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Posts posted by MJD42

  1. No it only took him about 10 minutes. 


    You people are so ridiculous. Luck in his second year had a bad game vs NE on the road in a playoff loss. Played with two practice squad WR's that couldn't even run a route tree. Besides that NE scored about on every possession. For that he's no good and no better than Andy Dalton. That's just the most ridiculous , unfounded , foolish stuff I've ever read. One guy is 40 TDs and 16 ints , while the other is 19 and 17. Ignorant comparison and you people are just trolling .

    Well, it is a holiday and all. Have to fill the time with something.  ;)

  2. Hyperbole.

    But, if there was evidence...there would be a loss of draft picks. Of course there's no evidence.

    You just have to look at the teams that have the most penalties and realize that being coached to cheat as much as you can has to be part of the philosophy. Or at least there doesn't seem to be an emphasis on playing within the rules as much as other teams.

    But this thread is about Suh. I wouldn't tag Suh's attitude and penchant towards receiving flags with Caldwell. Schwartz maybe, but not Caldwell.

    Coached to cheat? The majority of Pats penalties this year have been on the Oline for false starts and holding because the line can't block well. The Pats have won games in spite of their penalties not because of them.

  3. Right after he was pressing because the D couldn't stop a cold, and KC knew we had to throw to win.

    How many QBs play perfect games when they're in a 30 point deficit? I'd love to see you're numbers in a similar situation, and we won.

    And we still won.

    Did I mention we won. Because of Andrew? I forget.

    Right that comeback had everything to do with Luck and not KCs losing several key players during the game including their stud RB and his back up preventing them running out the clock?

  4. A Luck is fine and on pace.  Look at Peyton Manning playoff record in his first 5 years (3 appearances.  Compare to Luck (who has made it every year for his 3 appearances)






    Andrew -



    Luck can really begin to shine very early in his career, beginning Sunday.  He needs to get his turnovers under control and he will flourish.  I'm not worried about what Troy thinks.


    Even today, Peyton (a GOAT candidate) gets flak for his playoff record.  Dalton is also under the burden of a 24 year playoff win drought in Porkopolis.

    Why would you compare him to Peyton who had one of the worst starts of any great QB to his post-season career and has the most one and done's in the history of the game along with the most losses.

  5. Thing is it's about the only way for him to stay with the Pats. If he keeps playing on short term deals , he needs to get at leaf 15 mill per season for that to make sense for him. Look at it this way , if the Pats didn't resign him , he will have earned 11.5 for 2014. So now if the Pats don't sign him long term , they have 2 choices.


    1) Decline the option for 2015 and he goes out and tests the market again.


    2) Pay him the 20 million he's due and now have a 2015 cap hit of 25 million.


    How do they sign him to a 1 year deal ? Decline the option for the 2nd year of the 2 year deal and then say "here's a one year deal for less money ? Hello... anybody home ? This isn't Darrelle Brady. NE is they let him go , already screwed him for about 3 mill on a one year deal. This guy gambled and played below his market ($14 mill ?) and figured if the Pats wanted to keep him , he'd now be in the drivers seat. Guess what ? He is. Kraft pays the 20 mill, signs him to a 4-5 (big guarantee) year deal and gets his coulee burned when Revis turns 34 or says adios. Are you Pat fanes really so splined as to think Revis is going to tear up the contract (! year)he earned and then cut you guys a big break and replace that 1 year deal with another one ? LOL on that. 


    Oh... Revis will probably take a long term deal now as he's older and he burns the team on the back end of it. It will just need a lot of guaranteed money.

    Yeah the only way that second year stands is if they do sign a long term deal to spread the money out over multiple years which is a strong possibility. I can see that scenario but like I said, I am not sure Revis wants that but at age 30 as you say maybe he does. No team is paying him $20 mil or $25 so the Pats could tear that up and redo a longer term deal. Word is he wants to stay, likes Bill a lot, loves this secondary BUT he is about the money. I expect the Pats to do something none of us see coming. They always do when it comes to these things.

  6. I want Baltimore to win, because if we win I don't want to play New England. Ever since spygate, I just can't get into the games with New England anymore. It's no fun (as a fan) to be going up against a team you have absolutely no respect for. I would much rather see an exciting game against a team I do respect (Denver, Baltimore, etc).

    No respect? Or just tired of getting blow out?  ;)

  7. Figures that American would like this as it's wrong. The Pats will not do "another one year deal" . They did a two year deal to begin with. They paid him 1.5 million as a 2014 base salary ,please not how cheap that it cause you're going to make that up. He received a signing bonus of 10 mill and a 2014 roster bonus of 500,000. All that went toward his 2014 salary cap is the 1.5 base , the 500 ,000 2014 roster bonus and half of the 10 mill signing bonus. So 5 + 1.5 +.5 = a 7 mill. cap hit for 2014.


    BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!! GENIUSES !!!!!! Revis 2014 for 7 Mill !!!!!!. Errrrrr.. hold on .. let's look at year 2. Uhhh ohhh what the heck is this ?


    Tha base salary is 7.5 mill and he's due a cool 12.5 mill roster bonus. They have until the last day of the 2014 year to say nay or nay or I would think do another contract. Now I know a lot of you guys think it's possible that Kraft can get him to just say "c'mon play 2015 for 12 mill instead of the 20 we owe you. I doubt it and that's why I say if they keep him they will have to do one of those contracts they hate to give CB's . That being great big juicy deals with a whole bunch guaranteed.


    By the way , for those that have trouble figuring cap hits. Revis' would not just be the 20 mill he collects (if they keep him on the 1 year deal) , you would need to add in 5 million of the 10 mill signing bonus he received in 2014. So that would be a cool 25 million for the year 2015. 


    So here are your options... sign the then to be 30 year old CB to a long term deal averaging at least 13 mill or get your butt drilled to the core in 2015. Be aware you are going into this owing him at least 5 mill as he played 2014 for 7.5

    I don't think Revis wants a long term deal. He sure as heck would take that $25 mil next year but we both know that ain't happening ...

  8. Maybe that's what it'll take. If it does, I'm confident the Patriots could make that work. I don't think guaranteed money should be an issue with this guy. There's very little risk... just injuries, and that applies to anyone. 

    I could see them doing another one year deal or a two year deal with a ton guaranteed as well. Revis seems to like the short term contracts so he can hit the market. And the Pats would prefer not to get tied into a player who will be 30 long term and has a history of holding out.

  9. I think the Broncos picked a terrible time to mess with Peyton's head.  I don't doubt for a minute that it is the work of John Fox.  They are taking the game out of Peyton's hand and not giving him the opportunity to do the things that have made them successful.  I see an early exit for the Broncos because they want to play Fox ball and not let Peyton do his thing.

    I don't think Manning is capable of Manning ball anymore. When they do let him pass it has been ugly the last two months.

  10. Now, I don't know Jim Harbaugh personally so I'm merely speculating here. With that said, I've been in the business world for some years now and in my experience, there are certain guys with similar personality traits to Jim Harbaugh that just don't last a long time at one particular business. That kind of mentality and attitude works only so long before it drives people away. And when it involves head management (Harbaugh) vs. executive level (Owner/GM), it can get nasty very quickly. I'm surprised that the 49ers won 8 games this year with Harbaugh with all the trouble in that locker room.


    I think that Harbaugh will probably be at Michigan a little longer than he was at Stanford and the 49ers mainly because he will have much more freedom to call his own shots with very little push back from the AD or anyone else for that matter.

    The issues don't seem to have been with the players though. It was with mgmt. The CEO said there were philosophical issues and said he wants more of a teaching coach. I am not sure I get that but I don't get the sense the Bill Belichick is a guy that gives anyone the warm fuzzies. Coaches are supposed to be judged on results. I do wonder if Jim maybe wanted more control ala Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells and that is what led to the split. If it was really over personality than the niners just made maybe one of the worst moves in NFL history ...

  11. Obviously.... Green has only missed like 3 games. Not that farfetched Dalton would throw more INTs in 13 games than he would in 3.

    No. He throws the most when throwing to Green specifically. They had a stat last night that Dalton has throw more picks when throwing to Green, 26 I believe, of any QB/WR duo in the league since 2011. And of course he threw two more picks last night when targeting Green ...

  12. I can't believe Manning's stat line in that blow out game. Zero TDs (Brock threw for one) and under 300 yards and of course the lateral fumble that was scooped for a TD. 


    One thing is evident, this Denver team will only go as far as its run game and defense takes it.

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