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Posts posted by turner46992

  1. I think we should do it. Sign him for the rest of the season, see how he does. He was All-Pro last season, he's a very good corner. Poor season so far, but he looked decent against the Bucs to me (albeit against an under-performing offense). He's worth a shot, and does upgrade our secondary.

    Anything at this point would be an upgrade to our secondary lol...We could take a few local high school players and it would probably we an upgrade..

    In all seriousness, I think we should take a chance on this guy, sign him the bare minimum and see what we get until next year

  2. I dont know about franchise but at least hold off on drafting a qb this upcoming draft. I dont think thats the way to go when we need defensive needs first. Painter has improved and shows he can continue to improve. His ability to sense pocket pressure looks better from last week than what it did in the steelers game. So that might also be improving.

    This kid can shine and he can win games. We need a Defense to help him to it though. So you know, maybe he can be the next franchise qb after manning and we can build a solid team around him, unlike what we did for manning.

    If we can manage to do this then we will have another 10yrs of success and be looking 10yrs from now for another qb instead of next draft!

  3. I say hold of on the a qb this draft and work on bigger issues, like Defense, ST, and Oline. Take a qb late next year or year after. Give manning a year or 2 years to train this kid and get them ready for their time. Its too early to take our Next franchise qb when manning still has 3 or 4 years left in the tank. If he happens to get hurt again or for some reason cant return. I have all faith that with a strong D and a better oline...Painter can squeeze a few wins for us. It just seems to early to take a high caliber qb this years draft when Our D is the biggest weakness this team has

  4. 2012 SEASON

    Maybe or Maybe not. But Id love to think sooner but more than likely it will be later..Peyton being back wont make us a whole. As we all know he covers up alot of the mistakes this team has. So 2012 Might not even be soon enough. I guess we will see what happens in the draft.

  5. Lets think about it from game to game...and what i seen in each game

    WEEK 1: We had Kerry Collins to Lead our offense against a texans offense that was banged up in the RB department. Texans offense was hot coming out of the gates and their D was just as good. In this game I seen a colts team get slapped around and ran over on both sides of the ball.

    WEEK 2: Kerry Collins second week at the home opener against the browns. Our offense wasnt horrible this game but wasnt great either. We tried to survive off of FG's as if Kerry was scared to get to the endzone. Special teams lacked in this game against Josh Cribbs(which almost any team will) Peyton Hillis bulldozed the D and Browns walked away Victories. Colts didnt do anything amazing on either side of the ball this week.

    WEEK 3: Prime Time game against the Steelers. Kerry did horrible went 3quarters and some change and only had I believe 96 yds with 11 completions. Defense did everything to keep us in this game and Really did an awesome job. painter comes in late in the fourth and has a bad first drive, but on his second possession he goes down the field and puts 7 on the board. We could have easily won this game had Painter came in at, oh lets say HALFTIME! So I have really blame the coaches here. What did they see in collins that kept him in..and Had he not got a concussion would he still be starting?

    WEEK 4 Monday Night against Tampa. First Start for Painter. He did Good got us up 10-0 I believe early. Then the Defense fell asleep and it was all down hill. This is another game we could have won if Defense would have made some adjustments and stopped the little screen passes over the middle. I seen Angerers locker room talk where he said he would rather have the little 5 or 6 yd dumps underneath..Which yeah I would to..but not play after play after play. because unless I am missing something COYER it only takes 10 yrds until a fresh set of downs...so 2 5yrd dump offs every play pretty much sets up why we lost this game. Horrible Defensive play call.

    WEEK 5 Up against The Chiefs. The game most experts thought we should win. Came out hot. Actually Came out on fire 17-0 and had a few three in outs. Then I think it was Bowe that got the Chiefs first 7 points. So Come the third quarter it appeared we took a local high schools defense out on the field, because we got killed defensively. offense was doing to hot either in the 2nd half of the game. We took Donald Brown and tried to ride him to the endzone. Yeah donald had like 1 or 2 runs for some great gains but other than that, it was the same old Donald. Why didnt we go to the air more. Why didnt we call in a few slants on the 3rd and shorts or the 4th and 6 or what ever it was. Once again we lose a game we should have won...Making it 3 or 4 games this year we let slip.

    In all honesty we wasnt going to beat the texans week one w/o manning. So I think and I am sure most of you think the same, we should be at 4-1 at best 2-3 at worse.

    Who can we really blame for this, Coaches, Players, The Polians/Irsay. Who's fault is it we are in the slumps. When will our team Gel as a whole and start winning games. When will irsay finally say enough is enough Coyer your coaching sucks and you need to kick gravel and travel.

    I am open for any suggestions. Once again the Above break down from week to week is just a simple look at what I seen from each game..Probably not what happened but what I SEEN TAKE PLACE..So Thoughts Guys?

  6. slow your roll.

    Slow my roll on what...I said him being like Rogers was sarcasm....and the true reason for this thread was to simply say we dont need to take luck when we have a back up or decent qb in painter....Yeah its only 2 weeks, but this has been 2 good weeks for us at qb...lets just see how he does throughout the season, but as for now i say no qb in the draft next year...and go all defense

  7. I sadly don't see him being half of what Rodgers is now or even in that same area. He might be average/slightly above average at best later on down the road, but I can't see him being Rodgers like.

    Yeah Me either, I said it was meant as sarcasm...being that Rogers was a back up behind a great qb like painter is..it was the only reference I had...other than that...their skills will never be on the same level

  8. He didnt do horrible and I think with more play this kid can only get better..I mean sure he had a few bone-head passes that he shouldnt have made but this kid isnt as bad as what we all thought 2 yrs ago.

    My main reason seriously for this is that we dont need to take a qb in the draft next year. if we do end up with over all 1 pick I think we should trade it for more picks and work on defense tough..and more on oline. Our reciever core is not at its strongest either..we have Garcon, Wayne, and Collie. I dont see Gonzo coming back next year. So we need some WR Depth..

    But Our main focus in this upcoming draft needs to be DEFENSE. Painter isnt horrible, sure he isnt a franchise QB but with more play this kid can shine into a nice piece if he is surrounded by a strong wr core, line, and defense that can stop other teams.

    Any thoughts from you guys?

    (and by the way...comparing Painter to Rogers was seriously sarcasm)

  9. I think our biggest problem is Defensive play calling and scheme. We need to get a new D coach and Scheme, plus fix our secondary. I dont think Curtis is our problem at all. Actually I liked what I seen out of Curtis today. Sure he had a few bone-head passes in the second half but He also relied on Dallas to make some catches that he simply didnt. If those would have been caught could those stalled drives be points? Maybe! Maybe not! but still He did good and I think he will only do better.

    Caldwell, need to step down or get fired...This guy acts as if he doesnt have a clue. Its ridiculous! We had a chance to win this game and ticked it away with bad defense and horrible secondary

  10. This is going to be a chain of "what if" questions and most are probably ridiculous but I was thinking and decided, well why not get a thread rolling about it!

    1. What if manning Never really had that 3rd neck surgery, is there an actually document stating this or is just something the coaches or Colts send to the media so they would have a reason for manning to sit this season.

    2. What if, in his(mannings) contract it read in the fine print "Start of this new agreement you must miss X amount of Games before returning to the field" Chances of this really being true are slim I know, but Maybe Irsay had this "Suck for Luck" Campaign rolling way before Mannings agreement...Could that be why it took so long to make an agreement.

    3. What if, We lose todays game against the chiefs. Is there virtually any other game we could win at all. Its a long season I know, but we Have the Pats, Ravens, and Saints in the later part of the season, Teams that without manning we will surely lose. So saying all we need to take any "easy" win we can get...but no win this season will appear to be easy!

    I dont expect to get a positive feedback from this, because the "what if's" seem so farfetched, But none the less a thought!

  11. I thought u were saying u were done being a fan by next year.

    Thats what I thought When I first seen this thread(before opening it)...I thought ANDY NNNNOOOOO!!!!

    But Anywho.

    Andy, Are you saying the colts will resign Mathias and Wayne, I have seen where some other fans think/suggest we only sign one or the other. If I would choose, I personally say give them both a manageable deal and see if the progress anymore, or possibly use them to help younger guys!...Whats your though on that subject?

  12. Great players don't make a great team. The Colts 2006 Championship team wasn't loaded with talent, but they were a great team.

    Lets not forget that the fella that applied the term "Dream Team" to the Eagles was Vince Young. That says alot.

    I agree with you, too many good players makes for a bad team in most cases. Its odd thats how it turns out but some of these players might not be use to the schemes the Eagles run, and others might know the schemes just cant play in them. So its funny to see this "dream team" turning into a "NightMare" lol..

    On the other hand, who thinks the Packers could possibly Repeat?

  13. The only area of complaint I saw for the Colts defense was the 3rd and long plays that they let get away. If the Colts can continue to force the 3rd and long AND then close it out and get off of the field I think teams will definitely become more concerned as the season progresses.

    If the run defense can continue to be aggressive and the team can force more 3 and outs this will be a stout defense.

    I don't know the fix yet for the pass coverage though.

    I totally agree, we need to contain teams with those third and longs and stop letting them pick up the 1st. Its sad that our secondary might be the weakest part of this D now. when years past it has been our run D...which still has some holes that our slowly getting patched up

  14. i think Painter gets our first win, However I think he will also try to squeeze a few passes in reggies direction which will turn into at least 1 pick by Talib. Probably on his first drive. I seen that Michael Fabiano Tweeted " Painter gets to start for the Colts, Grab Bucs D if you need one"

    Did he not see Painter have the only successful drive of our loss last sunday against the Steelers D...I mean If we had put painter in earlier last week we could have won the game and be 1-2 right now...

    Painter wins this game for us and gets the confidence back in indy!

  15. While working this afternoon, I was sitting back thinking about our Defense sunday night. I mean they seriously could not have played any better and the chances of them doing it again this upcoming week are sort of slim(based on the history of our D). Then I was thinking, our Defense can easily be claimed as one of the fastest Defenses in the league, which gets to the Qb from either the left or right. Does the qb's of the opposing team go into the week knowing that playing our D can be heck.

    Example, do you think Big Ben Sloppyberger came into lucas oil last sunday knowing that these 4 quarters are not going to be just a walk in the park. Obviously Mathis and Freeney can get to the Qb and that has to appose some sort of threat, and now we have, what appears to be the best set of LB's this team has seen for a while. I was just thinking and figured Id start a thread for it and see what your guys thoughts are....

    and of course if you guys think this can be merged with another topic be my guest...I just didnt seem to think any other topic about our D express the thoughts of other teams going against us!

  16. They did bring in AJ Edds who played with Pat Angerer @ Iowa and the two were considered one of the better LB tandems in college football. 6"4 244 pound coverage LB while Angerer seems more like a run stuffing tackling machine. This tandem could be good for many years if they mesh. AJ IMO needs to get ample playing time, he could be better than Wheeler & Conner, no one knows. If they can play like they did @ Iowa on an NFL scale, here we comes an incredibly solid LB core for many years to come. I'm kind of worried that he won't get much playing time and will just play ST and they will get rid of him without even seeing him on the field much.

    I doubt they will just bring him in here for ST. I would think they will at least give him a few snaps with the Defense, and it might not be this week or even next, but this kid should be on D and should help us out alot.

    If anything I think maybe the will use him for certain downs like 2 and 3 or mainly 3 and longs...seeing how he is more of a cover lb.

  17. I didn't even think about Bracket and/or Bullitt missing as the Defense was playing so well. Perhaps this mix of guys will continue to play well together. They played LIGHTS OUT! Did we come out of the Steelers game with that Defensive group intact?

    I think we did. Even though last year our D would be good one week and bad again the next....but I dont feel that being the case this year.

    I think our D is going to be dominate again this upcoming week and perhaps every week afterwards.

  18. I think the perception of this news about Them coming in is that they will take the starting spot...But I dont think that is how it will be at all, I think the qb line up will be

    1. Painter

    2. Collins(when he recovers)

    3. Orlovsky(because the other guy simply wont cut it, he holds a record of 0-10 as a starter)

    4. Addai( I mean Come on, Joe has a better passer rating than any one on the team..INCLUDING Peyton...haha)

    But I just see painter being our new guy for the time being. Unless they are seriously considering bring in 1 of these guys for a starting spot, then I really say we try for Garrard, even thought Ive said before that it wont happen....it is seriously the best option at qb left out there as far as starters!

  19. This was a fun game to watch, I think we see the light at the end of the tunnel with painter at the helm and I am serious. Painter showed me tonight, he is not scared to get passed the goal line. It was very nice.

    Our Defense killed it and it was very exciting to watch these guys do work. I hope this all carries over next week and Painter gets the start.

    I thought we had a very very small chance to win this game, and honestly I didnt see the score being as close as it was...but none the less it was great to see this kind of performance from our team with out our franchise player!

  20. why does it seem that alot of Fans here like to ride Garrads jock strap...Drop it already, we arent going to sign another qb...I think we have our solid back-up/starter for the time being in painter. He showed some live and a few flaws. but these flaws are easy to over come with more reps.

    Drop the Garrard crap and face the fact its either Collins or Painter(Hopefully its Paint) on the field!

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