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Posts posted by B~Town

  1. What do you see different? Sorry B~Town a player tackling with his head down is much more likely to receive a neck injury. It has happened before

    Neck strait is what I was taught but that was 14 years ago a lot may have changed . At game speed and just looking at 2 pictures are different did Ben move to his right to cover up the ball ? It looks like it in those pictures him being over just a few inches and it's shoulder pad to chest hit .

  2. I can see some of the rules to an extant but what really gets me is how inconstant the rules are enforced . When officiating is winning and loosing ball games something is very wrong . I don't have all the answers and I know some of it is to protect the NFL from more lawsuits but the line needs to be drawn somewhere .

  3. Head up... OK... so far...




    Head down... spearing. Not OK. Penalty



    He lowered his head and speared a QB.  That is ultimate no no.    Spearing anyone is bad, but QB will get called any and every time. Unless your down head is off to the side of the chest of the QB.  It was not, it was square into the chest..15 yards...

    So we would rather see head up and a broken neck on a defender ?

  4. HGH should be tested. It can only be found in blood tests(I think) because it's so close to the actual growth hormone our bodies produce.


    Its ridiculous to think that the league has been sued by these players with too many concussions when most of them were using this stuff to jack their bodies up quickly to giant proportions. 

    I'm up in the air about it I don't care to much when guys are injured ACL or something like if it's controlled but just to get bigger stronger faster I view it no different than peds . Would not bother me if it was banned all together for any reason .

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