few years. He's very talented, but not worth the $ he'll likely want. And the odds are pretty good that he won't play a full season given his recent history. There isn't much left out there in FA land, but that isn't an excuse for making a bad deal. 

  15. I suspect Rogers stays regardless of a draft pick at WR. He is the punt returner, is reliable in that role, and can fill in at WR as a 4th or 5th guy.


    Inman is the wild card here; I'd like him back as the "trusty move the chains" receiver, but I suspect he will have to exhaust the FA process first before he returns to the table with the Colts. He'll want to get paid, and who can blame him?

  16. It looks to me like Funchess wanted to get to a better team, a better situation, and prove his worth this year. Likely no team was going to give him a mega contract; a prove it deal was his best bet. Play with a real QB in a better offense for a year, and things could be far rosier in 2020. 


    As for the Colts, a one year deal  gives them a chance to see what Funchess can do, while also giving them time to assess what they have in their young WRs like Cain. I also think they are likely to pick a WR early in the draft; if Cain and the draft pick pan out, Funchess is less critical for the future. Thus, the one year mentality. 


    Works for both sides.  

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