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Dudley Smith

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Posts posted by Dudley Smith

  1. TY is now the team's #1 receiver. Whether he is ready for the role is up for debate, but he is the best receiver on the roster now that Reggie is out. I think he has the talent and the ability-- I just hold my breath every time he takes a big hit since he looks so small out there. Brazill has a lot of talent, but like others have mentioned, he has been very up and down, mostly down, in his stint with the Colts due to poor routes and attitude. The WR core is not only young but mostly an unknown due to us having no idea what to expect from Brazill or even Rogers and Whalen if they play.


    I am skeptical about Whalen. If he was as great a possession guy as people here are claiming he would have seen the field on a consistent basis before now regardless of the Reggie injury. I would think the coaching staff will see what we have from these guys though before going out and signing an outsider.

  2. For those of you saying TRich is just another back or that he is average, did you watch him play at Alabama? The dude is most definitely not your average RB. I am not one of those SEC fan boys who thinks the SEC is the be-all end-all of college football, but TRich was arguably the best offensive football player in the SEC in his final year at Alabama. He didn't forget how to play football when he came to the NFL. Are there things he can get better at? Yes, of course. But at the same time this coaching staff needs to put him in better positions to pick up yards, and running a play out of the jumbo set every time TRich is in the backfield is not helping anything.


    Sure, the YPC are a concern for TRich, but he is running in a still relatively new system and one that is hell-bent on being painfully predictable when he is in the game it seems. It has still only been a few weeks that he has been with the Colts. Give him some time and I think he will truly begin to shine (assuming the coaching staff can mix it up a bit when he is in the game).

  3. He just loves RG3 so much it hurts sometimes. Luck is a threat to RG3 being considered the best of that rookie class. Skip doesn't like that.


    I am a little hazy on this since its been a couple of years, but as I recall right before the draft with Luck, RGIII, Wilson, etc., Bayless said he thought the best of all of the young QBs was not Luck or RGIII, but was in fact....Weeden. Since Weeden has flamed out already he has been beating the RGIII drum. The guy is a joke as an analyst, but then again ESPN in general is all about stirring the pot and rarely about meaningful insight.

  4. Merrill Hodge says this is completely and totally devastating for the Colts, and so did the other panelists.  Arent giving us a chance going forward.  Says the mental impact on luck (because it was his underthrown pass that caused the ACL tear), will be devastating as well.  They are basically saying our season is over but I say we still have a chance if we pick up a stud receiver in the next couple days.


    It was a big blow to the team...but not giving us any chance going forward? Come on now. It definitely hurts us but to completely count out our team because of it is just being short-sighted.


    And I very much doubt Luck truly believes that he was to blame for the injury. I think it was more an acknowledgment of the fact he threw a bad ball. He certainly isn't to blame for the injury. This is more media stir-up. It won't be devastating to Luck in the least as far as Luck's mental psyche. As far as Luck's passing game- yeah, it will have a negative impact. But Luck is not some fragile minded 5 year old girl who is going to be crushed the rest of the reason because of some fluke injury. He will be fine mentally. He just survived a media circus 100 times worse.

  5. Isn't Hakeem Nicks injured all the time? I don't think he is a good option. Not to mention we have seen how difficult it is bringing in a new guy during the season with T-Rich. I prefer just to start using what we have more and making TY the #1. I like Josh Gordon, but the fact he won't know the playbook will hurt us.


    I think this could be TY's time to shine. Brazill should be used in more sets and maybe throw Rogers in here and there to see what he can do.

  6. No thanks on Hakeem Nicks as a possible replacement. The guy seems like he is made of glass. I wouldn't be opposed to Josh Gordon, but I also wouldn't mind seeing how the Colts do simply making TY the #1 guy and putting Brazill in more packages. I think TY could be a #1 and have felt that way all along. I didn't necessarily think he was ready for the that role this year, but injury can sometimes force your hand. 


    DHB is not a #1 receiver and never will be. He is a solid guy, but he simply does not have the hands to be the top WR on a team.

  7. Luck doesn't need to win this game, but it certainly would be a major boost in confidence I am sure. He has already beaten his old coach which was an early milestone, but this would be an even greater achievement. However, on the other side, Manning wants this one just as bad. Regardless of what Irsay was trying to say in his comments, I think Manning's reticence afterwards shows that he was irritated by them and will come out with a point to prove this Sunday. Whether him being fired up helps or hurts his performance has yet to be seen.


    I will be pulling for Luck and the Colts this coming Sunday. Respect and love Manning but he is not a part of our team now. Here's hoping to a monster game from Luck and a Colts "W."

  8. it.


    So Irsay should just sit in his owners box and never discuss football with the press for fear of it being misunderstood, sounds great. I also believe that you and many put way too much into bulletin board material and its effect on a game's outcome.


  9. Bulletin board material? What, think about the potential consequences of his words being misinterpreted by people that apparently have reading comprehension problems? Not sure how he could foresee all of the possibilities.


    Good point, because the media has never been known to twist what someone says and make a boatload of drama out of it to get a bigger story (sarcasm). No, this is something that Irsay, being an intelligent person, should see a mile away before he makes comments likes he does. He should have known that the way he said what he did that it would be completely taken out of context to add to the drama of this coming Sunday. And yes, it is bulletin board material for Broncos regardless of what Irsay intended when he said it.

  10. Although it does help having the second coming of Manning in Luck (I don't like comparing the two this way, but there's no other analogy I can think of right now)


    I agree. I guess my point being that Dungy has no way of knowing what would have happened had Manning not been a Colt. Perhaps the Colts would have found success through a different player or player(s) and would have continued to make the Colts place in Indy be lucrative without Manning. He has no way of knowing and his comment to the contrary is just conjecture stated as fact.

  11. Dungy must have a crystal ball somewhere that gives him insights into alternate realities. I understand his disapproval of Irsay's comments, but his own are just as silly. Since Peyton has left, I think the city of Indianapolis and the State of Indiana at large have done just fine in supporting their football team.

  12. I don't think the offense is the issue-- merely the fact that the coaches seem unwilling to take chances within the system. The play-calling is very non-aggressive and conservative and you get the feeling that the "safe" play is always going to be called. We rarely see shots downfield which I think would help loosen up opposing defenses. Monday night we saw a huge pass on Play 1, then afterwards nothing outside of some desperation throws at the end of each half. Arians play-calling was very aggressive and made the opposing defenses be the ones that had to be "safe."


    The repeated refusal to ever go for it on 4th down also shows a conservative mindset that simply has no place on a team that boasts an offense that includes Andrew Luck, Reggie Wayne, TY Hilton, and Trent Richardson. Monday night, the 3rd quarter 4th down in Chargers territory was a perfect example of a faulty conservative mindset-- especially considering how bad the D was struggling. The offense is not the problem-- it's just that the play-calling is too safe and conservative.

  13. I agree with Irsay, having only one title with Manning was kinda horsesh#*   Manning should have no doubt multiple titles.


    I agree with Irsay as well. The Colts should have won more rings while Manning was a Colt. That said, Irsay needs to wise up to the fact that his comments are becoming bulletin board material for other teams and think about what he says in interviews and delete his Twitter account. He just posts/says what he does without thinking of the potential consequences to the team it would seem.

  14. I have been a big fan of Irsay over the years, but I have to say his new habit of being very visible in the media in general is really starting to irk me. I think John Fox took what Irsay was saying the wrong way-- I do not begin to believe Irsay was blaming Manning for winning only a single ring. I think he was stating that he has learned you need more than just a great QB to win multiple rings. Fox twisted this around as a dis on Manning-- whether intentional as motivation for Sunday or not I do not know.


    Regardless, Irsay needs to go back to being a silent owner. He is becoming the new Jerry Jones and it is extremely irritating to Colts fans. Our team has always preached Midwest values of being humble and down to Earth. Going on the radio or on Twitter where millions could potentially hear you and make some of the comments Irsay has made is just putting more and more pressure on our team and making their job that much more difficult week to week. It is unfair to our team and unfair to us as Colts fans. Irsay needs to get off Twitter and be much more guarded in what he says if he is going to be giving interviews (although I prefer he not). I would be happy at this point if he just deleted the stupid Twitter account.

  15. I think the offense as a whole is perfectly fine. I have issues with the overall conservative mindset that Pep (and Pagano) seem to approach each and every game with, however. The lack of aggressiveness is really holding this team back on offense. They got away with it the whole season until last night. I thought the decision not to go for it on 4th and 4 (I think) in the 3rd quarter at like the Chargers own 39 yard line and instead punt was clearly a bad decision in light of the difficulty the defense was having in getting off the field. I know some posters on here will disagree and say you punt there, but I simply can't agree with that. The decision to punt on the 4th and 2 in the 4th quarter was also a very conservative and dubious decision even before you factor in the fact that the punt ended up being only to about the 50 yard line.


    I agree that the defense was the biggest issue last night and the drops did not help. But the play-calling deserves some blame as well. The coaches can't continue to be this conservative or it will hold the team back from success they could have otherwise. "You play to win the game." A trite phrase, but it applies here and the Colts did not look like they were doing so last night.

  16. I don't really mind the offense as much as I think the mindset in running it needs to change. This team has gotten away with playing very conservative the whole season until tonight, and it really bit them hard. The decision to punt on the 4th and 4 at like the Chargers 39 yard line in the 3rd quarter and the decision not to go for it at the very end of the game when the Colts' backs were against the wall are the type of decisions that need to go out the door in the future. The coaches must have more faith in Andrew Luck as the QB to make the play-- he usually does when he must-- so why not let him do it in those situations? When the defense could not get off the field the entire game outside of the 1st drive, those two decisions were mind-boggling-- both were conservative, but the 3rd quarter punt was especially irritating when the Colts were so close to getting points and needed points in a bad way. Even a field goal on that drive could have changed the game.


    The offense is fine-- but the playcalling needs to get more aggressive and the coaches have to be more willing to put the game in Luck's hands. The offense moved the ball the best last night when Luck ran the no huddle. Go figure.

  17. He's a good complement to TY in my opinion and has for the most part done exactly what the coaching staff has asked of him which is to be a good blocker at the second level and make some short yardage plays. I think some fans were expecting a new #1 receiver when we signed him, but I think he has shown in his career that he is not that type receiver. He is, however, a solid overall option and I would hope the Colts would resign him when his contract is up. I have liked what he has given us this season and would definitely consider him to be overall more valuable than Avery was-- the same Avery who had more issues with drops last year than DHB has had thus far this year.

  18. Ask Belichick about going for it on 4th down at the end of a game. I know, completely different situation, I just like bringing it up haha. I think it was the correct decision. You have to trust the most clutch kicker in NFL history to be able to make it. 6 yards is too much. Force Seattle to have to score a TD and trust your defense to stop them. They had been doing a great job keeping Seattle out of the endzone at that point in the game. 


    Like you said, completely different situation in that the Pats were on like their own 27-28 yard line weren't they? Had they been where the Colts were with a 4th and 2 I honestly would not have blamed them for going for it and actually would have thought it was a good call.

  19. Agree with you guys. I know I would be thinking really hard about the decision had AV missed or if Seattle had come down and gotten a TD to win the game. Had it been a 4th and 1 I would have been pretty disappointed we did not go for it and end it there. On a 4th and 6 I agree it was the right call to kick the field goal.

  20. Did anyone else wonder at the time if the Colts should have gone for it in the 4th quarter on their final drive with a "4th and 6" rather than try for the 49 yard field goal to go up 6? I remember thinking at the time that it was the right call by the Colts to kick, and going for it there would undoubtedly have been a very aggressive and uncharacteristic move for Pagano. But, I also remember thinking that at that time if the Colts converted it would have been game over, we wouldn't have to rely on Vinny to hit an almost 50 yarder, and we would not have given the Hawks offense (which the Colts were having trouble containing) the ball back to possibly win the game with a TD at the end. Not to mention the Colts offense had been moving the ball pretty well in the 4th.


    In retrospect it was the right call, but I wonder if the Hawks had gotten a TD if I would feel differently (or if AV had missed the FG). Granted, it would have been a difficult conversion to go 6 yards....

  21. Love TY and honestly think he could be a #1 in this offense. I think it would be important that Luck has Allen and Fleener or other big targets for this to happen though since TY is a little guy, but he is very explosive and his route running and hands are getting better and better.


    TY is a game-changer. There are not many game-changers in this league that don't play the QB position, but TY is one of them. Maybe I am drinking the Kool-Aid after a big win yesterday and a big showing by the guy, but I really do think he is special and will be Luck's top weapon for years to come a la Manning/Harrison.

  22. I really like T-Rich as a player and was/am a big fan of the trade to get him. However, I do think he would benefit from just picking a place to run and going instead of holding back and waiting for the hole to open up. Once he gets in space he is very difficult to bring down, but it sometimes seems like he waits for a hole to open up and gets tackled before he can get moving, resulting in no gain or a 1-yard gain. I think Brown has actually done a better job at just picking a spot and running from the get-go lately.


    If nothing else, I think the T-Rich signing has rejuvenated Brown.

  23. I am glad you said that Smonroe.


    Not just Reggie's drops, but I would like to see a better effort trying to 'break up' passes like a CB or safety to avoid INTs....he has ALWAYS been good at this, but lately seem to not be going after them...2 games in a row.


    I feel like Reggie stopped playing defense on bad passes beginning last season. There were a few INTs last season where it looked like he just watched the defender make a play. Granted, some of those were bad throws by Luck, especially last season, but still it is perplexing why Reggie seems to be content to just let the pass go where it will recently.

  24. Even though they are a bad team, Jax almost always plays the Colts very tough. I wouldn't be surprised to see this being a close game down the stretch. I could see the Colts winning by double digits, but I bet the game is a single digit spread until the 4th quarter. MJD seems like he has single-handily kept Jax in almost all of the games with the Colts over the last few years...don't get me started on that fluke TD pass by Gabbert last year for the Jax win in Indy.

  25. Just because it is a passing league doesn't mean you don't need quality at RB. Normally speaking, yes, you should wait to draft a RB in the 3rd round or later. But, T-Rich is not your average RB. He is young, strong, and plays a physical game that fits the type of team that Grigson and Pagano are trying to build. He had a good rookie season with Cleveland, was a very special once-a-decade type player at Alabama, and has the potential to be a top RB in the NFL. Pair that with what should be (already is to a certain extent) a top QB in the league over the next 5 to 6 seasons, and that is quite a combination. Luck-TRich is already one of the best QB-RB tandems.


    It's a gamble to a certain extent, but not as much of one as people are making it seem. The future is still wide open for Grigson to make moves for the OL and the defense-- which I am sure he will.

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