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Posts posted by MJD42

  1. I am a Pats fan.  But nothing I detest more in sports than homer fans who stay in denial.  And being critical of one's team is a good thing and it's being a realist.


    The best thing I saw in a long time was when Brady was pulled during the Chiefs game and he was standing alone on the sidelines and Jimmy was put in and drove right down the field and scored a TD and all the players were high fiving him.  One, I knew Jimmy is the future and will do a great job real soon.  And two, it's a big middle finger to all the Dennis & Callahan's out there who I detest who sniff Brady's jock strap. 

    Sorry, I am going to call bunk on this. Your over the top criticism of the team means you are a faux fan.

  2. So troubles with Dobson (inactive for several games this season) and Thompkins (ditto, then cut) - BOTH OF WHOM ARE PLAYERS WITH A MINIMAL, IF ANY, ROLE ON THE TEAM IN 2014 - were causing the Patriots to fracture internally?


    The "comedy" comment was directed toward your speculation that they were two more losses away from starting Garoppolo. Because yeah, that would be consistent with what Belichick does, and has always done. Go to the raw, inexperienced player in a time of desperation. 


    Tell us honestly, are you just trolling?

    You are better than me for even taking the time to respond. Well done. 

  3. I would hope that Belichick and Josh McDaniels were smarter than that game plan they put forth sunday against the Packers.  Not barely running the ball against one of the worst run defenses in the NFL when they have Blount and Gray to use but instead using Brandon Bolden.  And not taking full advantage of Wright or Tyms, and throwing Dobson out there.  Their offensive game plan wasn't to win, but not to lose.  A brilliant coach doesn't put forth such a conservative game plan while playing an explosive Packers team.


    And "IF" the Patriots threw everything they had including the kitchen sink at the Packers last sunday then you better hope the Pats don't face the Packers in the SB if both teams end up there.  Because GB will be even more explosive indoors.  Rodgers numbers indoors is ridiculous.


    Whatever personal grudge Belichick has against Gray he better get over it.  His alarm clock didn't go off.  Stop destroying the guy's career over one missed practice, especially after running for 200+ yards against the Colts.  Give him the damn ball you grumpy baby.  And if Belichick wasn't holding anything back you know damn well that Blount and Gray would be running over the Packers, and Wright would be in the game plan catching TD's in the red zone and Tyms would be down field.


    And the first 4 games Brady was a head case.  Part of it was his fault as he was only targeting Edelman and Gronk out of spite.  There was some personal things going on behind the scenes between Brady, McDaniels, Dobson and Thompkins.  And part of it was the offensive line too.  If the Pats were to have lost against the Bengals and Jets you'd be seeing Jimmy G as the Pats QB the last 5 weeks.

    And then you hit reply and post this? Oh boy ...

  4. The problem with Brady is sometimes he has the wrong attitude and a bad attitude.  Yes, it sucks to lose.  But during the Chiefs game Brady checked out and gave up.  He's a drag on his team when he does that.  They pulled him and they put Jimmy in and that created a new spark in the Pats' offense.  If the Pats wouldn't have blown out the Bengals the following week I was hoping for a QB change.


    The problem with Brady is when things don't go his way he acts like a brat and throws his WR's under the bus.  Also, he doesn't have enough patience with his receivers.  He's not good at developing rookie WR's IMO.  He doesn't have the patience for it at this time in his career.

    You're batting 1000 here. First, your post about Belichick saving his game plan vs the Packers in case they meet in the Super Bowl and now this drivel about Brady. It would be a lot more honest of you to just say you hate the Patriots then trying to justify this ridiculous position ....

  5. ive seen the Patriots get away with more in one year than the history of the NFL. I would see 4 calls that were never called in one play with the Colts all over the field. Its bad up to the point where theres no way that the refs could miss that. Unless they were betting like the NBA refs...

    What? Patriots are the most penalized team in the league this year. And they had MORE penalties than the Colts in that annihilation game. But hey whatever you need to believe to fuel the hate, right?

  6. They don't want guys to cover with no contact. Nice strawman.


    Also, congratulations on missing the point.

    Oh, there was a point to your basketball analogy? My bad then.


    After 5 yards they want no contact but the emphasis is not the issue but the way the calls are being made - inconsistent because it is football and there is always going to be some grabbing, holding, pushing just like how the Oline could get called for holding most plays but don't because it would be a flag parade. You have to be able to judge what is impeding the play and what is not, this new emphasis takes the judgement away from the refs and is giving the offense free yards and plays.

  7. Yes...really. The Packers rarely even win big regular season games, let alone playoff games, but they won that one. I don't know why people ignore this (while claiming Brady and Manning never win big games anymore every time they lose a SB).

    GB is really good this year. They have a run game and decent defense around Rodgers. Pats did the same for Brady.

  8. Yes...we have. It happened twice in a row to the Pats once, but I was mainly talking about the Packers. They have gone 1 and done all but 2 times under Rodgers/McCarthy and 1 of those times was only because of that Joe Webb debacle.

    The Pats sucked yesterday, but it will probably just have them primed for the playoffs as someone already mentioned.

    Packers will be happy I am sure to see the niners not make it in. They have been their nemesis the last couple of years. We will see but I still think Seattle is capable of stealing the one seed from them and/or going into Lambeau and beating them.


    The Pats sucked? Really? They held GB to 26 points at home and only 3 in the second half and were 20 yards away from taking the lead with two minutes to go. We must have different definitions of the word sucked. 

  9. I play a lot of pickup basketball, always have. I usually play with good players, guys who are pretty athletic and know how to play the game, know the rules, etc. Everyone doesn't always know each other, but generally, everyone can get on the same page, calls are mostly respected, etc., and the games go fine. People get a little nitpicky when the game is on the line, but that's not surprising.


    Every once in a while, someone shows up and decides that they don't want to play the game the way everyone else does. They complain every time someone calls a foul, for instance. Sometimes guys say "I don't see any refs, stop whining." That's when the games are less fun, when play slows down, etc. Those guys are usually less athletic, guys who fancy themselves as "physical" defenders, who think it's okay to hack and push and grab rather than play real defense and try to stay in front of their man. Then they complain about ticky-tack foul calls.


    To me, it's the same in the NFL. The problem isn't playing by the rules, playing coverage rather than grabbing and holding. The problem is when guys stop playing sound coverage, in favor of grabbing and holding. Yeah, sometimes the calls are little overboard, but that's just bad officiating (which always has and always will be a factor, in every sport). The emphasis on defensive holding and illegal contact isn't the issue. Nor is it ruining the game.

    Football isn't basketball though. There has always been some grabbing and holding throughout its history. The fact that they want guys to cover with no contact has never been part of the sport.

  10. We've seen both the Pats and Packers get embarrassed at home in the first playoff game after regular seasons better than this more than once.

    We have? The Patriots have been to three straight AFC champ games and a SB the last three years. They have absolutely destroyed their first playoff opponents the last three years running - Denver in 2011, Houston in 2012 and the Colts last year. Green Bay has struggled more recently getting out of the first round but they have never had this run game before and we will see if this defense looks anything like 2010 when they won the whole thing. They were very impressive against a potent Pats offense on Sunday. I do think Seattle could take them out even at Lambeau.

  11. There were rumors and reports that Belichick didn't show all his cards and didn't put the full game plan out there knowing the Pats and Packers could play again in the SB.  He was saving some things.


    I think if that is true the thing he was saving was Blount/Gray and the running game.  I think if they face each other in the SB the Pats will pound the ball similar to what they did to the Colts.

    What rumors and reports? Do you have links?


    What you are suggesting is the very antithesis to how Bill thinks and operations. He NEVER looks ahead even one week much less two months to a Super Bowl that may not even have Green Bay in it. It is thinking like that that would keep the Pats from even getting there as that loss hurt with Denver winning. Patriots basically have to win out to secure the number one seed unless Denver drops another game.

  12. Those thinking this was a preview for the SB....hate to break it too you but Seattle is going to get home field imo. They will have the tie breakers against the NFC after they beat Philly next week. I don't see GB winning out and even if they do...I think Seattle still shuts them down. They are going to win that division going away and SF and ARI neither will make the playoffs...as long as that defense is playing that physical and they stay healthy I see NE vs Sea in the SB. Throwing against NE's defense is hard...but doing it against SEA and against that SEA pass rush is an entirely different ball game....and SEA won't abandon the run....they will shove it down GBs throat....the same way NE should have.

    I think Seattle will be heard from this post-season. They can go into GB and win. 

  13. Honestly I have a problem with the offensive pass interference...but there are some games when you got all the grabbing and contact even past 5yds like you see with Seattle, Denver, NE I'm ok with it. Honestly if you are going to let the defense put their hands on you down the field like they do...then there is no other way to get any separation. People say they want to let them play and then when they do...they complain anyways. If someone is always on here crying about the illegal contact rules and then watches a physical game in the secondary like that I can't think you would be upset that they let the offensive guy push off when they are letting the defensive guy clutch. It happened both ways...Gronk is often responsible at the top of his routes with a little nudge here and there and as big as he is its a big advantage. I saw some Denver receiver guys do it last night too...but if the defense is going drap themselves all over you 10 yds down the field and keep contact even past the 5 yds...good for you with a little physical play of your own. To me that was a great game...and I didn't mind the calls or non-calls one bit.

    I prefer to let them play. But as long as the calls are consistent both ways it does not bother me much. That did not happen in the GB/NE. The calls were inconsistent, other calls were plain bad like the hold on the DB covering Edelman and then others were missed like the blatant push offs by the GB receivers. Not sure last night was as much about the new rules as just bad officiating. 

  14. that's my point, if Adams makes that simple catch, it's a 9 point lead and even if Gronk makes that catch, they would have been still short.

    That's football. If the refs bothered to call all the blatant push offs on the Packers receivers then the Pats are probably up in the fourth quarter instead of behind.

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