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Posts posted by VaAllDay757

  1. 2 hours ago, Introspect said:


    Noticed the 3 catches for 68 yards also.BB will utilize Dorsett properly. So frustrating that good talent can't shine with us.:Cry:

    Dorsett had one big play which is why he had 3 catches for 68 yards he wasn't getting alot of looks anyway

  2. 15 hours ago, Superman said:


    Do you mean specifically read option? And are you saying you want the Colts to run one option play all game long because "the Cardinals wouldn't expect it"?


    It's actually not a simple play to block for. It requires identifying a rusher that will be unblocked, along with a backside pull. I like read option, think we should use more of it, but it can't be a foundational play of an NFL offense. 

    No not actually run one play all game I'm saying add it to the mix and yes I'm talking about the read option

  3. 3 minutes ago, Superman said:


    So now, instead of one person learning the offense that's been installed for the last 4 months, you want the rest of the team to learn an option offense. That includes the OL that can't run a screen play or pick up a stunt...


    Let's acknowledge how difficult it really is to throw a brand new QB into the mix two weeks before a game, and expect an acceptable performance. This would be a monumental task for even the best coaching staff. This staff did something similar in the past, but they had literally no other choice. 


    I'd rather see Brissett than Tolzien, just like practically everyone else, but if it doesn't happen in Week 2, it's entirely understandable. 

    It's one play and it's simple to run I'm pretty sure it's in the playbook because they used it before with luck they just don't use it for some strange reason. Don't think it's that difficult for the linemen to just block for the run that's there job anyway and the cardinals wouldn't expect it

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