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Bond Shane

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Posts posted by Bond Shane

  1. What % of fan money do you think is the colts budget? A good owner will not just look at 1 season. He will look at the overall franchise over say maybe a 4-6 year period and see what trends happened, injuries and such. Owners that make snap decisions based off of 1 season, no bad how bad it is usually are those owners with poor overall records as a franchise.

    Caldwell is here for 3 seasons and we have 2 winning seasons because of Peyton Manning. This is his 3rd year.

    Tell me one classic coach move Caldwell did in the last 3 yrs ( there are a zilion bad ones ).

    Now if you suggest, Irsay has to wait and give caldwell more time - more power to you.

  2. The day Irsay listens to the fans is the day he needs to go. The fans know nothing, they have no way to be able to form a legit view given they have zero access to all the information. Fans job is to watch and cheer or boo, that is it.

    Fans job is also to pay money so the FO, coaches and players get paid. How about Irsay have a private stadium and run the show with zero fans. Lets see how he generates money.

    Look i am not saying he need to listen to everything fans have to say but its common sense this year how the FO and coaching staff looks like.

  3. To all the Caldwell apologists: Can you give me the name of a coach who has gotten less out of the talent he has available this season?

    We have ONE guy less than last year and you cant re-adjust your team and win one game?.

    Lets just say its really bad talent in Caldwell's defense, Polian should go then.

  4. If Polian and Caldwell are still there next season, i will lose faith in Colts ownership.

    Irrespective of players situation, they both need to go.

    Its highly disrespectful for the fan who follow this team if they arent let go.

    Its high time, Irsay listens to fans voice and make sensible decisions.

  5. Seriously. When I watch other defenses play, the corners are within 5 yards of the receiver before the snap. Our CBs are at least 7 yards off every single play. But you know what, that wouldn't be so bad, if at the snap they moved closer to the WR. Instead all they do is backpedal. Occasionally one will gain some balls and at least try to make a play on the ball, but it's obvious they are coached to just take a few steps back, let the WR make an easy catch for 7 yards, then make the tackle. This scheme relies on the hope that the WR drops the ball, or there's a fumbled snap, or by some ungodly occurance the ball gets tipped at the line and someone picks it off. The difference between a crap scheme like ours, and a good one like Baltimores, is that we hope something good happens, while Baltimore makes good things happen.

    We have skilled players on our team. Tim Jennings was a castoff. A scrub. A roster casualty because everyone else was better than him. He was the Jacob Lacey of old. Now, he's a starter on the Bears, who by the way, play a Cover 2, and have been keeping themselves in games despite a completely anemic offense. While our offense sputters every posession, our defense should be able to do something. But they can't because they're playing in the worst scheme they could possibly play in.

    It's pretty obvious that either Polian or Caldwell will die by this defensive scheme. I think it's Polian because when we promoted Caldwell, he seemed to be alright with moving away from the strictly Tampa 2 defensive scheme. He was the one that hired Coyer. If you ask me, Coyer got a raw deal. He was unable to use the players he wanted to, like Tryon, and was basically handcuffed into running the same bland, predictable scheme, every single play.

    But you know what gripes me to know end. How Polian can defend this craptastic team he built by saying we've just had bad luck because of injuries. I even heard one of the commentators spew this garbage during the telecast. He said something about how we've got 17 guys on IR and 7 of them were starters. Apparently they don't do research they just parrot anything a God like Bill Polian says like it's fact. We have 3 starters on IR. I do not count Kerry Collins as a starter. The 3 starters would be Gary Brackett, Melvin Bullitt, and Jerraud Powers. Brackett's a good player but not the be-all-end-all of our defense. Melvin Bullitt is just an average safety, and David Caldwell/Joe Lefeged are not that much of a downgrade. Jerraud Powers just went to IR this week so you can't use him as an excuse.

    I'm tired of Polian's excuses. In the past, when we were winning, he would use the ole 'can't use injuries as an excuse' card. Since we're 0-13, he needs something to defend himself. This needs to stop.

    Jim Irsay, if you read the official Indianapolis Colts message board, do everyone a favor, and fire Bill Polian. Then fire Jim Caldwell and get somebody that does more than clap his hands and say 'Good job' when the offense goes 3-and-out. Then trade our number one draft pick for a plethora of picks. Draft someone like Barkley or Griffin so they can learn from the GOAT, all the while building a solid roster of guys that can shoulder some of the burden and not force Peyton Manning to carry the entire franchise on his back. I would sure like to see the GOAT get more than one SB in his career. Even though nobody else involved with the franchise, he at the very least does.

    Tanking?. I bet Robert Mathis and Dwight Freeney will have a different answer.

    How about we just accept that this team isnt good enough. Unfortunately, its the reality.

  6. You must work in sanitation because you, sir, are an expert on dealing garbage. It's always the same thing with you.

    Tell me all day that you think Manning is better than Brady, and I will listen to your opinion. There is no way to reach an indisputable consensus on that, so I've always said that there is a very valid argument that can be made to support that notion.

    But tell me that Tom Brady is not a "high end" QB and you make yourself look unequivocally foolish.

    GoPats - With due respect, whats the difference between 2001 to 2004 Pats and 2005 to 2011 Pats?.

    One common factor is Brady and the first scenario 3 SBs and the second scenario none.

    The answer to this will explain where Brady stands.

  7. Really drafting Edge over Ricky Williams wasn't a good call?

    Getting Tony Dungy here as head coach wasn't a good call?

    "reaching" on Dwight Freeney wasn't a good call?

    Drafting Dallas Clark and Reggie Wayne (and moving back not once but twice to get Wayne) when everyone was saying they needed to draft a corner (all of which who were taking around Wayne or Clark have not had a career near what Clark or Wayne have had) wasn't a good call?

    Finding Robert Mathis in the fifth round wasn't a good call?

    Finding Jeff Saturday and Gary Brackett via undrafted free agency wasn't a good call?

    Getting Bethea in the 6th round wasn't a good call?

    Making the hard call to let Edge walk away rather than giving him a big long term contract wasn't a good call?

    Oh yeah there were also those Bills teams he built that went to four straight Super Bowls, something that has never been done and the Panthers team that went to the NFC Title game in only their second year of being in the league that he did without Peyton Manning.

    Sorry Polian has done more good things than just draft Peyton Manning. His track record proves it. You can rip him for missing in the draft lately but to say the only good thing he's done is draft Peyton Mannng would be incorrect.

    Sure, Dallas , Reggie, Freeney, Jeff, Bethea are still playing and whats the score this year?. 0-13.

    Yeah exactly, i want a GM you wins NFC championship only. Good goal. Going to SB means nothing. Got to win it.

    Oh he is having few lapses?. That would be mildly considered an understatement isnt it.

  8. Bill Polian's only great decision in his FO career is drafting Peyton.

    I always get a negative and saddist vibe from him. Bills went to 4 SBs but they didnt win one.

    We won one SB because of we all know.

    It would take one bold move from Irsay to change his FO ( doubt it ) for Colts to have a future.

    As long as we have Polians in the FO, we will continue to have the same personnel, same incredibly Tampa 2, Cover 2 defense, same results.

    In many ways, Peyton's injury is blessing in disguise. Really exposed lot of people in this Organization.

  9. It's debatable...I don't think that Manning is head and shoulders above Brady like many here do. Manning is more of a cerebral quarterback and to some that makes him the greatest. To me it makes him unique but to argue that it makes him the best of all time is a stretch. His on-field results don't back up that kind of claim. Colts fans often make alot of excuses to qualify Peyton for G.O.A.T., if he was truly G.O.A.T. the excuse making would not be needed. The career would speak for itself. Nevertheless, I consider Peyton to be among the best to have played...I just don't think he's the G.O.A.T.

    As far as post-season comparisons go, don't just look at quarterback rating but consider everything:

    Brady 14-5; (3-1 in Super Bowls); 30 TDs 16 INT; 4,108 yards; 85.7 QB Rating

    Manning 9-10 (1-1 in Super Bowls); 28 TD 19 INT; 5,164 yards; 87.5 QB Rating

    That difference in QB rating is miniscule when compared to their overall post-season record and the number of championships won. Any G.O.A.T. candidate should be standing head & shoulders over his contemporaries at least. The stats don't bear out such claims.

    Coltsman1788 - Happy Sunday.

    Again, i am not sure which part was hard to understand from my previous posting. I will give it another shot.

    If you want to compare Manning to Brady - its individual comparison. In individual comparison we use Quarterback rating and Manning is ahead.

    If you bring in all the SB victories and playoff victories as per your stats above, it involves 53 players, coaching and FO.

    2 different scenarios.

    We cant tell Brady is better than Manning or Manning is better than Brady based on Titles as it involves other factors.

    Again, this year clearly explains what Manning has been carrying for all 13 yrs.

    We all clearly know Patriots defense, special teams and coaching were way better than Colts over the 10 yrs period.

  10. The reason is that Tom Brady is Peyton's contemporary. He has three rings, 4 AFC Titles, the all-time TD single-season record, and an undefeated regular season under his belt. If you stack that up against what Peyton has achieved with the Colts, who do you think comes out ahead? I think some Colts fans are obsessed with Peyton being perceived as being the greatest ever to play the game. But Brady makes it highly debatable whether Peyton is even the best of his era. Thus, some Colts fans feel an added urgency for Peyton to make one last flurry to cement this claim as time ticks away. It doesn't really matter to me personally if Peyton is the G.O.A.T., but some here seem obsessed by it.

    With due respect to you, purists know who has better game ( Manning v Brady ).

    Championships are won by

    53 players ( Offense, Defense, Special teams )

    Great coaching stafff

    Great Front Office

    Peyton Manning's Quarterback Rating in playoffs are better than Brady.

    Now compare the other factors ( coaches, defenses , special teams etc ) between the 2 teams for the last 10 yrs. Also see the real colts without Manning this year.

    Now if we still think Brady is better than Manning, then Sun must be rising from West.

  11. Deserves? Not at all, he is well paid, he deserves nothing else.

    Players like Manning play to win. If he is all about money, he wouldnt have taken a pay cut.

    He single handedly changed the landscape of Indianapolis. 20 ish million dollars is nothing for what he has done to this franchise and the city.

    We all are witnesses how it looks like this year.

    Again we can talk all we want, its purely his call end of the day.

    Personally, i would want him win more SBs and Colts has to go through consequences for the bad decisions from FO.

  12. What if Luck is an average QB in this league and we gave up possibly the GOAT Qb's to get him? The only way I would think the team wins on this is if they get 3 #1's out of Manning and I just don't see that happening. Heck, BP gave away Faulk for a 2nd and 5th round pick in his PRIME. Be better off with a healthy Manning for the next 3-4 years than with a hopeful star in Luck IMHO.

    And yes BigUgly, it is quite comical :)

    Dont you think Manning deserves more SBs?. Better off for Colts if he stays here. But for him with this coaching and FO, he has to play beyond his limits every single game to win.

  13. Like i said in one of the other threads, below scenario would be win win for both colts and manning.

    For Colts - Get Andrew luck, trade Manning, get 1st round picks and build a team around Luck. Frist 2 yrs will be yucky but will be set for next 10 ( assuming Luck is good ).

    Manning - Go to Jets, re-join Tom Moore with 2 SB winning WRs and a great defense. Win few SBs and happily retire.

  14. Since Jim Caldwell took over.

    Howard Mudd left.

    Tom Moore left.

    Bill Polian singlehandedly is drowning this organization.

    If i was Peyton, i would re-join Tom Moore with Jets, win a few SBs and retire happy while Colts will be holding the honor of being the frst NFL team to go 0-16 on consecutive years.

    Again big thanks to the Front office.

  15. I am a colts fan mainly a Peyton Manning fan. This season clearly explains why he has one ring.

    Bad coaching, bad special teams and bad defense. Too much on one shoulder against good teams.

    Keeping in mind the best scenario for both colts and Peyton, below is my thought ( probably wont happen ).

    Peyton goes to Jets, re-unites with Tom Moore. 2 Superbowl winning WRs. One of the best defenses. Great chance for few rings before he retires.

    Colts get Luck. Get several first rounders in draft. Re-build the team in few yrs, back to winning ways.

    Win win for both

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