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James Ducheteau

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Posts posted by James Ducheteau

  1. 4 hours ago, Superman said:

    In theory, yes, the Colts at their best could probably beat any team in the league. The offense would have to avoid mistakes, the defense would have to tackle well, and they'd probably still need some help from the other team in the form of missed opportunities (Rivers missed 3-4 TD throws on Sunday). They could get hot, stay healthy, and knock some teams off. It would be awesome if they were humming in December and January and made it to the Super Bowl, but don't hold your breath. 


    In practice, this year's Colts are a second tier team, at best. The OL is a work in progress (positive things are on the way, I believe, but the protection is still leaky and the run blocking is even further off), the QB and receivers aren't consistently on the same page. The defense can't cover the middle and can't consistently rush the passer. The coaching staff hasn't proven that they have the ability scheme and strategically minimize these weaknesses AND maximize the obvious strengths. In fact, in the biggest test of this ability -- late in the Denver game -- the coaching staff blew it.


    If the Colts were able to play to their full potential every single week, and stay healthy, and if the coaching staff pushed the right buttons every game and in every situation, you might have a 13-3 team with a first round bye. But even then, you're probably looking at the 2010/2012 Falcons; that team even won a playoff game, but wasn't a great team, and quickly regressed (4-12 in 2013, a year after going to the NFCCG). This team appears more likely to play below expectations than to exceed expectations, sadly. Just not enough playmakers, especially on defense.


    The hope is that the last two draft classes keep going in the right direction, and you get another two draft classes that pan out. Doesn't mean the Colts aren't trying to contend in the meantime, but it's going to be a couple years before the Colts will be considered one of the top teams in the league. And that's assuming things go well and the staff does the right things over the next two offseasons, which isn't a given.

    So your saying there's a chance :)

  2. On 9/1/2016 at 6:11 PM, BOTT said:

    People work really hard to find something to be outraged about these days.  He sat down during a song that was being sung at a football game!!   Not sure the country will recover.

    To be fair, its not really just a song...it's a national anthem...some people take that stuff crazy serious, can't be surprised when their is a huge backlash from that...

  3. 2 hours ago, akcolt said:

    Did our starters play big. minutes? The OL started 2 rookies and a 2nd yr guy playing a position he's just learning. We are down to starting CB's who won't be on the roster in 2 weeks. We didn't play healthy starters on both sides of the ball. Get a grip. how about we see what happens vs Lions. I have been a Colts fan since 84 when they came to town with Pagel under center not that it has anything to do with anything preseason games meant nothing then either When have we ever done well in the preseason? This one was pretty successful no one is on the IR you should be pleased and hold of judgement until the season starts. 

    I didn't make this thread, also not once have I posted a "the sky is falling" comment on this forum. Your initial post was that you couldn't believe that people are freaking out, my comments only purpose was to try and lend some sense of reason to some of the mass panic we have seen. I'm not exactly sure of what I need to "get a grip' on

  4. 42 minutes ago, akcolt said:

    Did our starters play big. minutes? The OL started 2 rookies and a 2nd yr guy playing a position he's just learning. We are down to starting CB's who won't be on the roster in 2 weeks. We didn't play healthy starters on both sides of the ball. Get a grip. how about we see what happens vs Lions. I have been a Colts fan since 84 when they came to town with Pagel under center not that it has anything to do with anything preseason games meant nothing then either When have we ever done well in the preseason? This one was pretty successful no one is on the IR you should be pleased and hold of judgement until the season starts. 

    I didn't make this thread, also not once have I posted a "the sky is falling" comment on this forum. Your initial post was that you couldn't believe that people are freaking out, my comments only purpose was to try and lend some sense of reason to some of the mass panic we have seen. I'm not exactly sure of what I need to "get a grip' on

  5. 46 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    We also went 0-4 during the Pre-season in 2014 and then went on to go 11-5 and make the AFC Title Game without Robert Mathis. I am surprised nobody even thinks about this? Pre-season is meaningless.


  6. 5 hours ago, akcolt said:

    I can't believe how many don't understand this. Hey we lost a scrimmage let's cut our starting LT. That's what the hoodie would do...  

    I don't believe its that we lost that's causing the concern, we lost last week also and we didn't see all this panic. I think it's more that once again we looked unprepared. This was the preseason game where the starters play significant minutes. This was the game where you should get a feel for what the team is going to look like. This was the game you do some game planning for. This was the one game you wanted to look crisp in. Winning doesn't matter, but you definitely want to be competitive. We were none of those things. And if you look at the presser afterwards Pagano genuinely seemed at a loss for a reason why we played so poorly. I think it's these things that people fell are a trend with this organization lately and the reason for the insane level of panic you see reflected in the forums. People are proud to be colts fans. Most of us went through the lean pre-harbaugh years and have come to expect the colts to be a dominant part of the NFL. And while we have had great success, winning 11 games most seasons and making it back to the AFC title game I don't think anyone can seriously say we've been dominant.  In the past you could have the jags run for like 300 yards on you and still feel like the team had a legitimate shot at the title. Now I think people would be more inclined to expect to get ran all over again the next week. It's not like this is a browns forum, where we are all giddy to get a win. This team and this fan base have come to expect dominance,  and when we are repeatedly getting dominated it pushes some fans to the extreme. I saw on NFL network yesterday an over under on whether Luck has more sacks than TD's. To me this is simply unacceptable, and makes me want to do something to change that, but as a fan all we can really do is get on the forum and freak out...lol..maybe its some guys job in the organization to care about those things...Irsay was real quick to get the word out that Mewhort isn't down for the season , and I believe that's because like us he feels this thing slipping. It is his product after all and I can't imagine the man not having pride in it.

  7. 6 hours ago, jameszeigler834 said:

    Anybody can look good when nobody is game planning for you I still don't think he is that good.

    Sadly we can't, when anyone says the colts look crappy the reply is always "it's only preseason, and when any one says somebody else looks good it's the same reply...I'm not saying he's great, only that the hole any one can look good theory isn't really true because game plan or not we almost never look good in the preseason 

  8. I agree with all that, I'm just saying that the rules used to govern the system are subject to change, we can't be sure that given today's culture with short hand text that in say 20 years we will not be using just one "there" or one "two" to convey all the potential meanings of the word. Culture dictates grammar and spelling in my belief, which is why I say it's a popularity contest. When I was a kid they always told us "aint is not a word, but it is now, the popular opinion won out.  

  9. 12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    If you're trying to say that in various countries around the world they have different ways of spelling the same word we have here in America --- then that's fine.


    But if you're instead trying to say that here in America a person is free to spell things however they wish,  then I'm afraid we part company on that one.


    Also....    words are not interchangeable.  


    So,   There,  their and they're all have their specific uses...


    And  To,  too and two all have their specific uses and so on....


    There are other examples, but I think you get the point....


    You've joined at the slowest time of the year....   but welcome to the website....    hope you enjoy it!!




  10. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    You're new,  so I don't know your sense of humor.


    I don't know if you're kidding or not.        I certainly hope you ARE kidding?


    Otherwise,   you lost me with what you wrote.     I don't even know wha that means?


    It means spelling is subjective to the mass consensus, it is not inherently one way or the other, as say 1 + 1 = 2. That is the same no matter where you are.

  11. On 6/4/2016 at 5:43 PM, NewColtsFan said:




    You and CR are not the only two guys who make this mistake.


    And I never like being a "grammar Nazi"....     but every once in a while it all just gets to be too much.


    Quick refresher:     


    There:   Location....    "There are the Colts,  coming out of the tunnel to take the field!"


    Their:    Possession....    "Loose ball on the field, the Colts recover!    It's their ball!"


    They're:    (Contraction for they are)     "I hate the Patriots!   They're the biggest cheaters in football!"


    While english is a spectacularly beautiful language,  it is also, by far,  the most complex.    So,  these traps are all over the place....     including the popular "to,  too and two"   which people here get confused with as well.


    I do this for a living and sometimes I make these mistakes.   But typically when I do,  it's because I'm in a hurry and trying to post too quickly.     So, my mistakes are because I'm rushed and sloppy.    But not because I don't know.


    Here's one that always confuses me....  even to this day....       affect and effect.....     I always screw them up!


    Go figure.

    Ehh..spelling is a popularity contest...it's not like math.. just give it time and the majority might decide to spell it your way

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