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Everything posted by a06cc

  1. Needs more play makers around him
  2. Same excuse for the past 10 years. We ain’t this, we got a new guy at QB, we got a new coach… This is getting old.
  3. As a whole this team looked like the same team last season only capable of scoring 14 points. Hoping for improvement next week. Can’t deny what we looked like and gave up in the 4th
  4. I don’t care who’s on the field or wasn’t. We should’ve won today. There isn’t an excuse for the 4th quarter and the inability to score. No matter what you first year excuse makers are trying to tell yourselves. It hasn’t matter who the coach was for the past 10 years.
  5. Slow start, going for it on 4th down, and only scoring 14 points on offense. But you keep talking yourself into something that’s not there
  6. Didn’t quit on Manning. The excuse you guys keep making are unreal. This team and the players that have been here for years have no excuses. Slow start after slow start. It’s getting old
  7. Soft team can’t win week 1. No matter how any of you try to explain it away
  8. No I react however I wish. We keep losing and now look at what happened to the QB
  9. Can’t be happy about this at all. We keep losing the first game of the season. It’s getting old. More matter the players or coaching staff
  10. Rookie QB or not. This team is pathetic. Always start out slow and I’m sick of it. There is no excuse for it. There is time, but seriously. This is annoying
  11. No clue why they keep going for it on 4th down these Eagle coaches. It kills you
  12. Colts need to be more transparent with these players being injured. I’m waiting for Shaq to actually say something until I get worried.
  13. Looks like a Frank Reich panic mode game management. So it’s no different
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