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Posts posted by B~Town

  1. I didn't see any evidence the ball hit the ground in the replays from the angles they showed just the ball trapped between his arm and body . But from the position he caught it then where the ball ended I thought they made the right call . Still would like to see a slow motion replay from a angle you could see the ball .

  2. honestly you guys are way too hard on pep....That play looked like something seattle would run with percy harvin. I thought it was a very creative call that the defense sniffed out perfectly.

    No it didn't at all

  3. I honestly can see it go either way. If this picture is of TY then the vote will be an incomplete pass.

    Andre catches the ball with his left foot down, takes a right step, and on the second full step the ball comes loose tucking the ball in. Now did he make a football move? The NFL rules don't define what that is. The precedent has always been two full steps. So since he starts losing control on the second full step is that established control? Is it a classic drop scenario, no. But there has been clearer fumbles that went called as incomplete, and clearer incomplete passes go as fumbles.

    It doesn't matter who is in the picture a catch 3 steps then dropping the ball is a fumble .

  4. Look at this guy, he has literally spent the better part of 3 weeks, if not a more accurate measure of at least 10 hours, of his life making useless, uninformed drivel and showing his intentness on everyone being aware of his overbearing ignorance. I don't know why you people try to argue with him. It's like hitting a punching bag. Does nothing to it, and the bag is still an immobile sack and blissfully unaware.

    Hey at least he's good for a laugh when you need it :cheer2: Just go look at the list of better CB than Davis he posted in the tread that was locked it's full of guys allowing tons of yards TDs over 100 passer ratings even a guy who got benched . :mindblow:

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