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Bond Shane

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Posts posted by Bond Shane

  1. Luck is good. No doubt.

    But is he better than a healthy Manning today or for the next few yrs, NO.

    A healthy Manning should play for Colts ( based on what Irsay said to Rich ).

    If a healthy Manning is traded or released, i want him to win multiple SBs and probably play a game against Luck led Colts and beat the C**P out of them at LOS.

    Sorry Colts fans, i am not from USA so there is no city or hometown loyalty.

    I started watching NFL for Manning, so there.

  2. Its hilarious how our incredible special teams is ignored. Starting from coach to players. If we take an average of last 10 years with our ST performance, i am thinking we are last in the league by distance.

  3. I agree with you but this guy is literally a once in a lifetime prospect. It would pain me to see the Colts not take Luck and to see Luck have a great career somewhere else.

    Once in a lifetime?. If you are talking a lifetime of a dog ( 10-14 yrs ), yeah.

    We have had great QBs in the last 40 yrs and will continue have great ones in the future.

    His stats are not even better than RG III. Same generation, same year.

    Once in a lifetime, you kidding me, once in a lifetime?. ( Once in a lifetime = playoffs with Mora :) )

  4. Manning could always re-work his deal like he did this last contract to resign Addai. Which would not hurt the cap as much.

    Why the heck should he the one to take cuts. Just because he makes more money.

    Ever wondered why he makes more money?. Because he deserves it. He is not a charity. He got his own life. The guy has done enough taking cuts. He single-handedly got tourism, stadium, crowds to the game for last 10+ years.

    Lets stop talking him taking cuts.

    Why dont you pay extra 100 dollars for every game you watch?.

  5. I started this post and agree, there is no denying Brees is Elite, He got it and he deserves the recognition, I only made post to show a stat, not to drive a controversy

    Maybe my fault for not thinking before posting on where this will be taking to going forward to a different level than intended

    Not your fault at all.

    People are people with different opinions and understanding.

    Yeah, How about Manning next year breaks every record set this year ( only if Garcon doesnt drop passes :P )

  6. It is 100% nonsense. For all we know, he might have gotten sacked on his next series and got knocked out of the game.

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda is always pointless.

    He might have but we look at law of averages and the law of averages on that particular year was great for him.

    Law of averages apply to every thing and we hope positivity. Ex: You buy ticket next weekend for a Colts game ( Based on your theory, we can easily argue, are you sure you will be alive for next weekend, what if you run into an accident, why bother buying tickets?. )

  7. I guess that is why I don't recall the snow, just a cold game. Sorgi had 2, so Manning having 3-4 wouldn't be an extreme stretch. I'm just saying that he would/should've been closer to 55 entering that likely at 52-54, and then 3-4 would have got him closer to 60...

    Manning converted 4/5 4th down conversions that year to extend drives. Brady converted on 15-21 in 2007 which speaks to passivity that I mentioned.

    Yep. I have always said, if BB was coaching Manning things would have been way different.

    Tony Dongy was conservative at his best ( atleast knew football better than Caldwell )

  8. o my head...... manning would have solved world hunger if the colts let him. manning would have brought peace to the middle east if the colts let him go there. the insecurity here is comical. any accomplishment by a QB not named manning has to come with the disclaimer that manning would have done it if he wanted to.

    I dont think the fans have insecurity. Its just that they want to highlight Manning could have done better if opportunity provided.

    Also, appreciate if we keep the sarcasm and attitude to yourself.

    We all got plenty and its a forum run by classy people and members.

  9. If Peyton is healthy and ready to go another 4 years, I agree with you Bond.

    Hopefully the medical and business realities in March don't dictate otherwise.... but they sound prepared for that possibility.

    If its bad or uncertain news for Peyton on the injury front and the contract can't be rectified, then having Andrew Luck as an option isn't the worst situation in the world either..... because at that point, we are in a very substantial rebuilding mode.

    Of course thats a given - Peyton being healthy that is.

    As Irsay mentioned, If Peyton is healthy he is our QB and he wont hesitate to take the best available QB in the draft which is fair.

    Off to bed my friend.

  10. First of all.... read my prior posts before you associate me in with a viewpoint you disagree with.

    My point of view from the start has been.... IF Peyton is 100% recovered and ready to finish out his contract, then we should probably trade the pick. If he is NOT fully recovered by March and unwilling to re-do his contract.... then we run the risk of spending 28 million dollars in bonus money and 17 million dollars of cap space on a 36-year old proven legend who may never regain his form.

    THAT would be unacceptable.... and at that point he should be released.

    As for your assertion that Luck offers no guarantees at the NFL level, you broke no new ground.

    But saying that Andrew Luck is a nobody shows complete disregard for a pre-draft evaluation process that has him highly touted by people who know a lot more about football than you or I do.

    Not wanting Luck as the next Colts QB because you'd rather we trade for more prospects at other positions is fine.

    But dismissing his accomplishments and abilities as if he's never picked up a football like you did in your original post is absolutely ridiculous, especially when every single draft prospect is evaluated on the grounds of those accomplishments.

    Appreciate if we read with the context.

    Luck is a NOBODY as far as NFL is concerned where Peyton is proven. Asking to draft luck and asking to trade Peyton is ludacris is all we are saying.

  11. Okay professor.... that last one was tough so I sat down in a quiet room, closed my eyes and thought, and here's what I came up with.....

    1. Luck hasn't won a national championship in the last 4 years for the same reason Peyton Manning hasn't won a Super Bowl in the last 4 years. Because football is a team sport and a QB can't singlehandedly play all 22 positions plus special teams. Oh, and Peyton didn't win a national championship either... by the way.

    2. Because he chose to attend a prestigious university that doesn't cut corners or sacrifice academic standards one bit, just so they can overload their skill positions with a parade of cretins who have little more than their ability to play football and often no interest whatsoever in pursuing an education.

    Exactly. You answered pretty much why he isnt a big deal, just like every other prospect. He is a NOBODY.

    Peyton on the other hand, is a proven legend.

    So lets cut the c**p of getting him at the expense of Peyton. If he happens to be available, like " every other prospect", we will take him.

  12. No offense but the pro-Luck group make it sound like with Luck we are guaranteed with tonnes of SB.

    Go to a quiet room, close the door, sit down, close your eyes and think about the below.

    Who is Andrew Luck? ( a player who plays college football )

    Has he played NFL? ) ( No )

    Is it guarenteed he will play well ( No )

    If he is such a superman, why hasnt he won a national championship in the last 4 yrs?.

    If Manning is healthy, he is our QB ( Irsay made it clear ).

    We should pick the best available draft player who is available for our pick ( could be QB, WR, CB etc ).

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