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Posts posted by B~Town

  1. London Raiders I would say are more likely . Would be the biggest home field advantage possible opposing teams would have jet lag but all away games would be very hard on them not a fan of it . And talk about Thursday  night games on a short week o my .  

  2. One game doesn't tell the whole story, but Cousins has fallen apart here after a great first half. The way he's let his mistakes compound in his head is very Schaub-esque.


    Really Cousins would have had to play perfect to keep the starting job even then it would have been in doubt . Snyder wants RG3 there under center . Pick 5

  3. I like Cousins just fine, but that's what now...18 turnovers in 10 games I think - and not all of them were full games? I know a couple scouts compared him to Rex Grossman coming out of college. I think he'll be just fine in time. Let your own eyes judge and ignore the talking heads.

    Sounds like Manning early in his career he was as good as tossing to the other team as his own :yay:  

  4. Yep, a good 75% of the forum exploded and didn't like it

    Funny. Cause of those posters felt we didn't need a WR and some were supporters of Da'Rick. Funny how Da'Rick doesn't even touch the field now

    Yes they did after drafting Mewhort then Moncrief they were calling for his head . I was one of the few that was very happy wasn't sold on Darick and you can never be sure about a WR coming of a ACL surgery  . Was surprised we didn't grab a safety but figured Grigs had a plan . 

  5. Yeah, I agree with you 100%.  But keep in mind, this is Dan Snyder we're talking about.  This is the guy who gave Shanahan a ton of control of his organization and essentially throws money at every big name free agent.  So while the answer is obvious to us, to someone like Snyder....

    This is where it's at no matter how well Cousins plays RG3 is his love child and will be the QB of the skins when healthy .

  6. I've watched more college football this year and noticed how much better the officiating is there in the NCAA it really made me wonder why is it so bad in NFL . Reviews that are obvious being called wrong whistles blown early phantom PI it's ridiculous at times .  

  7. I have nothing against RW personally. He is an intelligent man with a good head on his shoulders & to his credit he uses his small stature to get lost in traffic when he throws & runs on the move. Andrew Luck was thoroughly tested in the Playoff game vs KC last year. Did RW come from behind to beat San Diego in week 2? Nope. 


    Yes, he won in overtime vs Denver, but if his Hawks face the Broncos again in the post season, I foresee a different outcome myself.


    It just ticks me off how much praise RW gets when he often has the luxury of a lead in games. Let's see him down 34-3 vs say AZ or New Orleans & see what RW does shall we?


    He really hasn't been sufficiently tested yet IMO. San Diego kicked their caboose once. They could easily do it again. No problem whatsoever. 

    It's those bandwagon fans they are every where like the plague . Most of which have not watched football more than 2 years but think they know everything about the game and anyone not on the Seahawks in marginal at best .

  8. * Vontae Davis is giving up a league best 22.6 passer rating. 3rd? Greg Toler with a 38.3.

    I'm guessing this is why teams are passing at our LB's a lot .


    *AQ Shipley has given up 1 QB hit (0 hurries, 0 hits) it 150 pass blocks. 

    Has givin 1 hit then 0 hits 0 hurries hold on here is it 1 or none


    *Ahmad Bradshaw is 4th in the league in yards after contact. TRich is 14th

    Love having Bradshaw on the team loved watching him and Nicks as giants


    *Luck has the highest deep accuracy% in the NFL (7 of 12 (1 drop) for 180 yards - 66.7%). Yet only 9.5% of his throws are deep (20th in the NFL). 

    I hope Pep sees this . Is it me or is something wrong here ...


    *Colts are 25th in % of play action passes. 

    Wasn't this where Luck had his highest completion percentage the last 2 seasons ?


    Some very nice stats there ty for posting this

  9. They were talking about ref getting graded during the game last night I'm assuming by the NFL at some level is there anywhere to see the results ? They are a few games I would like to look at if possible because the refs in those games were horrible I would like to see how they graded out compared to other games .

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