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Posts posted by MJD42

  1. And this is whats bugging me everyone knew about the injury to Aaron Rogers but not Peyton Manning plus the Colts got a flag for a low hit & 18 bounced right up no hint of a injury I really do believe this was an excuse . Never once in that game did I see any issues for 18 other than over throws .

    They said before the game that he was as healthy as he has ever been with the two week break. Then once he loses, he has a torn quad ...

  2. Perhaps the biggest chasm between Brady and Manning was cemented this weekend. Brady achieved history by becoming the first QB in the history of the NFL to come back twice from being down 14 points and guiding the Pats to their 9th AFCCG appearance since he became the starter in 2001. He also has the most post-season wins at 19 in the history of the game and will go for #20 Sunday night.


    Manning, on the other hand, lost in miserable fashion at home to a team he was favorite to beat for his 9th one and done. The next QB on the list with the most one and done's is Montana with four. So Manning has more than twice as many one and done's as any other QB in history and of course the most post-season losses at 13 in the history of the game.

  3. Was he being scalped in the one before the chiefs game?

    lol. No kidding. This FB thing is new for him so I think he still needs to learn to get the hang of it. His wife actually posts really good pics of their family on game day which are fun to see. But then again she is a super model and gets the whole public thing more than him.

  4. Warning: extreme rant.....

    FOR PETES SAKE!!!!!!!.....all I'm seeing on tv today is about how the Broncos lost because Peyton played injured, and luck threw 2 interceptions, and the the Patriots are going to destroy the Colts, and Tom Brady is so terrific, give it a rest already!!!! Give us our due credit!!!!! THE COLTS WON THE GAME!!!!! Our defense played an outstanding game, yes, there is more then just an offense that plays, although the O-line and Luck played outstanding as well!!!! Thier supposed "pro bowl caliber" defense didn't do squat!!! We are in the AFC championship game, after so many including people on here had ruled us out!!! That is a tremendous accomplishment!!!!

    I am not saying we will definitely beat the Patriots, but we have the tools in the toolbox, just have to use them properly!!!! We are a different team then when we faced them last, a lot of critics are not pointing that out!!! LETS GO COLTS, lets shut all these haters the F up!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok rant over, and sorry for so many !!!!!!!!!'s

    Welcome to what it is like when you beat Peyton Manning ... never his fault and never any credit to the winning team ...

  5. It's like I posted in another thread, it would be nice if visiting fans would recognize how sensitive an issue this is for many Colts fans, rather than rubbing salt in the wounds. 


    Now, I can appreciate that maybe your OP was sincere, but you should also appreciate that this isn't an ordinary issue.

    Sure. Just wanted to get folks take ... feel free to lock thread if you feel it is causing undo grief. 

  6. And don't you find it a little cheesy that Sal Paolantonio felt the need to ask that question...again....under those circumstances?


    Because I would have preferred a more "Bill Parcells-style" answer from Irsay, along the lines of...

    "Hey, Sal....instead of trying to stir up :censored2: , why don't you ask me something I haven't answered a million times before?"


    Seriously, this business of the media pitting QB v QB....whether it pertains to game matchups (they don't face each other on the field), individual career achievements (in a TEAM sport), and even front office roster decisions (that the players have limited, if any, control over)....is nothing but the media laying landmines to get a story. And why some fans continue to swallow the bait...hook, line and sinker....I don't know.


    Jim Irsay simply restated the very same rationale for the Manning to Luck roster decision that he gave the day Manning was released....and that Peyton himself fully understood. He maintained that the rationale for the decision was singularly focused on the future good of the TEAM.


    Probably the very same motivation for Luck's non-answer.

    Yes, I did not like the question but I think it was pertinent given that Luck had just beaten Manning in a playoff game. Irsay could have chosen to answer it in a much different way.

  7. That doesn't bother me as much as a pats fan posting a thread about the Manning decision and judging our owner the day after we just saw our past and present qbs on the same field of play and felt both happy and sad at the same time


    Now that's what I call inappropriate

    Didn't realize you guys were that sensitive. Could have fooled me given I saw a thread literally minutes after you beat the Broncos about how to beat the Pats. So some of your fanbase clearly was not as emotional as others ...

  8. No turnovers, rough Brady up, good offensive line protection, stop the run and play the New England receivers just like we played the Broncos receivers.  I think overall the Broncos have better receivers but I think Gronks better than any one receiver on the Broncos.  Stay with Edelman and LaFell and contain Gronk.  Brady will get flustered if he gets hit a little bit too.  Brady's the same as manning, it's practially impossible to stop him, you have to rattle him and knock him off his spots the best you can.

    He was hit a TON vs Baltimore and was never flustered coming back from 14 pts down twice and no run game.

  9. He was asked a question, he answered it. It's not like he was like "oh yeah, by the way....." He could have said, "no comment" but if he doesn't stick to his guns and answer the question then he will continuously be pestered about it.

    Sure, I guess. But not like he has not talked about it ad nauseum before. I just thought the timing was inappropriate and his level of detail like he was still patting himself on the back. He could have just said, "We are happy to have Andrew Luck as our QB and it was a great win today and Manning was a great QB for us for a long time." Why rehash all the details and talk about how Peyton said it was the football gods that determined his release. Felt like he was belaboring it to me.

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