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Posts posted by VaAllDay757

  1. 1 hour ago, J@son said:


    It used to. But coaches cannot challenge on a scoring play or turnover anymore. 





    I know its wiki but I'm sure a more thorough search would return the same results from official sites. 


    So, all scoring plays and turnovers are automatically reviewed, but they're not all challenged. But that's all determined by officials. If a coach throws the challenge flag on that type of play they'll get a penalty. :)

    No not scoring plays I'm talking just turnovers....like a pick 6 did the player step out of bounds or not or muffed punt who recovered the ball things like that

  2. 4 minutes ago, J@son said:


    All turnovers are automatically reviewed by league officials. If they're 100% confirmed then play continues and the on field ref doesn't go under the hood. If there is any doubt, they call down to the official on the field and it goes officially under review. 

    Yeah but not everything is 100% tho....there are times when the refs don't catch and the coach gets the word saying you need to challenge it that's what happens it's happen alot of times before

  3. 2 hours ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    No, they can't.  All scoring plays and turnovers are reviewed automatically and then, if they need to look at it closer, they will stop play until they look at it.


    But neither the officials nor the replay official can call for a review of a non scoring/non turnover play.

    Not all turnovers especially fumbles it all depends if it's a clear indication or not

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