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Posts posted by B~Town

  1. I gotta stop you right there.  I know the point you were trying to make, but it is a big deal.  A man, and especially one who is in a position that kids around the world look up to, that hits his wife is a big deal.  Now maybe it's not as big a deal as people are making out of it, but that's because people focusing on the wrong issues.  A great majority are acting like the NFL is the one who struck the kid, that the NFL (and not our congress or law enforcement officers), should be responsible to wipe out domestic violence, and that Goodell's a failure for not doing so and therefore should be fired as commissioner.  But guys like Rice and Peterson, whether they like it or not, are role models and kids want to be like those guys.  So as it pertains to the NFL, they should do what they can to eliminate the behavior and for the guys who won't, should be dealt with harshly and/or eliminated from the NFL.  That's really all the NFL can do.

    Sorry ment to type why it's such a big deal NOW brain got ahead of my fingers . I agree it's a big deal because kids want to be like there favorite stars and as a parent I want to see good role models in sports not what we have been seeing for to long now . They have been dropping the ball for a long time now after the Ravens SB I almost quit watching football after seeing there love affair with a murderer .

  2. I don't get why it's such a big deal . Not long ago a player ran over a family killing them he's playing a serial rapist helped by teammates they are all playing a murderer was the face of a SB win a list that goes on and on but now all the sudden a man beats his wife and a father abuses his child and it's the news of all news and now the future playing is in limbo . If they really want to make a difference there are a lot of players that should be gone not just the select few that are in the media now .

  3. Eagles only had 8 pressures(4 hits and 4 hurries, no sacks per PFF). That's a pretty good day for the OL with Luck dropping back 35+ times. And the run blocking was good

    I thought Mewhort and Castanzo did A work seemed to get 5 to 10 yds every time they ran to the left and most the pressure came from center and RG .

  4.  It`s is like you don`t get we have drafted OUR players and are developing them.

     Few here also get that Khaled Holmes will Help fix some of this.

     Unfortunately Mewhort has very slow feet and will always have trouble redirecting to pick up blitzers. Way to slow to run the power sweep, he should never have been drafted. Now we are limited in our rush scemes for years to come. Oh well.

    We ran to left with great success behind Mewhort and Castanzo and Luck took how many sacks on all those on all these Blitzes up the middle again they held there own . If Luck takes 4 hits a game that's about half of the hits either of the last 2 years .

  5. I don't know if this is a factor with Nicks or not.....    but this is something I read a few weeks ago (prior to the season starting...)


    On ESPN.com,  Tim Hasselback,  who I like very much (very bright guy)  wrote that he had been told that Nicks showed up to training camp.......  overweight and out of shape.


    I was very, very, very not happy to learn that.


    Here's a guy playing on a one-year make-good looking to have such a good 2014 season that he get's lots and lots of multi-year offers to drive up his price.


    And what does he do?    Shows up overweight and out of shape.   (sigh...)


    Again.....   maybe this means nothing in the grand scheme of things....   but since it's been public on ESPN.com,  I thought I'd share it here now since the subject of Nicks came up......

    That whole thing was Nicks came to camp 5 lbs over what the staff though his ideal weight is . He was in shape just put some extra muscle on during the off season .

  6. I wonder .....    


    If being the MOST HIT QB IN THE NFL has anything to do with this ...   ???     hmmmmfmmm?   Oh and the fact the OL is not getting better, and ....    oh ....    NO RUNNING GAME?     hmmmmmmmm?




    Luck was clean and up right most of game

  7. I'd say being Sam in off the Cowboys practice squad and see what he has, he can't be worse than what we have right now in terms of being a pass rusher. Maybe he won't work in a 3/4 then you just release him and say hey it didn't work we gave him a fair shot. It cost nothing to get him and he's shown he has a high motor that helps him get to the QB. It's a very low risk could be high reward move.

    At this point it's worth a try even if he's only used in passing situations he can still play with his hand in the dirt not much different than DE in 4/3 . We need to do something I'm not sure what really but I'm for trying anything that could help get some pressure on the QB .

  8. I'd bet Irsay started his interview with Grigson by saying "We're drafting Andrew Luck" and then went on with the rest of the interview.   I'll give Grigson credit for the rest of the 2012 draft, but the Luck pick was a done deal before Grigson was even interviewed, IMHO.

    I would not be surprised if you are right about Irsay there at all . Who has the final say owner or GM ? I've read a lot about the cowboys owner mad they didn't pick Manziel when he wanted them too.

  9. I liked Purifoy better as a punt returner.

    He did look pretty good at it in pre season . Griff is pretty shifty and has good vision as a returner that return brought back showed he can make things happen .

  10. You are going to have to provide a link for that.  because I highly doubt if someone who has been around as long as Polian and someone who drafted Manning and Jim Kelley would not call RGIII a once in a lifetime, can't miss QB.

    There is a article on NfL.com

  11. Could you imagine if we had drafted RG3 and not Luck . Polian called RG3 a can't miss once in a life time QB guaranteed to take you to the promise land .


    Really glad Irsay made the move for Grigs and he picked Luck with as many hits as Luck takes behind our O Line RG3's career would have been very short in Indy . I'll say we as fans have been blessed to have Manning and Luck as our QB's in recent history .

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