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Bond Shane

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Posts posted by Bond Shane

  1. He's mad because Manning took his lunch money when he was schlepping around as the Ravens nickel back at the end of his career.

    Which was awesome. I can't stand Deion and I can't stand the Ravens. So yeah, that was a good day.

    Deion is a f**king joke.

    All he does is whining. Remember when they selected him as the 34th best player overall and he started crying.

    Of course he hates Manning because Manning gives his girl friend brady nightmares.

  2. Forget that, the first person to talk after they replayed the intervew was Sanders and the first words out of his mouth were the Colts can't pay Peyton Manning 28 million next season and they had to cut him and draft Luck and start over. Everyone else on the panel clearly watched the interview and said they would keep Peyton (if healthy) and regardless of Peyton still draft Luck.

    I wouldnt listen a word from Deion. He is a big time Manning hater.

    He always finds an opportunity to bash Manning.

    Another jealous dude with a big mouth.

  3. I think they are playing hard for Manning.

    Something tells me that the players do not want the first pick.

    Even if we end up as the 3rd pick after Vikings and Rams, not sure Rams and Vikings would go for Luck as they have Sam Bradford and Ponder. I could be wrong. We still might have Andrew Luck at 3rd if they pick RB III ahead of him. We really wouldnt know at this time.

    As Irsay mentioned, Peyton is his priority and he will take if Andrew Luck is around. Believe me, if you ask Andrew Luck he will be happy to sit behind Peyton ( and he probably wont have a choice if he ends up being a Colts ).

  4. I love Reggie to bits, but it's time to move on. Wayne is gonna be looking for some big retirement money. Let him test the market, offer him what the Colts think is reasonable, if it's not enough... too bad. The Colts can sure use upgrades at multiple positions, and Reggie would free up som cap space.

    If it should be between him and Mathis, the choice is easy. Mathis every time.

    Free agency has some interesting names. Vincent Jackson and Dwayne Bowe are the premier guys, could both get franchise tagged, and would probably cost more than Wayne. Another interesting option for me would be Robert Meachem.

    If we dont have Andrew Luck in the draft, we should get that Blackmon guy as WR. I know we have defensive needs but we really cant survive with Garcon and Collie long term.

  5. He certainly did.

    Peyton will comeback next year and we will dominate.

    Even if we retain Caldwell ( which seems more likely ), all we need is a good quality Defensive Co-ordinator. My dream Coach would be Romeo Crennel ( mostly wont happen ). He is a master of stopping passing game.

  6. Wayne ran the right route. Tracy Porter had plenty of film to study and recognized the route easily. He jumped it and got himself a pick 6. Nothing was Waynes fault on that one. Also, he was covered by Darelle Revis you know? In that Jets playoff game

    Yes he was covered by Darelle Revis. So why was he whining after the game about Manning not throwing the ball to him?. Also not sure if he ran the right route there.

  7. Reggie had the one of the highest dropped passes last year and since 2009 i can sense him developing an attitude. Remember whining about having one pass vs Jets playoff game and trying to throw Manning under the bus. I was at the game and not even a single time he could get open.

    I honestly believe he messed up running a bad route on pick six. ( as if he wanted to lose - Lousiana, home town, katrina, just saying ). Not to forget him dropping a pass in the end zone.

    I would be ok if he leaves but i am afraid if he is the only one who does.

  8. I'm going to handle this a little differently since this started with me yapping about why these five reasons are not good ones.

    If anyone wants to make a case that Manning is the GOAT and/or better than Brady, here's where I would take it. And keep in mind, I'm a Patriots fan.


    This is, first and foremost, the reason I would chose to argue that Manning is the better QB. Brady's numbers have been impressive in recent years, yes, but...

    No one - let me repeat that - NO ONE in the history of the NFL has produced week-in, and week-out, like Peyton Manning. The numbers are eye-popping, and a lot of what we're seeing with the prominence of the passing game in today's NFL can be traced back to Manning's accomplishments. He's changed football in many ways, and his achievements and production have paved the path for guys like Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, Tom Brady, and even the younger generation of Matthew Staffords and Matt Ryans.

    After throwing 26 TDs and for nearly 3800 yards as a rookie, Manning did nothing except set a new standard when you look at quarterbacks' measurables. From his 11 seasons with 4,000+ yards (a record) to his 6 seasons with at least 30 TDs (also unmatched), to having more seasons (13) with at least 25 TDs... there is no other way to describe his production other than "totally unmatched."

    Had it not been for Manning's current injury, coupled with Brett Favre being unwilling to retire when his time had come, it's pretty clear that by the time he hung 'em up, Manning would have held every significant passing record in the book. Favre holds those records strictly due to his longevity... if you look at numbers on the basis of per-season production, it's not even close. It's fair to speculate that Old Brett saw Manning closing in on some of his marks, and that could have a lot to do with him hanging on longer than he should have, in a vain attempt to put his records out of reach because he knows Manning wouldn't do what he did and would retire when his time was up.

    When it comes to individual accomplishments and awards, no one can come close. That includes his four MVP awards... an unmatched achievement in football.


    It took a minute or two to come up with the bold-faced "title" of this section. Because I'm not just talking about in-game adjustments, I'm talking about all of the work that goes into game preparation.

    Since we're talking Brady-Manning here, let me start by saying that both guys are outstanding at reading defenses and making adjustments that allow them to exploit match-ups. Changing a pattern at the line of scrimmage, or audibling out of the play entirely, is something they both do well. But let's not forget, Manning has been doing it longer, and more or less has been Brady's role model when it comes to this aspect of playing QB. (Brady himself, in the "Top 100 NFL Players" of the 2011 season production, said so in no uncertain terms.) The cerebral part of Manning's game is, however, slightly superior to Brady's.


    This is where the Brady backers deliberately try to blur the lines between "team" accomplishments and "individual" accomplishments.

    While it's true that Manning was the benefactor of having some very talented offenses in the early part of the 2000s, he's never had the kind of defenses that have, on occasion, bailed out Brady's Patriots. The 2006 unit did have an historic turn-around in the postseason, yet they also surrendered a ton of first-half points to New England in the AFC Championship Game.

    Manning has never had a Ty Law making timely interceptions and returning them for TDs.

    He's never had a unit that could shut down the other guys and help the team win an ugly game by something like a 12-10 score.

    And as he's sat out the entire 2011 season so far, his defense has not really risen to the challenge of winning close, tightly-contested games, like the Patriots did in 2008 without Brady.

    One of the biggest knocks on Manning is that he's sub-500 as a starter in the postseason. But what about Brady? After starting off on fire as "Mr. Postseason," he's been very human. Why? It's simple... his defense is not what it used to be. Brady and the Patriots have, in many ways, become what the Colts always were - an offensive-minded team that does not have the defense needed to win in the playoffs. Keep in mind that NE hasn't won a postseason game in four years... or roughly since the last vestiges of the championship defense went away.

    Other random reasons:

    - His commercials are much funnier than Brady's.

    - His guest host appearance on "Saturday Night Live" was much better than Brady's.

    And if all that's not enough... let's recall what Tom Brady has to say about it:

    "To me,
    he's the greatest of all-time

    "What he's accomplished and the way that he studies, the way he prepares. He's really got a killer instinct too. I've been fortunate to be around him on a lot of occasions and we always hit it off; we have a great relationship and he's a friend of mine and someone that I always watch and admire because he always wants to improve, he always wants to get better and he doesn't settle for anything less than the best."

    "So when you watch the best and you're able to learn from the best, hopefully that helps me get better."

    Good Job Buddy

  9. Yeah, because when he tossed his O-line under the boss, he demonstrated that great attitude.

    Or when he got into it with Wayne on the sideline.

    Or when he and Saturday got into a bit of a match on the sideline.

    Yep, great attitude.

    Never mind that the term "Manning face" is a real term in the sports world.

    Listen, I truly do respect Peyton Manning. He's the 2nd best QB over the last 20 years, in my opinion. Yet there are clearly reasons why Patriot fans would prefer Brady, just like there are reasons why Colt fans prefer Peyton.

    This is the first year Brady has a defense like Manning did for most of his career.

    And did you watch Brady with OC?. I mean 1st year?.

  10. The Patriots had a great defense in 2008?

    Really? 10th ranked defense against the softest schedule in the NFL?

    As for BB, a coach can only coach; he can't get the players to make the plays.

    Show proof of this 5.5 vs 2. This is something that Colt fans like to make up. Funny how this argument wasn't made back when the Colts O-line was phenomenal, from 2000-2006.

    10th ranked defense in 32 teams?. I would take that any day.

    Oh really, Coach doesnt play?. How about Coach doesnt make bone head calls and takes so many calculted risks ( like going for 4th down etc ). Lets not under estimate Bill Belichick. That would be too naive.

    5.5 vs 2 was not something Colts fan made up. Infact i read it from a link by a study. I will post when i find. Neverthless, we can see that clearly how long Brady sits in the pocket.

  11. *yawn*

    A. Bleacher Report

    B. Bellichick had chosen a suitable backup QB. The Colts were too inept to do so.

    C. The Patriots played the easiest schedule in NFL history in 2008.

    Once again.


    ** YAWN **

    D. Pats have the smartest and the best coach of all time.

    E. Patriots had a great defense.

    F. Average time Tom Brady gets from his Offensive line is 5.5 seconds vs 2 ish for Manning.

    G. Manning has better QBR vs Brady in playoffs.

    ** YAWN**

    Really, this was repeated several times by many. Give it up, if you dont mind.

  12. In respect to Duolian, I get what your saying. Of the Super Bowls in the last 10 years Grossman, is arguably the absolute worst. Mannings legacy would be more 'complete' had he beaten another QB IMO.

    Manning, Manning, Brees, Brady,Rodgers, Warner, BigBen,Hasselbeck,Johnson,Gannon, McNabb, Delhomme.

    Whats really amazing is seeing Brady/Warner/BigBen names come up 10 times in 12 years.

    His legacy is still not complete?. This is unreal.

    First of all, Manning doesnt have a choice to pick his opponent.

    Secondly, Manning was involved in one of the greatest game played ever ( AFC Championship ). If you dont think beating Bill Belichick, Tom Brady with Ted Brushi, Rodney, Asanta Samuel, Vrabel etc was "complete", i have nothing else to say.

    Personally, i am glad in many ways for this year. The people who dddnt realize his magnitude before would get an idea ( i hope ).

  13. Sorry, but years down the road the main thing I remember is the frequent laughing at Rex Grossman tripping over himself. Which tends to undercut the perception that it was a match worthy of two teams for the title. No fault of anyone's, just the way it turned out. I'm fully aware that you play whoever you get - but I am talking about the Colts historical legacy, and if they only end up with the single SB win during Peyton's era I think it is unfortunate that this game is what we have to put up there with all the rest. Doesn't cheapen the accomplishment, but it does cheapen the PERCEPTION of the accomplishment by the general football public (ie non-Colts diehards).

    He may have had the nickname Sexy Rexy, but on your dating scale I would have to rank him somewhere Phyllis Diller and that decomposing woman Jack Nicholson was making out with in The Shining.

    Rex Grossman is better than Trent Dilfer. Trent Dilfer has a SB.

    Why is hard to comprehend SB is a TEAM effort.

  14. If you're only gonna win one Super Bowl, it would be helpful to at least have it be a classic game that would enter the rotation of great moments in Super Bowl history. I really don't know that beating Rex Grossman in the pouring rain is going to qualify. The SB against the Saints certainly fits the bill, but not for Indy fans unfortunately.

    Pardon me but we beat Ravens and Patriots to get to SB. Does that qualify for you, Respected Duolian?.

    Also Bears defense and special teams are one amongst the best.

  15. Exactly what is a "classic" coach move? I judge the players/coaches by their wins/losses. Overall right now Caldwell has a record of 26 wins and 22 losses I believe. That puts him at over .500. I then look at what the team went through injuries wise and factor that into it. From those numbers I would rate Caldwell as an average coach. Not great, not bad. But it doesn't matter what I think, the only opinion that matters is Jim Irsay and Bill Polian and I will respect whatever decision they make.

    Worst case scenario, if you are not capable of making a brilliant move, just dont make bad ones ( like timeout with Jets, My first NFL game in a stadium and right behind Colts bench, cant forget that night ). Unfortunately, we have quite a few bad ones. Now thats how you measure a coach.

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