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Posts posted by B~Town

  1. Don't kid yourself. Rg3 is not what he was in his first season and probably won't get back to that. Both players seem to be a Flex option at best to me. Cousins hasn't been bad. Garçon is the redskins main receiver But hasn't performed or just not gotten the looks. Ty is hot and cold. Make the trade if you want but it seems pretty even to me either way. Hoping on rg3 to be back to form is a risk tho.

    Even hobbled he hit Garcon with the most passes of any receiver was a PPR goldmine

  2. Cutting him would be a big mistake right now but he should not be a starter go with the hot hand Brown has played really well and the D has had great chemistry the last few weeks . Don't mess with success

  3. Based on what? What has a team seen from him to suggest he has something left?

    He's running a lot better than last year and he had plenty of offers and if you have watched he is open a lot he is Lucks last read so most passes his way Luck is under pressure and throws bad passes . There is really nothing to suggest he is slow not moving well or has nothing left in the tank . 

  4. Didn't he come back in the game after the injury? It cant be that serious

    Adrenaline does crazy things I know I finished a game with a broken wrist then another with a torn rotator cuff . Both times thought I just tweeked something then woke up the next day and new something was very wrong . I hope something like that is not the case and it's just precautionary because Reggie has been our 3rd down receiving rock . 

  5. My point is that there will be no cashing in on his next deal.  He has proven that even when healthy, he cannot run nor get separation any longer.  He is not the player he used to be.  Anyone else who signs him after the season will be doing so at the team's price, which will likely mean vet min or slightly above and a one year deal. 

    I agree his value has not increased here in Indy but would bet a team will give him plenty more than the vet min . He'll get something like Carolina offered him before he came to Indy .

  6. I'm starting to wonder if all these reports coming out of Seattle are a PR move to make them not look as bad for trading a bunch of draft picks and putting a lot of money into a player who did not fit there system then trading him for what could be as low as a 6th round draft pick . Percy has been productive as a receiver/runner/returner even with sub par Qb's until he went to Seattle . Many teammates paint a different picture of the teams dysfunction to the extent Lynch was hesitant to even go to last weeks game in frustration of the teams mismanagement . 

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