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Posts posted by B~Town

  1. Year 3 I would say you learn a lot about there future but so many different types of QB's and situations . Some come out hot and flame out in a few years some sit and learn some start right have growing pains  . I think every QB is different some learn faster some don't learn at all but by year 3 you can tell if the game is slowing down to them or not .

  2. We did play a lot of man coverage.... But we played 5 yards off of the WR.

    We need to play "Tight man coverage".

    I could not believe they were playing 5 10 yards off all game press man give the d some time to disrupt the QB it's what we are built for

  3. pit vs bal

    mia vs buf

    jac vs was

    dal vs ten

    ari vs nyg

    ne vs min upset of the week

    no vs cle upset of the week number two haha

    atl vs cin

    det vs car

    sea vs sd

    hou vs oak

    nyj vs gb

    kc vs den

    chi vs sf

    phi vs ind
















  4. Flacco is going to show why he is the most overpaid player in the NFL

    Pierce will benched again

    Tomlin keeps his butt on the sidelines

    Steelers dominate

    Ravens show how much they have fallen since there SB run and the comparisons between Flacco and Eli become the talk of the NFL . 

    Rice get's mentioned 50 plus times by announcers sideline reporters ect .

  5. I would really like to know what goes through Grigs' mind sometimes.  The Colts lose two OLB for the season so he goes out and signs a RB that may see the ball 4 or 5 times a game.


    Good move Grigs, keep up the good work.

    Maybe there is a trade in the works and a RB and one of our extra 6 or 7 for a pass rusher 5 rb's on the 53 is a lot almost have to assume something is in the works .

  6. Only 3 RB's hard more yards than Moreno last year he must be terrible (insert epic eye roll here) so Moreno has more than Lynch Bush Peterson thedude must think those guys are bums and have to wonder why they are in the NFL  

  7. I like Pep for the most part, but it seems like he doesn't make in games adjustments quickly enough.


    He doesn't call enough of QB rollouts (Luck is extremely good at), doesn't call for no huddle often enough, or slants to slow down the pass rush and it took him til it was 24-0 to call the first screen! 


    He sticks to the jumbo pkg and it fails because the D stacks the box and we get no push, then when we fall behind he finally realizes around halftime that he needs to let Luck throw, then boom we come on late. 


    Again, I think Pep is a good OC, but he needs to figure out what's working/not working A LOT faster than what he has been. 

    I really agree with this and  the looks we show give us away I would add

  8. They all make at least minimum wage here. Most often more than minimum wage.

    In Indiana they make 2.13 before tips and that pretty well goes to paying taxes on the tips many times there weekly check in for nothing . My sister is server while in college but she makes 200 every night in tips at least so it evens out .

  9. I guess you didn't read your own article....


    McCoy was there with 4 other people.    A total of 5.


    5 people and a bill for $60 is easy.    Happens every day at many upscale burger joints.     Seriously,  not kidding.


    Perhaps not in Indiana.....     but in big cities on the coast where the cost of living is high,  this is common.     Really.


    im not much of a burger person, but ive never spent more then 20 bucks and I have a somewhat big family. it basically means everyone bought something around 12 bucks per person. what burger joint has 12 buck meals

    What one isn't besides McDonalds and Burger King that is any good ?

  10. Basically what your saying is you cant give any real analysis of why you think Knowshon sucks...Meanwhile he racked up 134 yards rushing on 24 carries and a TD all while playing behind a bad Miami O Line

    Same guy that thinks everyone is wrong fans scouts annalists is wrong in saying Wilson is not elite yet .

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