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Posts posted by Farns01

  1. From the article I read it is bones in the big toe.  It's painful like a turf toe but won't heal until surgery.  The staff thought it was a turf toe until a few weeks later when they did an MRI and discovered the true problem.  While he suffered with the problem he didn't miss a single game or practice because of the injury.  It was determined that he couldn't damage it further so he chose to play with it.

  2. I think our problem was playing Denver in Denver for the first game of the season probably worn us down because of the altitude. The first string isn't in full game shape yet. Then follow it up with Philly and we were gased. Our defense was exhausted against Philly in the second half. If we had a different team in the second game and Philly as the third game we would have beat them.

  3. I will go with the Bucs game because we beat the defending Super Bowl Champion. More importantly Meshawn Johnson was mic'd up and talking smack about Marvin. Saying in head to head games with receivers in the same draft class he has beaten them all. Marvin made Meshawn look the fool. I just want throw in the 97 game against defending Super Bowl Champion Packers with Brett Farve. We beat them in the dome at an 0-10 season so far with back-up QB Paul Justin replacing an injured Jim Harbaugh.

  4. The NFL network is talking about how the Colts have signed a BB Player to be a TE. I commented to them maybe they should actually do some historical research. Marcus Pollard was a TE before all the players listed.

  5. I agree. The whole preseason is a time of evaluation. Coach Pagano said himself yesterday that a lot of players that are on the fence for making the team fates will be decided by special teams plays and coaches. I think that is pretty commonly known fact. So I'm not surprised that he punted, especially to start off the first offensive possession. If they go for it and if they don't convert, you just gave a momentum shift back to Pittsburgh and you have taken some confidence away from your young Offense. IMO that's not the way to begin a game. Luck showed that he can overcome some set backs and that's extremely encouraging to see, but I think Pagano isn't going to put him in too many positions that failure is possible. A 4th and 5 against the second (and best) NFL defense he's ever seen IMO is setting him up for a possible fail.

    I agree about it being evaluation time. During the end of the game Collinsworth was saying let Pittsburg score so we can get the ball back. If this were a real game I would agree, but as he said a couple plays later he is probabaly looking at players to see how they stand up in a goaline situation.

  6. I too have the Colts blue colored glasses on and have high expectations for Luck's first year. Our starters look competitive and will do us proud, but I am concerned about the backups. Over the course of the season the injuries will take it's toll and I blame Polian for leaving the cupboard so bare. Which why the complete collapse last year. It's easy to understand why the Executive side of the house says 3-4 years to get back to prominance. We'll need that to acquire quality backups.

  7. Last night during the game one of the announcers mentioned Josh Chapman in on the field goal block attempt at the end of the game. I thought he is on the PUP list. Did anybody else notice this.

  8. As a Colt fan I have no problem letting this team establish it new identity. The people doing all the comparison will be the media and I'm hoping they'll give Andrew some latitude. I don't think they gave Peyton any.

  9. I don't see Peyton being anywhere as successfulwith any other team. You have to realize if he runs the same system as here the offense will struggle because the players don't have the experience. Our receivers says it takes 2 years to learn this system. The other option is he will have to learn the new teams OC offense. The better option will be for him to learn the new teams system because it will be less complicated but he will lose some of the flexibilty that makes him so great.

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