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Posts posted by MJD42

  1. Keep trying. If you repeat it enough. You'll start to believe it.

    Even if we accept your first post a logical, which it isn't, explain how then we got off easy today? Because you said it would be better without Green. Is this your definition of better?

    I said less picks. He threw zero. 

    At the time of my post, I didn't realize their #2 receiver was out too so yeah Colts benefited from that for sure. 

  2. He's thrown no picks with Green in as well. You're logic makes no sense.

    You also said it would be better. And then said we got off easy because Green wasn't in.

    Logical failure.

    He has thrown the most picks of any QB/WR duo since 2011 to Green. 26. The stat was given when they played Denver. He forces the ball to Green and throws a lot of picks. He had zero today.

  3. Wait wait wait? Now suddenly it's a detriment to not have Green? Did I misquote you saying he would do better since he wouldn't be forcing the ball?

    I also take great joy in revealing how little you know about anything football related :).

    Less picks and he had zero. Read my post.

  4. Imagine how bad Dalton would be going with Green and Gresham?

    Scary to think. Considering how he's doing so well without them.

    Guess you can take some solace in the fact that you won without Cincy having their two best receivers before Manning crushes you next week ...

  5. Tom Brady becomes worse than Andy Dalton when under pressure and gets hit.


    I think it's safe to bet that if the Pats lose next week it wasn't because of their defense, but because of their O-line and QB play.

    See you are still keeping up your rep as a faux Pats fan ...

  6. If the Pats O-line performs in the playoffs like it did against the Jets and Bills they are one and done.  And Brady tends to give up emotionally if he faces pressure and gets sacked.  He starts to pout and lose passion.  He starts to throw lazy throws like what happened against the Chiefs.  Brady does checkout.


    This is the first season in YEARS for the Pats where the offensive line is the big concern and not the defense.

    Half the line was missing vs the Bills as they treated as a fourth preseason game. Coaching will be better in playoffs and will get the ball out of Brady's hands quicker. Expect to see more of a Vareen ...

  7. If had broken his tibia? Suh is large man, but he isn't that large lol. I just find it odd that getting stepped on by a 300lb DT is a bigger injury risk than getting slammed into a camera barrier by a 270 TE.

    lol. Sergio never hit the camera. Nice try though.

  8. Before we declre Seattle invincible..

    In the last 6 games..Seattle has defeated Arizona twice, SF twice, Phily and St. Louis.

    They don't see good quarterbacks much.

    ......rematches with dallas and GB will be interesting

    Yes, I am not sure they make it out of the NFC just yet. I like Dallas vs them as they match up well but GB would also give them a better game the second time around.

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