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Posts posted by MJD42

  1. But we can comment on the threads, not the person. The nonstop 'Brady is this, Brady is that, Brady is terrific, Brady is the best' etc., is tiresome. I cannot believe their is intent is not to goad, gloat, and wind folk up. Sure I can ignore them, and probably should.....


    Even one of your fellow Mods is getting tired of it all.....



    Are you kidding? Did you even look at the NFL General section? There are 1,2,3,4...6 threads at least on Peyton Manning and/or the Broncos. This is the only Brady thread I could find on page one ...

  2. Dear god...

    You are correct, it is the NFL General section, which is a sub-category of the Football section, as opposed to the 'News' section or the 'Off the Field' section.

    Keep up.

    So you want a Pats thread in the NFL general section? I think that was already tried twice with the Brady threads and failed miserably with the MOD shutting the second thread and saying not to start those type of threads as people are free to post what they want. So perhaps you should try to keep up bud.

  3. I wasn't trying to brag about Flacco, but he's put together a very respectable resume in just seven years. I'm not saying he's Brady or Manning, but I think he deserves a bit more than being compared as less than Ryan , or god forbid Dalton !

    As far as the old Baltimore Colts bucking logo, and not to offend our Indy friends, it's just hard to see that logo outside of Baltimore. When I see that logo, I think 1958, 1959, John Unitas, Memorial Stadium. As far as Brady riding the bucking Colt, I think all the banter between Colt and Patriot fans is amusing and entertaining on both sides. The sad thing is, one fan base will be disappointed and join me on the sideline. I've already transitioned over to Terps basketball , and am getting ready to attend Orioles fan fest at the Inner Harbor .

    So you feel good about Flacco being better than Ryan and Dalton?

  4. The Steelers were not expected to win the Super Bowl as the Patriots are. If the Pats are what their fans say they are (eventual 2015 SB winners), then they should have never been down by 14, especially the second time.

    The Steelers were expected to beat the Ravens who they have never lost to in the post season ...

  5. Elway clearly believes that Manning will return to a high level of play when his quad heals.  

    No. He just knows that even a lousy Manning is still better than Brock. Denver is in a deep pile of manure right now - ownership is in a trust, No HC, Manning coming back up in the air, and a GM who wants the next coach to step in and win the SB in 2015 ..

  6. Elway is very impatient..by nature ....he knows Peyton has 2 years left at best

    ..and he wants to win for the Denver owner..(who hired him and) who is in poor health.

    He's doing everything he can to win and he knows time is short...I commend that

    Manning does not have 2 years left. IF he plays next year you will more of what he looked like the last 8 games of the season which is an average to lousy QB.

  7. In the words of Bugs Bunny, Elway is a maroon. Did you hear his PC this week where he said first I want to thank John Elway, I mean John Fox. lol. Not sure if there is an exec more full of himself. 


    In terms of his SB or bust mentality, that was dead the moment he signed Manning. Why on earthy he thought he could do what Polian did for years and just stock pile talent around Manning and that would somehow magically land a trophy makes no sense. It's not like he did have over a decade of Manning's playoff bow out's to see he is not the guy to get you to the promised land. I agree with the OP that Elway is mirroring both Snyder and Jones in his quest for the Lombardi. His last two draft classes have not been good and he has gone all out on FAs. Pretty much a recipe for what just happened this season.


    Fox is a very good coach. He took lousy Jake Delhomme to the SB and Tim Tebow to a playoff victory. I don't see Elway getting anyone nearly as accomplished as Fox to take the helm. And of course IF Manning does retire than he is looking at .500 seasons at best with Brock or maybe worse. Word is Elway is not every high on him either. Big surprise.

  8. Frank Reich came back while down by only 3 more points, so basically a field goal. But ok... Frank Reich > Andrew Luck & Tom Brady.

    lol. Way to create a strawman. Who said anything about Reich being better than Luck. The point was playoff comebacks and the fact that what Luck did has been done and topped by Reich. Brady's has never been done before. If that gets you all hot and bothered then have at it.

  9. You can math pretty well there, buddy. Being down by 28 is much more fun, harder, and impressive to come back from than 14 twice, IN MY OPINION. The moral factor for the team down by 28 can be shot dead in most cases, but the team fought back.

    Sure. Great feat but it has been done before and by more points down by back up Frank Reich. What Brady did has never been done so that was really the point. But Luck's was impressive too.

  10. Written like a trashtalker with an inferiority complex. I don't get why SOME Pats fans cannot let championships speak for themselves. Both Brady and Manning are two of the greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game. Why is there a need to compare them? Show some class.

    Are you joking with that question? They will be compared forever. Two best QBs of their generation ...

  11. I don't think it's any surprise that Brady has always had the better team around him for his entire career.  People say Peyton has all these one-and-dones like it's his fault.  Sure, he's contributed, but give him the team and coaching Brady has had and I guarantee that number drops.


    Really, it's sad to see things like this.  Instead of appreciating two great QBs, people have to keep trashing one QB in order to feel good about themselves and their own QB.  Ask Peyton what he thinks of Brady and he'll give you nothing but praise.  Ask Brady what he thinks of Peyton and he'll give you nothing but praise.  If you really want to make weak arguments, I could counter by saying Brady has the most Super Bowl losses of any QB remaining.  In fact, of the 4 remaining QBs, Brady is the only QB to ever lose a Super Bowl...of course, that requires blatantly ignoring the fact that football is a team game, but I'm just following your lead here, MJD.  You can find these stats to make any sort of argument you want.  Just appreciate that Brady and Peyton have had some great matchups against one another and we are lucky enough to have witnessed two of the greatest QBs who ever lived.

    Brady has not always had the better team. That is a lie. Especially these last three seasons when Elway has pulled out all the stops to put an all star team around him ... 


    I agree completely with your second paragraph. But the comparisons will always be there ... does not mean I don't respect the heck out of each player.

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