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Posts posted by MJD42

  1. Seattle?  They are a game behind 3 teams, two of which they play in the next 4 weeks.  The only way they get the #1 is by going 4-0 against @Philadelphia, San Francisco, @Arizona, and St Louis and having the Packers drop a game against a pretty soft schedule, Atlanta, @Buffalo, @Tampa Bay, Detroit.

    Seattle can win at GB in the playoffs. Probably the only NFC team that could.

  2. What's wrong with these guys? I thought Ben was MVP material and they were unstoppable?



    What's with this team allowing a crappy 4-7 Saints team who hasn't won in Pitt since 1987 to come in and wipe the floor with them?



    Still think Pittsburgh is winning the north anyone? :clap:

    Ben is just not that good. Terrible loss for them at home. Could cost them the playoffs.

  3. Anyone who knows anything about the game of football doesn't put the losses solely on Peyton.  He often gets a lot of credit when they win, because usually only a few parts of his teams show up to help and he has to play great to at least HOPE to make up for it, let alone win.


    Tonight was really the opposite of the norm. He played awful, but the team carried him instead of the other way around.

    Probably not a bad thing but Denver will not go far unless Manning picks up his game. Although those weather conditions are the worst for him with the cold and wind.

  4. If he were going to throw a tantrum, it should have involved him kneeing that little * McDaniels in the stomach and telling him that those sideline passes aren't working.

    This game just showed me that the SB will be between 2 teams who took their lumps along the way. There is just no way that the Pats, Packers, Broncos, Cards, etc get past more than 1 of the Chargers, Seahawks, 49ers, etc of the league.

    Except that the Pats and Packers are better than all the rest of the teams you listed. The Pats were blowing everyone's doors off and got held to 21 and in turn the Packers were blowing everyone out at home and got held to 26. These two teams not only have great QB play, they also showed they can both play great defense. If they get the number one seeds neither is likely to lose at home in the playoffs. Not only do both dominate at home, they have a significant advantage in terms of the cold weather as well.

  5. Yeah...no...losing the special teams battle on a weekly basis, especially against teams like SD, ruined us. Vinny and Hunter aside, of course. Moreso the coverage and return teams. "KNEEEEEEEEEEEL!" was what we prayed for any time we were set to receive the ball....just wanted to hang on instead of fumbling or running backwards.


    Having an unreliable D that played to hang on instead of playing to WIN killed us when the offense couldn't carry, and even then blew some leads playing ahead like they're supposed to benefit from. Remember our run defense? Outside the 2006 playoffs I sure don't. We won the SB solely because  they showed up for a 4 game stretch to help the offense and passing D. (Special teams still sucked, but the rest of the team was good enough to carry them at that point.)


    No run game after 2007. Addai had a monster rookie year then.....nothing. Injuries and played lackluster even when he did play. Rhodes I think went to Oakland where careers go to die.


    2007-2011 we were carried by the passing O and a passing D that sometimes showed up with a great pass rush. That was it, and we made the SB in 2009. Barring a combination of bad special teams, coaching and losing our most important D player we probably would have won. Freeney was devastating and we had nothing to replace him with......against Brees that is deadly. He did ok for a quarter then got too gimpy to do much.


    Oh, and our passing game was still carrying with garbage protection post 2007 throwing to studs like "Hands of Stone" RB Kenton Keith and  TE Aaron Moorehead. Remember them? If you do, not from any good highlights.

    Wow. That is a lot of excuses for pretty much every season. Some of those Colts teams were dominant and should have won. But it is hard to win the Super Bowl. No team in the salary cap/FA era is perfect. Every team has holes. That is why teams pay so much for elite QBs. They can cover a lot.

  6. No. All signs point to us re-signing Mallet and going with him. Bortles and Mettenburger aren't the answers yet, but their teams seem to be hitching the wagons to them.

    Mallett seems like the best short term solution. Any word on how Savage is progressing?

  7. Well he may be a hot dog on the field (every sports has them) but he sure comes across like he actually got something out of college which is more than you can say for most of them. At first everyone thought he was a thug till they heard him speak off the field in interviews.


    He's AOK  in my book

    I think his constant degrading of his opponents is what irks me. I don't mind confidence, bravado, some dog dogging but he takes it to a new level. Granted, he has the game for the most part to back it up but his lack of sportsmanship is nauseating. To me anyways.

  8. 1. Kaepernick sucks. He's just not good. There have been so many flash-in-the-pan, young QBs these past few years, and so many of them have now (IMO) fallen from their perch. Kap, RGIII, Cam Newton... the Colts really got it right with Luck. 


    2. Richard Sherman is making me hate him. 


    3. Harbaugh is just about done in SF. If he does end up at Michigan, I don't think it'll be for very long. An NFL team will come calling pretty soon. 

    Completely agree with point 2. I love his game but just can't stand him.

  9. I was surprised to have Thanksgiving, Mark Sanchez and no butt fumble. Was that the same Mark Sanchez who played for Rex Ryan and the Jets?

    Ha. Yeah. Credit to Chip Kelly that apparently any QB can step into this offense and have success. Although Philly plays Seattle next week so you could get your butt fumble yet.  :)

  10. Both defenses have given up a lot of yards. Remember..the Pats are stiil short J Mayo and Chandler Jones on defense from the start of the year. That will matter here.

    Al, signs point to a high scoring game

    Jones was back at practice this week so looks like he will play.


    Pats secondary is MUCH better than GB. Rodgers will struggle the same as Manning, Luck and Stafford. Brady will carve up GB unless the pass rush can get there but Pats Oline has been dominant especially vs the NFC.

  11. Considering that neither Sherman nor Baldwin were in the league when the current CBA was negotiated its a stretch to say they "agreed" to it.  Yes, it was part of their contract but the NFL isn't like the real world where if a college grad doesn't like the work conditions or union contract at one company they can simply choose to work for another company.  If you are an elite football player and want to play professionally at the highest level, the NFL is it.  It's a monopoly.  You seem to think that players should just shut up and play until their next CBA is up for negotiation.  I don't agree.  I think they have the right to speak out without the threat of harassment and fines from the league for doing so.


    The bottom line is that there is a deep level of distrust right now between the players and the league office and, to a lesser extent, the players and the media.  What Sherman and Baldwin were doing was expressing exactly what a lot of players believe.  Part of the problem is the wild inconsistency of the punishments handed down by Goodell and his role as judge, jury, and executioner.  It wasn't just that the NFL fined Lynch for not talking to the media but that fining him $100,000 is way out of proportion to the crime.  That's a lot of money no matter how much a player makes.


    And don't get me started about major college athletics, commercialism, and the NCAA.  There is no more corrupt and hypocritical sports organization in the country than the NCAA and the pretense that the multi-billion dollar college football and basketball industries are amateur athletics is a farce.  The NCAA and its attempt to enforce "amateurism" on these industries through a byzantine rulebook that no one understands is an archaic mess and claims that a college scholarship is fair compensation to athletes capable of putting 100,000 people in the stands and millions more via TV broadcasts is a joke.

    Are you serious with that first sentence? So what if they weren't part of the league when the CBA was signed, it is part of their contracts therefore they agreed to it. No one is forcing them to play in the NFL you know.


    The part that really irks me is neither Sherman nor Baldwin realize how poor this plays with the public. Here they are griping about a policy that says you have to speak to the media as though that is some type of albatross around their neck while the rest of actually deal with real work issues like not getting laid off before the end of the year from our jobs that pay us just enough to provide for our families. I mean serious guys. Reality check?


    If they have grievances with the league than they should call a meeting with league reps and sit down and see what can be done before the next CBA. To air this stuff publicly just looks like grandstanding and nauseates the viewing public who watch these guys for their play on the field not their grievances with a league that pays them millions off of it.

  12. Hey,  if you want to make the change then make the change.


    But you've just announced that your huge trade with 4 draft picks (which the Rams turned into 8 players and all are still on the roster!)  is one giant bust.       And the owner has to sign-off on this.   Daniel Snyder didn't learn about this on SportsCenter or Total Access.     And Snyder has always been RG3's biggest supporter.


    As for the goal to win....    it's not to win if the season is lost and you're still trying to find out if RG3 can develop into a decent quarterback.     That's your goal.      But, if the team thinks he's not,  then so be it.


    I was simply not ready for the team to give up on the guy so quickly.   

    I am not so sure the decision is that final. They sat RG the final three games two years go in the vein of "keeping him healthy" but I think they were trying to take a look at Cousins then.


    I agree that it does not bode well in one way but better for the org to admit the mistake now if that is where they are at and find their future QB than languish in it.


    The draft picks stink but I have no issue with them giving them up to land who they thought would be their franchise guy. You take that risk every time. It just didn't work out seemingly. Their team is not in that bad of shape overall.

  13. He is ahead in personal stats, but it's pretty comparable and not that far off. Granted the coach and GM are better, but Flacco also beat the Patriots twice in the playoffs in NE. He has won a lot of road playoff wins, not an easy feat to pull off in the NFL. Maybe you are different, but if the stats are close, I will take the guy with 9 playoff wins, 1 AFC Championship win, 1 Super Bowl win, 1 Super Bowl MVP, and two other AFC Championship game appearances, over the guy with one playoff win. Not to mention that he drove the Ravens down the field in 2011 in the Championship game, and out the ball right in Lee Evans hands who dropped it with seconds left. Should have been two Super Bowls !

    I think his success is more a function of his team. So I would still take Ryan especially if he was QBing the Ravens.


    Ryan has not been a complete dud in the post-season. He had a great comeback win over the Seahawks two years ago and almost beat the niners to go to the Super Bowl when his GW drive fell just short and could have  been extended on a penalty.

  14. A $100,000 fine for not talking to the media is absurd when a player could make a career ending illegal hit and get fined far less. Does anyone care what most NFL players say anyway? Richard Sherman is one of the few who ever actually has anything interesting to say and this is another example of that.

    And if Marshawn Lynch doesn't want to talk who really cares? His play on the field speaks for itself. The only ones who really give a damn are the NFL reporters who need access to players and are probably pushing the NFL behind the scenes to take action against Lynch lest he give any other players ideas about avoiding the media. Most NFL reporters are shills for the league so they get what they want.

    I'm glad Sherman is sticking it to the NFL for attempting to bleed every dime possible out of the public itself while restricting when and where players can promote their own sponsorship deals. And he's also right about the league hypocritically promoting concern about player safety (mostly for legal reasons) while expanding the number of Thursday night games and also wanting to expand the schedule to 18 games. NFL owners see players as an expendable product and only really care about protecting star quarterbacks who are the marquee players in the league.

    Good on Sherman and Baldwin for expressing what most players think and doing it in an entertaining fashion.

    The NFL is about marketing its players hence why speaking to the media is part of its mandated policy. He got fined the $100,000 because this is his THIRD time violating the policy.


    Lynch is not just "a player" he is a super star and the most important person on that offense along with Wilson. The media, fans have a right to hear from him. One word answers are not that hard to do. 


    Sherman is just a tool that loves self-seeking attention ...

  15. Even if you take out 2012, Flacco would be 5-4 versus Ryan 1-4, but you can't take out the Super Bowl and the 9-4 record post season. Flacco's individual stats are slightly lower, but he's never had consistent receivers that Ryan has enjoyed with Roddy White and Julio Jones. I think regular season wins Flacco is slightly higher , so then

    It gets down to the most important factor , post season , and that goes to Joe Cool, and makes him the better quarterback .

    Wins are more of a factor of the team and Joe has had the much better defense and run game. His targets have not been bad either with Boldin, Heap, Mason, Torrey Smith and now Steve Smith who has been playing great this year. And again Joe has had the MUCH better GM and head coach. Ryan statistically is better.

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