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Posts posted by Colts1324

  1. 2 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

    Well, ya gotta remember, Ballard and his staff have watched thousands more hours of tape than we have.  And they did pretty well last year, so I'm going to defer to them.

    Right. I don't mind the pick. I was just surprised, but if Ballard picked exactly who I want then he wouldn't be a GM right now. Excited to see what he brings to the table 

  2. 2 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    This is why I was so ticked last night. I was fine with trading out of the first. But not for what little return we got

    Yeah, I would of thought we would of gotten 2 seconds and a 3rd/4th for dropping 20 spots. I guess the demand wasn't there at the time as much as it is now. 

  3. This is honestly perfect for us. Sounds like he wanted to be able to train our players, as well as some others, outside of the time the league allows. I think Turay and Ward should have a great upcoming season. 


    It does make me wonder what T. Lewis is doing during the offseason. 

  4. On 3/21/2019 at 8:37 PM, DougDew said:

    Agreed.  Just because Doyle, Ebron, and Funchess are all bigger and slower than an average (wide) receiver doesn't mean they will be stepping on each others roles.  By default, Ebron will probably get less targets than he did last year because Funchess should out perform Grant and Doyle should outperform who ever played in his spot.  Luck will simply have more receivers open and have more choices.  But that's not the same thing as all three being the same player so only one will be resigned.

    I expect him to go up in Rec & receiving yards as HOPEFULLY Ebron just catching the ball better will help a lot. I've noticed many of his dropped passes are across the middle, a pass Luck has gotten better at each year. It's going to be fun to watch next season! 

  5. 13 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Since we play 8 DL and want 10 on the roster, then NO, he can’t easily be replaced.   We can easily afford his salary and since we want our DL to come in waves (Ballard’s words) then we NEED Sheard.   


    Cutting a player who has not underperformed is the wrong message to send to the team.


    And I have to wonder where this info would come from?   The Cokts don’t leak.   So who would reveal this?   I don’t see what an agent would have to gain?   If Sheard gets cut, it will take no time to get a good offer.   This doesn’t add up for me at all.  

    Colts D-Line for 2019: 



    Houston/FA/Turay/Lewis/Muhammad/ Sheard


    DT: Autry/Hunt/Ward/draft pick


    I fully expect us to draft a DT in the upcoming draft. That leaves us with 10 defensive lineman next year given we sign another edge rusher in FA. IF we draft a DE as well in the draft that leaves us with 11 players on the D-Line. 


    You also have to take into account that Sheard likely wants to start, and he very well could have limited snaps next offseason. If he stays, that's great. More depth. We'll see. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:

    We have three on rookie contracts. Lol

    Exactly. I think Ballard would prefer to use Funchess and Inman as insurance this year to see how Cain and Fountain develop this season. 


    Worst comes worse, we roll with TY/Funchess/Inman, and draft a top WR next year or pick one up in free agency. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Chloe6124 said:

    It is funny to me that everyone gets on his  injury history but not on Hookers. Hooker only played one more game then and Geathers  was actually there for the colts in KC. 

    I think the reason being is that Hooker is a better overall player than Geathers, but I definitely see the comparison there. Geathers will be a good mentor to one of the safeties we draft this year. 

  8. 1 hour ago, ColtsAC said:

    Maybe Ballard has a clause in his contract that he gets to keep a percentage of the unspent salary cap. I'm just kidding, but businesses out in the corporate world do have those kinds of things.

    After I accepted that there was going to be no big signing at the start of free agency this year, I really was hoping that the Colts would have dome SOMETHING the last two days. out of the bargain bin. Nope...looks like the Dollar Store again this year. Sigh!!

    I know, I’ve been checking google and the fan forum every 10 minutes hoping something changes. Pure silence 

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  9. 1 hour ago, Shadow_Creek said:

    well at the end of the day statistics show when those teams dont make the playoffs happens every year

    I think the statistics are largely schewd.  The majority of big spenders in FA that have the cap space to constantly acquire top-level talent in FA have been same for the last 10 years. It works for the teams that are in WIN NOW money. Boils down to having elite QB play 

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