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James Ducheteau

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Posts posted by James Ducheteau

  1. On 12/24/2016 at 10:53 AM, Colts1324 said:

    He is gonna be a lot like Lamar Miller to me. I don't care. Unless it's Ezekial Elliot, I don't want to waste our first round pick on a RB. We can find one that is plenty capable later in the draft or through FA. We need defense!!! 

    Seems like that has been the thought since Edge left, don't know that it's worked out

  2. On 12/19/2016 at 7:48 AM, JimJaime said:

    I don't see the Giants making the SB, I think either GB (in GB) beats them or they lose to Seattle in Seattle. Both those places are brutal to play in.

    True, but if their is one team in the wild card slot that you don't want to give a glimmer of hope to, it's Giants.

  3. This may sound crazy, and it probably is, but myself I think that if you paired Romo up with Palmer and had them on a two week rotation, you could probably get some great QB play out of them. I know, I know, "if you have two quarterbacks you don't have one" but the QB rotation plan has worked in the past(not recently). Honestly it's probably both guys best chance to get a Superbowl. Now ego's and such probably make this an extremely fanciful idea, and I know that, but I really do think with these two guys it could work. Otherwise Romo should just suck it up and take the backup role in Dallas if a ring is what he truly wants.

  4. 21 minutes ago, krunk said:

    I don't trust him from an offensive stand point as far as HC goes.  He seems to know nothing about offensive football.  His teams tend to be undisciplined at times.  As far as DC is concerned yeah I'd look at Rex if we didn't already have one of his disciples in place already. Ted seems to be about the details and being disciplined.  I'd like to see what Ted can do with some better personnel.  I can see your angle though.

    All that being true, I still believe he would be the best HC in the south. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, krunk said:

    They've played them tons of times.  Way more than the Colts and have maybe won twice.  No times with the Bills other than when Brady was suspended.  Proof isn't very good.

    lol..I know man, I was reaching..but even so He isn't afraid of the pats...and truthfully I think he would do really well in the south. The majority of the time it seems like his teams finish second to the pats, with absolutely no quarterback play. I'd like to see what he could do with a quarterback in a division that isn't  dominated by the Pats.

  6. 23 hours ago, krunk said:

    I don't think Rex has much interest in being a coordinator anymore.  It's just my gut, but I realize he might not have much choice.  Just don't think we'll go in Rex direction.  I say stay with Ted.

    Would you take Rex as a head coach?

  7. 3 hours ago, chad72 said:

    Our biggest issue was thinking this team did not have issues because success came early during Luck's rookie contract and not filling the coffers with draft picks in 2013 and 2014 that would have been producing at all areas of need now when Luck is being paid his big contract.


    So, it is like starting all over again from the draft point of view with 2015 and 2016. Since success came early, we did not have high enough draft picks and Grigson did us no favors by swinging and missing more than hitting on mid-tier free agents. 


    By retaining Peyton, the only thing we would have had was the high draft picks to load us with defensive talent. However, I am not sure if Caldwell and his defensive system he wanted plus Polian's penchant to pay middle of the road homegrown talent over playing free agency would have gotten us where we want.


    If we load up with defensive talent the next draft and get new coaches by year 7, would you guys really care if we built a dynasty that made 3 AFCCG in a row and wins at least a SB in years 7 through 9 of Luck's career? He would barely be over 30 then (31 in year 9) and elite QBs play well into their mid 30s at a high level.


    I still think it was the right move, to let go of Peyton before his physical decline was inevitable. 

    I honestly do not believe Luck is going to play that long. I do really expect a couple more injury riddled years out of him and then he will be done and we are going to be screwed. Maybe I'm wrong, but that is what I see when I watch this team.

  8. Never would of let manning go. I said it then and I still believe it today, we should of traded that pick for a kings ransom, picked up Wilson or Tanahiel? and built up the overall team talent. I know every one thinks Luck is just the best thing since sliced bread but I honestly don't believe he's going to end up being any different than a Stafford or Rivers. I honestly believe that in two or three years we are going to be in the market for a new QB anyways with the abuse luck has taken and in the long run he's is going to be a just another first rounder who could of been great. And for everyone who thinks Manning would of gotten killed behind the line, just remember with the additional picks the line would have been totally different, not to mention with Manning's quick release you could probably cut Luck's hit's in half. 

  9. The thread ask's which is Grigson biggest flop, not which player is the bigger bust. In that sense I would say Dorsett, but only because after having flopped on Trent and Werner already with first rounders, the taking of another "iffy" first rounder is really a huge mistake and one that was completely unacceptable, regardless of how Dorsett's career turns out.

  10. The Texans probably would have been the best fit, but since that is not going to happen it's hard to say. The Jets seem like a good choice until you think about him wanting a chance to win a Superbowl, then I don't think the Jets are that attractive, very hard road to win the East so your basically playing for a wild card spot..that is ruff..You'd think the AFC North, West OR South are more winnable but the QB situation is not promising...Denver is the best chance there and I think that's unlikely. The NFC is not any better really, Vikings make sense but you've got young QB's on the team and your going against Rodgers so I think that's a no. Arizona is a maybe but is Romo an upgrade over palmer, I don't know-maybe. Really I don't see a winning scenario here for Romo outside of taking a pay cut and playing backup if he really wants to get a ring, otherwise he sound probably just retire.

  11. 12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    For all the people in this thread ragging on management for cutting Irving.....


    Do you even realize he's on the street right now?   


    If he's as good as you think,  any of the other 31 NFL teams should've signed him and kept him.


    So,  what happened?      Do you think by chance the NFL knows something that all of you don't?!?




    If all of you are such geniuses and you're right that he's so good,  he wouldn't be available to us now......


    You might want to re-think this just a little bit...........       :peek:

    No one thinks hes great, the thought is he's better than Mcnary, the fact that a guy that 31 other teams passed on and is on the street for two months IS better than our starter is really a testament to how terrible Mcnary is, not how great Irving is.  

  12. 35 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    Sadly, I don't see anyone who can stop them.  It's truly insane.  Brady is 39 years old and playing like he's 30.  I can't stand Brady, but this is some unreal stuff.  He's the only player I can recall that has actually gotten better with age.  With the way he's going, I could see him playing another 5 years.

    you get a :( for this

  13. 7 hours ago, KelownaColtsFan said:

    I would say we are about 4 LB's,  2 DL, a CB, and a RB away from any form of legitimacy, not all need to be pro bowlers but they should at least be starting caliber. The Colts are blessed with a great QB, who makes them somewhat competitive from week to week, but your kidding yourself if you think this team is even close to a championship. If they do some how make the playoffs they will once again be embarrassed by the Patriots.

    The pats are going to embarrass who ever they play in the AFC championship game

  14. 42 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

    Well some of their loses are against other good teams. Pitt lost to NE and a good philly team. Most of ours are to the Lions Jags and Texans. It's different to lose to other good teams then it is to get beat by other garbage teams.

    Agreed, but per the standings we've got just as good of a chance as anybody. It really comes down to the next two weeks

  15. 13 hours ago, Mr Coffee said:

    You seem to be under the delusion that this team doesn't suck.  Well guess what?  We suck.  Beating a bad team in a horrid division shouldn't make you feel any better about this team than you did last week.  The same problems remain. They were just masked a bit because of who we were playing.  This game was fools gold for some of the homers on the board.  It'll be back down to reality very quickly though.  

    Have you looked at the AFC? New England is 6/1, Raiders 5/2...everybody else is in the 4/3, 3/4 column...who are these elite teams that are going to destroy us....it seems like everybody in the AFC except New England has problems and can be beat. I'm not saying we don't have problems or even that we are a good team, just that if you go by the records, nobody is crushing it outside of New England.

  16. No one looks dominant in the AFC except New England, no reason not to believe we can't be the ones to make it to the championship and get beat down by them, Especially if we win the south, considering at least one of the wild card team's will probably be better than us and New England will be playing the lowest seeded throughout.

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